Volume 2- Issue-3 June-2015 |
01 | Asset Evaluation of Photovoltaic Systems in Residential Applications in Vietnam -Bui Huy Binh, Nguyen Trong Giap, Nguyen Minh |  |
02 | Crash Analysis for Energy Absorption of Frontal Rails of a Passenger Car -Raymond Joseph, M.A. Kamoji |  |
03 | Gsm Based Electric Energy Consumption Reporting In Steel Industry -R.Suresh, M.Rajanderan,M.Dhanasu, N.SuthanthiraVanitha |  |
04 | Durability of Concrete in Which Fine Aggregate Is Soil -T.S. Thandavamoorthy |  |
05 | A Survey on Security Challenges in Routing Protocols and Schema in MANET -Muskan,Nitin Pandey |  |
06 | Analysis of Perceptual Hashing System for Secure and Robust Image Hashing -Sahana M S, Veena S K |  |
07 | A Review on Energy efficient Optimization of clustering process in WSN designs using PSO & BFO -Sayali Datir,Narendra Narole |  |
08 | Assessment of different types of in-vessel composters and its effect on stabilization of MSW compost -Nabam Rich, Ajay Bharti |  |
09 | Study on Impact of Sea Level Rise and Extreme Sea State on Coastal Inundation in Tamil Nadu -Hezron Philip J,S. Jayalakshmi |  |
10 | Analysis of G+15 RCC and Composite Structure Having a Soft Storey at Ground Level by Response Spectrum and Equivalent Static Methods Using ETABS 2013 -Umesh P. Patil, Suryanarayana M |  |
11 | BER Analysis Using Log-Map Decoding Algorithm for Turbo Codes Channel - Anil Kumar Dubey,Ruchika Doda |  |
12 | A note on Trigonometric moments of Marshall – Olkin Stereographic Circular Logistic Distribution -Y. Phani, V. Sastry. Ch , S.V.S. Girija , A. V. Dattatreya Rao |  |
13 | Study and Identification of Powdery Mildew Disease for Betelvine Plant Using Digital Image Processing With High Resolution Digital Camera -Nutankumar S. Jane, Anupama P.Deshmukh |  |
14 | Energy Efficient Techniques in WSN: A Review -M. D. Umale, S. S. Awate, V. N. Gavali |  |
15 | Boosting the Privacy of Real Time Data With Differential Privacy -Neeta Patil, Pankaj Agarkar |  |
16 | Reliability Analysis of Static Response of Structures With Irregularities -Bharath D,B S Jayashankar Babu |  |
17 | Failure detection of sensor nodes based on Round Trip Delay and Paths in Wireless Sensor Networks -Nevidhitha Bonnita. P, Dr.Nalini.N, Mohan.B.A |  |
18 | Prediction of Network Security Based On Grey Theory Technique -Abhijeet V. Sagare , S.K. Pathan |  |
19 | A Novel Converter Topology for SRM -Alex joy, Arun Varghese, Danil Xavier,Remya K.P |  |
20 | Achieving Enhanced Life-time of Wireless Sensor Network using Dual Hop Clustering Algorithm over Leach Protocol -Pooja H A , Shivaraj V.B |  |
21 | Examination of Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Fiber Reinforced Hybrid Composites: A Review -Bharath SV, T. Madhusudhan |  |
22 | Reinforcement Learning Framework for Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks -Ankit B. Patel, Hitesh B. Shah |  |
23 | Computation of Cardiac Quiescent in Mitral Valve Region -S.Ashvini, G.N.Jayabhavani |  |
24 | Simulative Analysis of AODV Routing Protocol Of MANET Using OPNET Modeler 14.0 -Charu Sharma, Jaspreet kaur |  |
25 | Survey on Data Hiding in Encrypted Images -Aniket Kesharwani , Hemant Gupta |  |
26 | Labor Productivity-Analysis and Ranking -B.Prakash Rao , Ambika Sreenivasan , Prasad Babu NV |  |
27 | Dynamic Environment Monitoring and Alerting System in WSN -P. Marikkannu, R.Priyanka |  |
28 | Nonlinear Companding Transform Algorithm for Suppression of PAPR in OFDM Systems -P. Guru Vamsikrishna Reddy, C. Subhas |  |
29 | The Impact of Web Technologies on Effective Learning -L. Jayasimman, B. Senthil Kumar, Nisha Jebaseeli |  |
30 | An Efficient Video Watermarking Using Color Histogram Analysis and Bitplane Image Arrays -G Prakash,TVS Gowtham Prasad ,T.Ravi Kumar Naidu |  |
31 | A Prototype for a Grid based Indian Rural Health Care System -P.Vishvapathi, S.Ramachandram, A.Govadhan |  |
32 | A Walk Through Of AWS (Amazon Web Services) -Arabolu Chandra Sekhar, R. Praveen Sam |  |
33 | Architecture of SQL Azure -Arabolu Chandra Sekhar, R. Praveen Sam |  |
34 | Grid Theory and Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI) -Arabolu Chandra Sekhar, R. Praveen Sam |  |
35 | Interactive Voice Response by Cloud Computing as a Service -Arabolu Chandra Sekhar, R. Praveen Sam |  |
36 | Microsoft Hyper - V Network Virtualization -Arabolu Chandra Sekhar, R. Praveen Sam |  |
37 | Roles and Secrets of IaaS (Infrastructure As A Service) for Cloud Computing -Arabolu Chandra Sekhar, R. Praveen Sam |  |
38 | Eye Detection in Frontal Face Images -M Ashwini, Nabashree Chakravarty, Nandini M, Rachana R Gaikwad, Myna A N |  |
39 | Circularly Polarized Microstrip Patch Antenna with Artificial Ground Structure for Wideband Applications -T. Chandra Sekhar, T. Ravi Kumar Naidu , S. Thulasi Prasad |  |
40 | Design and Comparison of power consumption of Multiplier using adiabatic logic and Conventional CMOS logic -Anchu Krishnan,R.H.Khade, Ajit Saraf |  |
41 | Enumeration of size of a T- graphs -D. Bharathi , J. Kavitha , L. Sreenivasulu Reddy |  |
42 | Remote Video Monitoring System Using S3C2440 and GPRS -S. N. Kale , R. D. Patil |  |
43 | Various Frequent Item Set Based On Data Mining Technique -Manisha Kundal, Parminder Kaur |  |
44 | Restoration of Images Corrupted by Mixed Gaussian Impulse Noise with Weighted Encoding -Om Prakash V. Bhat, Shrividya G, Nagaraj N. S. |  |
45 | Open circuit fault detection in PWM voltage source inverter for PMSM drive system -Anuttar J. Shende |  |
46 | A Review On Statistical Analysis Of Filters On Various Noises In MRI and USG Images -Manasi Rana |  |
47 | Aggregating Static and Dynamic Methodologies For PHP Application Security Assessment -Vishal Vijaykumar Parkar, H. A. Tirmare |  |
48 | SCFDE System Using Linear Equalizers for MIMO SystemWith BPSK, QPSK and QAM -Rupali Hulwan, Sudhirkumar Dhotre |  |
49 | A Comparative Study of Power Control of Stand-Alone PV Generation System with & Without MPPT -Abhijit R. Singare, Sandeep R. Gaigowal, Bharati U. Mahindrakar |  |
50 | Rescue Child from Bore well using Embedded System -S.Gopinath, T.Devika, L.Manivannan, N.Suthanthira Vanitha |  |
51 | Analysis of Single and Multi Resonance Point in Reactance Characteristics of TCSC Device -Manojkumar Patil1, Santosh Kompeli |  |
52 | Modeling and Emulation of Control Panel Instruments for PFBR Operator Training Simulator -H.Seetha, N.Jasmine, T.Jayanthi, S.A.V.SatyaMurty |  |
53 | Energy-Efficient Uplink Design for Multi-User MIMO Systems in a Single Cell Environment -B Pallavi , C. Subhas |  |
54 | The Study on Tension and Shear Behavior Variation in different combination of Polymer Composites: A Review -Pradeepa K.R, T. Madhusudhan |  |
55 | Simulation of Three Phase Induction Motor Drive System for Power Factor Correction -Vikram Prasad, D.P. Kothari |  |
56 | A Literature Review on Arrhythmia Analysis of ECG Signal -S.T.Sanamdikar |  |
57 | Performance Evaluation of Bullock Drawn Farm Yard Manure Spreader A.K. Jain , A. K. A. Lawrence |  |
58 | Earned Value Analysis on an Ongoing Residential Building Project in Bangalore, India -B. Prakash Rao , Jacob Cherian |  |
59 | Evaluation of Soil-Structure Interaction Effects on Multistory RCC Structure -P.A.Sangave, A.G.Ghalimath |  |
60 | High Speed Non-Linear Carry Select Adder -D.Srimathi, G.N.Jayabhavani |  |
61 | PNC Based Distributed MAC Protocol in Wireless Networks -Gowdara Rajasekhar Gowda, B R Sujatha |  |
62 | Review of Image Fusion Techniques -Shalima, Rajinder Virk |  |
63 | Review of Underwater Image Enhancement Techniques -Sonam Bharal |  |
64 | A Novel Scheme for Wireless Connectivity for Multimedia Services in High Speed Trains -V.SreeLakshmi , C. Subhas |  |
65 | Controllers used in pH Neutralization Process: A Review -Snehal D. Kambale, Sebastian George, R. G. Zope |  |
66 | Application of Speaker Recognition on Biometric -Sumanta Karmakar, Soumitra Mukhopadhyay |  |
67 | Efficient Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks based on Centralized and Distributed Heuristic methods -Swetha K, Hussana Johar R B, B.R.Sujatha |  |
68 | Layered architecture for DoS attack detection system by combine approach of Naive bayes and Improved K-means Clustering Algorithm -Mangesh Salunke, Ruhi Kabra, Ashish Kumar |  |
69 | Black Spots Analysis on Pune - Solapur National Highway -S. U.Bobade, Dr.J.R.Patil , R.R.Sorate |  |
70 | Nanocavity Based Optical Pressure Sensor -Mohankumar B S, Indira Bahaddur |  |
71 | Seamless Handover Scheme in Broadband Wireless Communication Systems for High- Speed Rail -Rajkumar Bhojraja, C.Subhas |  |
72 | Cloud Testing – A Systematic Review -Tamanna Siddiqui , Riaz Ahmad
|  |
73 | Time Synchronization Over an Aircraft Network Using Precision Time Protocol -P. Jayaraj , Shailee. S |  |
74 | Synthesis, structural, spectral and optical characterization of Barium Bis- Paranitrophenolate paranitrophenol Tetrahydrate (BBPT) NLO single crystal -S. Selvakumar , S. Arockia Avila , M. Francis, Vasant Sathe ,A. Leo Rajesh |  |
75 | Effect Of Reinforcement Orientation On Compressive Strength Of Ferrocement and Bitumen Ferrocement -Mitali Patil, J.R. Patil , S. D. Khandekar, S. D. Yadav |  |
76 | A Case Study on Various Defects Found In a Gear System -V.S.Panwar, S.P.Mogal |  |
77 | Efficient Periodicity Mining using Circular Autocorrelation in Time Series Data -Y. B. Malode, D. B. Khadse, D. V. Jamthe |  |
78 | A Low cost E-Billing and Supply control using Power Line Communication -Priyanka R Daware, S.S.Patil
|  |
79 | Effect of High Voltage Transmission Lines on Human Health, Plant Life, and Animal Activity -Anirudh Balaji |  |
80 | Implementation of Positive Output Super Lift Luo Converter for Photo Voltaic System -K.Prasanna, D.Kirubakaran,J.Rahulkumar, J.A. Rudhran |  |
81 | Crashworthiness and Evaluation of Washing Machine in Two Product Clamping Simulation -Sangam Patil, M. A. Kamoji |  |
82 | Implementing Encryption Algorithm for Addressing GSM Security Issues -Mandar M. Kulkarni, Anant S.Bhide,Amruta M. Kulkarni, Prafulla P.Chaudhari |  |
83 | Decay in juice quality due to staling under different climatic conditions -PoojaMehrotra |  |
84 | Investigation of Ci Diesel Engine Emission Control And Performance Parameters Using Biodiesel with YSZ Coated Piston Crown -G Bharath Goud, C T Dheeraj Kumar Singh |  |
85 | -Arvind T. Wadgure, Ishan P. Lade, Prashim K. Kamble, Runali V. Kaware |  |
86 | Solar Power Adsorption Ice Maker System -A.V.Kanade , A.V.Kulkarni, D.A.Deshmukh |  |
87 | A proficient process for Dynamic Location Management in Wireless Communication Networks -Manu Srivastava, Rajesh Kumar Yadav |  |
88 | Design and Fabrication of Externally Driven Liquid Cavitation Heating System -Mukesh, Nayana P Shetty |  |
89 | Modeling Of Photovoltaic Module -P. B. Mahajan, A. A. Bhole |  |
90 | Power quality enhancement by using cascaded h bridge multilevel inverter based DSTATCOM -S. B. Sakunde, V. D. Bavdhane |  |
91 | Analysis of Social Media Attacks and Classify Advances to Preserve -Hardik Gohel, Alpana Upadhyay, Priyanka Sharma |  |
92 | Construction and Demolition Waste Management in India -Harish. P. Gayakwad , Neha. B. Sasane |  |
93 | Selection of Effective Procurement Management Method and Study of Other Parameters Affecting Procurement Management - Rohit S. Agawane , J. R. Patil, Maruthi S. |  |
94 | Review Paper on Novel Communication Technique: BLUEJACKING -Pankaj Gakare, Yogita Dhole |  |
95 | Robust PID Controllers for Time Delay Systems in Wireless Network Environment -Daya Sagar Sahu, Sunil Sharma |  |
96 | Personal Credentials Verification Using Signature and Iris Recognition -Aishwarya R, M G Srinivasa,Sheshagiri Jois |  |
97 | DCT Based Watermark embedding into mid frequency of DCT coefficients Using Luminance Component - T. Bhaskar, D. Vasumathi |  |
98 | Alleviation of Salinity Stress In Groundnut by Application Of PGPR -Ghorai.S, Pal.K.K, Dey, R. |  |
99 | Advance Distance Protection of Transmission Line in Presence of Shunt Compensator -Ajaysingh T.Chandan, K.Venkata Rama Mohan, Santhosh Kompelli, Arvind R.Singh |  |
100 | A New Approach for Congestion Control for TCP/AQM System in Wireless Network Environment -A. Lata Rao, Sunil Sharma |  |
101 | Reduction of work in process and finding critical machines and bottle necks using simulation and Design of Experiments -Sundar.J, Vivekanand Venkataraman |  |
102 | Bilingual Script Identification of Printed Text Image -Inderpreet Kaur, Saurabh Mahajan |  |
103 | Experimental Investigation and Mechanical Behavior of A356.1 Aluminium Alloy Matrix Composite Reinforced With Silicon Carbide -Puneeth H M, Girish K B, B H Vasudevamurthy |  |
104 | Redesigning the Layout of Metro Car Body Assembly to reduce Interdependency in Assembly lines. -Shashank , S. Bharath |  |
105 | Closed Loop Control of Single-Input Multiple-Output DC–DC Converter -B.Uma MaheswaraRao ,K.Nagalingachari, L.Sri ram |  |
106 | Software As A Service: A Brief Study -Barinder Kaur |  |
107 | Development and Performance Evaluation of Nursery Fertilizer Mixer Using Human Powered Flywheel Motor as Source Of Energy -H S Bhatkulkar , J P Modak |  |
108 | Study of Effect of Various Fillers on Mechanical Properties of Carbon-Epoxy Composites -Nikhil B. Anigol, Anil S. Pol |  |
109 | FPGA Implementation of PI/2 BPSK and PI/4 QPSK for IEEE 802.15.6 WBAN Standard -Ashwini Ningdalli, B.K.Sujatha |  |
110 | Resource Allocation in Collaborative Cloud Based On Multi-QoS -Nithya G Reddy, Vijay Swaroop |  |
111 | Effect of growth regulators for the induction of Callus from the apical bud on In Vitro of Rosemary Plant (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) -Mohammed Mehdi Muhsen AL MASOODY, Florin STANICA |  |
112 | Dynamic Pressure Fluctuations on a Trapezoidal Plunge Pool Side Walls and Back wall Due to Circular and Rectangular Water Jets -Sima, Safarkhani,Seyyed Mahmood, Borghei |  |
113 | Review of Natural Convective Heat Transfer from Interrupted Rectangular Fin Array -T. T. Kapade, D. D. Palande |  |
114 | Face Recognition Using Lifting based DWT and Local Binary Pattern -Sanjana Majumder, Devendran B |  |
115 | A Closed loop Single Stage Single Phase Bidirectional Buck-Boost Inverter (SSBBI) -P.K.S.Sarvesh, L.Sriram, Ch. Phaneendra |  |
116 | Enhancing the Operational Effectiveness Of Sewing Segment In Garment Industry by DMAIC Approach. -Varun, S.Appaiah, Chethan kumar.C.S |  |
117 | Cognizable Recommendation System using Spatial Ratings with Collaborative Filter -Shilpa Mathapati, Bhuvaneswari Raju |  |
118 | Improvement of Heat Transfer Coefficients in a Shell and Helical Tube Heat Exchanger Using Water/Al2o3 Nanofluid -Vinodkumar, Kiran Voonna, T.K. Tharakeshwar |  |
119 | Currency less Transaction in Ubiquitous Computing -Vaishali Jadhav, Priti Rane |  |
120 | Interpretation of Roughness in Compound Channel Using MATLAB -k.priyadarshinee, L.mohanty |  |
121 | Robustness and Packaging Evaluation of Washing Machine in Rear Inclined Impact Simulation -Abdul Rehman Khan, S. F. Patil |  |
122 | Speech Emotion Recognition using CART algorithm -Anand C, Devendran B |  |
123 | Modelling and Prediction of NOx emissions from coal fired boilers: Case study -Vineetha Morris J, Anumod D M |  |
124 | Design of High Speed 64x64 Bit Fault Tolerant Reversible Vedic Multiplier -Akansha Sahu, Anil Kumar Sahu |  |
125 | A Survey of OFDM Techniques for Dealing With ISI Problem -Manpreet Saini, Prabhjot Singh |  |
126 | Tribological behavior of AL-lm25 and SiC -Jalees Ahemad, R.A.Kapgate,N.D.Sadaphal, Y.H.Ahire |  |
127 | Maximizing User Contentment by Samba -Rakesh Kumar Gupta, Tarun Dhar Diwan |  |
128 | Distortions analysis in analog circuit with 130nm and 32nm -Vijay jaiswal , G.U kharat |  |
129 | Localization of License Plate Number Using Dynamic Image Processing Techniques -Prasad Prakash Sutar, Pravin C. Latane |  |
130 | A wideband dual mode horn antenna with tapered discontinuity -Shweta K. Gohil, Usha Neelakantan |  |
131 | Augmenting Speed of SQL DatabaseOperationsUsing NVIDIAGPU -Sandip M. Walunj, Rajendra A. Patta, Anuraj R. Kurup, Hrishikesh S.Bajad |  |
132 | Acceleration of Video Conversion on the GPU based Cloud -Sandip M. Walunj, Akash Talole, Gaurav Taori, Sachin Kothawade |  |
133 | Data Mining using Fuzzy Methods -Vipin Kumar,Sapna Sinha |  |
134 | Performance Enhancement of Content Based Medical Image Retrieval for MRI Brain Images Based on Hybrid Approach -G.Srilakshmi,K.Rama Linga Reddy |  |
135 | A Survey Of Interference Avoidance Technique In Hetrogenous Network -Meena Kumari Sharma, Prabhjot Singh |  |
136 | Optimization of Working Capital for Construction Projects - by Using Karl Pearson’s Co-Relation Co-Efficient Method -Sagar Pulli, S.S. Jain |  |
137 | Performance Based Seismic Evaluation of Multi-Storeyed Reinforced Concrete Buildings Using Pushover Analysis -S.P. Akshara |  |
138 | Throughput Improvement in Cellular Networks -Swati M. Patil, Mahesh T.Patil |  |
139 | An Experimental Study on Flexural behaviour of Reinforced Concrete Beam by Partial Replacement of Fine aggregate with Coal based Brick-Kiln-Ash -Amith S D, H B Balakrishna |  |
140 | Design of Experimentation for Formulation of Experimental Data Based Model for Bamboo Sliver Cutting Operation Using HPFM -S. K. Undirwade, M.P. Singh, C.N. Sakhale |  |
141 | A Flexible Approach for Class Based Encryption and Data Sharing in the Cloud Storage -vinutha.G , Aishwarya P |  |
142 | Enhancement of Road Construction Sector using Automation -Sameer Javed Momin, Jalindar R. Patil, Rajesh Ramchandra Nale |  |
143 | A Solar Evaporative Cooler -Shardul Jani, Trushit Vaishnav |  |
144 | A New Speaker Recognition System with Combined Feature Extraction Techniques in Continuous Speech -Pooja Jaiswal, Praveen Chouksey,Rohit Miri |  |
145 | Prediction of Median Lethal Dose by QSAR method with their Applications -Rajendra Kumar Sharma, Arun Sikarwar, Rajeeev Sharma, Pratibha Sharma |  |
146 | A Review: Power efficient Gathering in Sensor Information System (PEGASIS) protocol for WSN -Patwant Singh, Satbir Singh |  |
147 | Heterogeneous Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network: A Survey -Abhijit Singh, Shashi B. Rana |  |
148 | Performance Evaluation of Black Hole Attack and Prevention Using AODV on MANET -Priyanka Sonal Sao, Jageshwer Shriwas, Rohit Miri |  |
149 | Privacy Assured Image Stack Management Service in Cloud -Shubhangi Edake, Sunil Rathod |  |
150 | Human Action Recognition Using Background Subtraction Method -P. Kalaivani, Dr. S. Vimala |  |
151 | Patient Monitoring and Alerting System by Using GSM -Shrenik Suresh Sarade, Nitish Anandrao Jadhav, Mahesh D. Bhambure |  |
152 | A Brief Survey on the Techniques Used For the Diagnosis of Diabetes-Mellitus -Pragati Agrawal, Amit kumar Dewangan
|  |
153 | Ensuring Alertness in High Risk Areas by Counting Blinks.. -Gaurav Gulhare,Tarun Dhar Diwan |  |
154 | A High Performance Clock Distribution Network for System on Chip -A.Rajesh, B.L.Raju,K.ChennaKesava Reddy |  |
155 | Genetic characterization of Leishmania species causing cutaneous leishmaniasis in Iraq -Abdulsadah A.Rahi |  |
156 | Characterization of Leishmania species by using Isozyme analysis -Abdulsadah A.Rahi , Magda A.Ali, Mohammed F. Al-Marjani |  |
157 | Comparison between Neural Network and Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) Results in Determination of Gender Using Fingerprints -Suman Sahu, A. Prabhakar Rao, Saurabh Tarun Mishra |  |
158 | Turbo Codes with Golden Section Interleaver -Purushottama G B, B R Sujatha |  |
159 | Heat Transfer in MHD Nano Fluid along a Stretching flat Plate With Chemical Reaction and Injection/Sink -G V P N Srikanth, G.Srinivas, B. Tulasi Lakshmi Devi , Alfunsa Prathiba |  |
160 | Control of pH Neutralization Process using Fuzzy Logic: A Review -Upadhye Priyanka Arun, Sebastian George, S.A.Mobeen |  |
161 | Improvement of Tool Point Stiffness of a Lathe Through Improved Bed Design -Belagavi Vinaya, B.S. Manjunath , J.R.K Murthy
|  |
162 | Precession of Surface Roughness by CNC End Milling -K. Srinivasa Rao , N. Sravani, N.V.Aravind Prasad ,M.Sindhuja,D. Lohith |  |
163 | Enhancing Fast Retransmission and Fast Recovery in Cloud Mobile Media -B.Raveendar, P.Marikannu |  |
164 | Association Rules Filtration using Dynamic Methods -Monika Mangla, Rakhi Akhare |  |
165 | Experimental Study on Ci Engine Performance Using Bio Diesel Blends -P.V.Ramana, P.RamanathReddy , C.Balaram , A.Sharath kumar
|  |
166 | Mathematical Model of H¥ Control Algorithm for a Compressed Natural Gas Converted Diesel Engine -Muhidin Arifin, Abdul Aziz Hassan |  |
167 | Group Security Model in Wireless Sensor Network using Identity Based Cryptographic Scheme -Asha A, Hussana Johar, B R Sujatha |  |
168 | Implementation of Genetic Algorithm for Combined Routing and Dimensioning for Dynamic WDM Networks -Bhuthesh H K, Triveni C L |  |
169 | Optimization of CI Engine Performance Parameters for Jatropha Biodiesel Blending Fuel by Using ANN Software -Ganesh H. Kawade, S. T. Satpute, K. A. Parane |  |
170 | On Demand Retrieval of Crowd Sourced Mobile Video streaming and sharing the video: CCMVA -Babruvan R. Solunke, Santosh M. Dodamani, Mahejabeen A. Kalburgi |  |
171 | Implementation of Android Based Mobile Phone Search Engine and Live Image Sender -Tarun Dhar Diwan, Durga Chandrakar |  |
172 | A Novel Technique for Secure, Lossless Steganography with Unlimited Payload -Swati Balbhadra, Jageshwar Shrivas, Rohit Miri |  |
173 | Analysis and Evaluation of Pca Technique For Complex Facial Images -Rachana Tiwari,Kamlesh Lahre |  |
174 | Experimental Analysis of Cooling Fins -Manuja Pandey, Utkarsh Prasad, Vineet Kumar, Nafish Ahmed |  |
175 | Conceptual Design and Analysis of High Pressure Ball Valve -Mahesh Kamkar, S.R.Basavaraddi |  |
176 | Implementation of Lean Manufacturing concepts for Common Rail Pump assembly at Bosch limited, Bangalore -Nagesh S, NVR Naidu |  |
177 | Detection of Fault Location by Phasor Measurement Units -Mushir Uddin, Hurpade Santosh Namdeorao, Datkhile Sagar.Namdev. |  |
178 | Utilization of Waste Materials in Pavement Construction -Axay Shah, Amit Macwan , Farhan Vahora , Nirmal Patel, Nisarg Gajjar |  |
179 | Pre-Processing Technique for Brain Tumor Detection andSegmentation -Sheela.V.K , S. Suresh Babu |  |
180 | Seismic Behavior of SPSW Steel Framed Buildings -Mohammed Abdul Rizwan, Tejas D. Doshi |  |
181 | Cost Comparison between Conventional and Flat Slab Structures -Amrut Manvi, Sandeep Gouripur, Pooja Sambrekar, Ramanjeetkaur, Kishor S. Kulkurni |  |
182 | Cancer Cell Detection Using Distributed Canny Edge Detector -Neethu .P R |  |
183 | An Effective Use of Poka Yoke for a New Process In Assembly Line -Ishani kar, Shobha R, Anuj Rajan |  |
184 | Contact Stress Analysis of a Roller Conveyor -Prayag. R. Shirolkar, Uday. B. Khadabadi , Vikas Adavale |  |
185 | Modeling of an Energy-Efficient Routing Protocol over MANET’s -Mohit P. Kalmegh, S.M.Deshmukh |  |
186 | Advanced Fault Injection Tool for Memory Unit -Vineetha valsalan |  |
187 | Studies on Utilization of Chromium Impregnated Buffing Dust as a Modifier in Bitumen -S.B.Kalaichelvi, K.Mohandoss , G.Sekaran
|  |
188 | Models for MATLAB and XSG Simulink based Edge Detection Operations -Dushyant Mankar, S.S.Mungona |  |
189 | Document Processing By Automatic Color Form Dropout -Ankush D. Kadu, P. R. Deshmukh |  |
190 | Runtime Environment for Data Stream Management in Healthcare Monitoring System Using Wireless Technologies -Bhagyashree sahu, Rohit Miri |  |
191 | Application of DVR for Power Quality Improvement -Shabnam Rukhsar, D.P. Kuthari |  |
192 | On Fractional Operational Calculus pertaining to the product of H- functions -V.B.L. Chaurasia, J.C. Arya |  |
193 | Utilization of Solar Energy for Driving a Water Pumping System -Balkeshwar Singh , Anil Kumar Mishra |  |
194 | Optimization for Fluctuation in Resource Demands in Construction Projects -Maruthi S, J.R.Patil, Rohit S. Agawane |  |
195 | Implementation of Hybrid Cloud Approach for Secure Authorized Deduplication -Jadapalli Nandini, Ramireddy Navateja Reddy |  |
196 | A study on keyword searchable frameworks for efficient data utilization in cloud storage -Bhagyashree M V, Pushpalatha M N |  |
197 | F-Share for Hand Held Devices Using Wi-Fi Bluetooth Network -Ajita A.Mahapadi, Soumitra Das |  |
198 | System Identification Using Neural Network Model for Speed Control of DC Motor -Dinesh L. Mute, Khushal Chaudhari, Ramesh Khamari , Abhijit Singare |  |
199 | Unsteady MHD Forced Convection Flow and Mass Transfer along a Vertical Stretching Sheet with Heat Source / Sink and Variable Fluid Properties -P. R. Sharma ,Manisha Sharma , R. S. Yadav |  |
200 | Overview on Routing Protocols In VANET -Rajinder Kaur, Shashi B. Rana |  |
201 | Performance Analysis of OLSR using BFO -Rajinder Kaur, Shashi B. Rana |  |
202 | Image Retrieval Based On Color and Texture Features Modification in Watermarking TechniqueModification in Watermarking Technique -Sunita Dinkar,Kamlesh Lahre |  |
203 | Analysis of Various Phase Change Materials and its Application for Solar Water Thermal Storage System -Ganesh Patil, C.H.Bhosale, N.N.Shinde, M.M.Wagh |  |
204 | To Investigate Dry Sliding Wear Of Micro Arc Oxidated Al 6061 -Upinder Singh, Jasbir Singh Ratol, Jaspreet Singh Oberoi |  |
205 | Design and Implementation of RWA for Optical WDM Networks -Niranjan Dasar,Triveni C L |  |
206 | -K. Satyanarayana Raju, Avala Ramulu |  |
207 | Design of CMOS Galois field arithmetic logic unit using 120nm BSIM-4 model -Gauri Poshattiwar, Seema S Wasnik
|  |
208 | Congestion Management by Generator Rescheduling and FACTS Devices using Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm -S.Sivakumar, D.Devaraj |  |
209 | Finite Element Analysis and Optimization of ‘c’ Types Hydraulic 200ton Press -Rangraj S More, Shreenidhi R Kulkarni |  |
210 | A Comparative Study on Mobile Devices for Learning -B. Senthil Kumar, L. Jayasimman, Nisha Jebaseeli, M.R.ChitraMai |  |
211 | Novel Method of Evaluating the Steady- State Performance Characteristics of Three Phases Self Excited Induction Generator -Salila M. Jena, Yogesh Chaudahri, A.S Kale |  |
212 | The Application of Pattern Recognition Technology in the Diagnosis and Analysis on the Multiclass Cancer Detection -Pratibha Sao, Praveen Chouksey, Rohit Miri |  |
213 | Topology Optimization and Structural Analysis of Simple Column and Short Pressurized Beams Using Optimality Criterion Approach in ANSYS -Kishan Anand, Anadi Misra |  |
214 | To Study of the Different Modes of Tillage for the Performance of Sugarcane Cutter Planter -Manish Kumar,Ashok Tripathi
|  |
215 | A Review on Different Approaches in Field of Image Restoration -Navjot Kaur, ramanpreet Kaur |  |
216 | Demosaicing -Navjot Kaur,Sandeep Sharma |  |
217 | Automation of Shopping Cart to Ease Queue in Malls by using RFID -yathisha L, Abhishek A, Harshith R, Darshan Koundinya S R,Srinidhi K M |  |
218 | Finite Element Analysis of Flight Control Servo Actuator Test Loading Rig -Anil Surendra Khot, M. D. Deshpande |  |
219 | Review and Analysis of Task Scheduling Algorithms -Chinam Bajaj, Anu Dogra, Gurvinder Singh |  |
220 | Review and Analysis of Fusion Model for the Classification of Lung Cancer Disease Using Genetic Algorithm -Neha Sharma, Anil Kumar |  |
221 | Performance and Evaluation of Sugar & Distillery Effluent Treatment Plant -Chidanand Patil, P.B.Kalburgi,Mugdha Ghorpade |  |
222 | Waste Management Practices in Gadhinglaj (Survey Analysis) -Parag S. Dawane , Sagar M. Gawande |  |
223 | Maintenance and Modernization to Increase Prevention of the Railway Accident -Surabhi Chincholkar, Kamlesh Lahre, Rohit Miri |  |
224 | Modeling and digital control of a synchronous buck converter for variable frequency operation -Kotha.Ayyappa,P.Deepak Reddy |  |
225 | Efficient Image Design Using Natural image based VSS Scheme by Different Image Media -Sreenivasa T V, M. N Ravikumar |  |
226 | Analysis of Receiver for MCCDMA -Abhinav,Ashish Nandal |  |
227 | A Review on Turbo Codes using Different Algorithms -Poonam,Bhavneesh Malik, Gaurav Kochar |  |
228 | Value addition to unutilized iron oxide generated from spent acid in chloride route TiO2 manufacturing process -I.Shajahan, J.George, S.Sivasankaran, K.Nair |  |
229 | Experimental Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Cavity Walls with Burnt Brick for Building Envelop -Abhijeet Kamble, S. Bhosale, M. M. Wagh
|  |
230 | A Systematic Design Approach for Low-Power 3-Bit 1 MS/s, 5v MDAC for Pipeline ADC and Design of 6 Bit Pipeline ADC using 3-Bit MDAC -Ankush Bhalaria, Kailash Karad, Jaswantsing Rajput |  |
231 | Effect of Machining Parameters on Surface Roughness of Al-7075 Alloy in End Milling -R.N.Nimase, P. M. Khodke |  |
232 | The Role of Biometric Technology in Information Security -Tofig Kazimov, Shafagat Mahmudova |  |
233 | Analysis of Effects of Quench Nozzle on Pressure Vessel Design – A Review -Jayashri P. Wagh, Girish B. Pawar, Ajit R. Mane, Yuvraj P. Ballal |  |
234 | Experimental Analysis of Solar Air Dryer for Agricultural Products -Sushrut S. Halewadimath, Prajwal Subbhapurmath, Naveen Havaldar, Karthik Hunashikatti, Siddharth Gokhale |  |
235 | Experimental Investigation of CNC Turning Of Aluminum Using Taguchi Method -Sujit Kumar Jha , Pramod K Shahabadkar |  |
236 | Comparative study of Conventional Molding and Virtual Molding Process -Dinesh B. Shinde, Prashant Shende, sushama D. Pohane, Harshal Kuttarmare |  |
237 | Management of Tendu Leaf In Solapur City -Amol R.Naik, Sagar M. Gawande |  |
238 | Performance Analysis of doped and undoped AlGaN/GaN HEMTs -Smitha G S, Meghana V , Narayan T. Deshpande |  |
239 | Spoofing Recognition for Face with Masks: AnAnalysis -SruthiMol. P, Pradheeba.P |  |
240 | Small-scale Industrial wastewater Analysis in Gadhinglaj City -Sunil S. Pattanshetti. Sagar M. Gawande |  |
241 | Observations on the Biquadratic Equation with Five Unknowns -M.A.Gopalan, A.Kavitha, R.Kiruthika |  |
242 | Balanced Reputation Detective System (BREDS): Proposed Algorithm -Pallavi Bansal, Narender Singh |  |
243 | Modified Iterative Centralized Administration Load Balanced Protocol (MICALBP): The proposed Model -Minakshi Dandyal , Sandeep Kumar |  |
244 | Fatigue Analysis of Tractor Trailer Chassis -Venukumar R Bankapur, Sanjeev. A. Janawade |  |
245 | A Review on the Progress of Non-Volatile Memory Device Based on Electric-Pulse Induced Phase Transition -Tapan Kumar Chakraborty |  |
246 | Use of Superabsorbent Polymers In Internally Cured Concrete- A Review -Kenneth Sequeira, Raghu H. Naik, B. H. V. Pai |  |
247 | PHOTOLYSIS: Case Studies for Organophosphate Pesticides Treatment -Randhavane Shrikant B, A.K.Khambete |  |
248 | Modeling & Simulation of Emergency Power Supply System and Emergency Transfer Scheme for PFBR Operator Training Simulator -B. SubbaRaju, K. VijayaKumar, H.Seetha,T. Jayanthi, S.A.V.SatyaMurty |  |
249 | A Review on Complexity Results for Some Eigenvector Problems -Manjeet, Ms. Vinay |  |
250 | Decay of Maximally Entangled Bell States -Manju Bhatt, Umesh Chandra Johri |  |
251 | A Talk on Cloud Capacity Management -Narahari Narasimhaiah,R. Praveen Sam |  |
252 | An Introduction to Map Reduce Approach to Distribute Work Using New Set of Tools -Narahari Narasimhaiah, R. Praveen Sam |  |
253 | Theory and Features Of SAAS (Software As A Service) For Cloud Computing -Narahari Narasimhaiah, R. Praveen Sam |  |
254 | Automatic Detection and Reconstruction of Building Footprints from Single VHR SAR Images -Arpita Sushrut Halewadimath |  |
255 | Stress Analysis of Mechanisms for Trolley-Cum-Wheelchair at 170 0 -Praful R.Randive, Suyogkumar w.Balbuddhe |  |
256 | Rice and Jute yield forecast over Bihar region -Sandeep K. Parbat, R.K. Giri, K.K Singh, A.K. Baxla |  |
257 | Diagnosis of Power Transformer Faults based on different Fuzzy Method -Seema, Ashish Nandal |  |
258 | Remote Monitoring Energy Management System using LonWorks and Modbus Communication Protocol -C. Sethuraman, Pankaj Jood, Kota Srinivas |  |
259 | Defect Analysis on Cast Wheel by Six Sigma Methodology to Reduce Defects and Improve the Productivity in Wheel Production Plant -C.Manohar, A.Balakrishna |  |
260 | Investigation on industrial area soil from Karaikal, Puducherry State using FT-IR, XRD, SEM and Thermal analyses. -R. Selvaraju ,N. Oumabady Alias Cannane, M. Rajendran, G. Thiruppathi |  |
261 | Performance Measurement of Various Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network Services. -Tarun Dhar Diwan,Vikas Dubey |  |
262 | Biosand Water Filter: A Boon -Deepali Jadhav, M. Husain, F.I.Chavan |  |
263 | Removal of Lead (Ii) From Aqueous Solution Using Natural and Activated Rice Husk -Rajkumar V. Raikar , Sefra Correa , Praveen Ghorpade |  |
264 | Optimization of Demand Based Remanufacturing Cost Estimation Model -L.K.Toke, A.D.Lokhande ,P.V. Fegade |  |
265 | Earned Value Analysis on an Ongoing Residential Building Project in Bangalore, India -B. Prakash Rao , Jacob Cherian |  |
266 | Subnet Shortest Path Pseudocode based on Dijkstra's Algorithm -Salah Elrofai, Abdeen Abdelkareem |  |
267 | Tribological Aspects of Agricultural Equipments: A Review -Parvinkal Singh Mann, Navjeet Kaur Brar |  |
268 | Perceptually Motivated Robust Principal Component Analysis Based Separation of Singing Voice from Music -Madhuri A. Patil, S. P. Bhosale |  |
269 | Transmits Beam forming and Receiver Design for MIMO Radar -Nilesh Arun Bhavsar, Arati J. Vyavahare ,Swati Gawhale |  |
270 | A Review of Lane Detection Techniques -GurjyotKaur , Gagandeeop Singh |  |
271 | Performance Evaluation of Wireless Sensor Network using Genetic Algorithm -S. D. Chavan , A. V. Kulkarni, Neeta Patil |  |
272 | Accelerate Execution of CUDA Programs for Non GPU Users Using GPU in the Cloud -Sandip M. Walunj |  |
273 | Comparison of Multi-Storey Building with Normal Beams and Concealed Beams -Akash.C.Arakere,TejasD. Doshi |  |
274 | Controlling of different electronic devices by RC5 remote -Sowjanya M N, Bettisha Baby Thomas, Kavana.J, Pooja B S, Prathima R
|  |
275 | Interactive Visualization - A Review -S. Leelalakshmi , K. Rameshkumar |  |
276 | Experimental Investigation On A Convergent-Divergent Shrouded Small Scale Wind Turbine -E. S. Prakash,Madhukeshwara N, Veeresh G. Gunjalli, Dadapeer D |  |
277 | Modeling a Shroud for the Wind Turbine and Carrying a Fluid Flow Analysis Using CFD Software Package -E. S. Prakash,Madhukeshwara N, Veeresh G. Gunjalli, Dadapeer D |  |
278 | Experimental Investigation of Wire EDM to Optimize Dimensional Deviation of EN8 Steel through Taguchi’s Technique -Pradeep Singh, Arun Kumar Chaudhary, Tirath Singh, Amit Kumar Rana |  |
279 | The importance of self-management mechanisms to ensure software safety -Tamilla Bayramova |  |
280 | A Method for Increasing of Metallic Bone Implant Performance -Rohollah Askarpour, Seyed Ebrahim Vahdat |  |
281 | Experimental Investigation on Flexural Performance of Hybrid Fibre Reinforced Concrete -S. Eswari |  |
282 | Repair of Damaged Reinforced Concrete Beam Externally Bonded With GFRP Plates -Sarita R. Khot, H.S.Jadhav |  |
283 | An Advance Approach to Avoid Unwanted Messages and Blocking Of Person from OSN Users Wall -Prajakta Yerawar, Pankaj Agarkar |  |
284 | Vibration control of cantilever beam using SMA Springs in Series -R. B. Barjibhe, Bimlesh Kumar |  |
285 | A Review on Design Developments in Bicycle -Gicky Jose Malppan , Tom Sunny |  |
286 | Subtractive Genomics – A Promising way To Combat Pathogens - A Review -Pratheek J Madabhavi, V G Shanmuga priya, Rakesh N R,Preeti S Honagudi, Surekha Jiddagi |  |
287 | Performance and Emission Characteristics of Producer Gas derived from Coconut Shell (Biomass) and Honne Biodiesel with different Configuration of carburetor for dual fuel four stoke direct injection diesel engine -Tukaram Hadkar,H. K. Amarnath |  |
288 | Comparative Study on RCC and CFT Multi-Storeyed Buildings -Faizulla Z Shariff, Suma Devi |  |
289 | Development of Mg-SO42-/ZrO2 Heterogeneous Catalyst forming Biodiesel from Karanja Oil -Sunder Lal, Richa Tomer, Deeptiraj Pant, Ramswaroop Singh Thakur |  |
290 | Solution of Partial Integro-Differential Equations by using Laplace, Elzaki and Double Elzaki Transform Methods -Gore(Jagtap) Jyotsana S , Gore Shukracharya S |  |
291 | Optimized Modem Design for SDR Applications -Laxmi Dundappa Chougale, Umesharaddy |  |
292 | Non Linear Static Analysis of Asymmetric building with and without Shear Wall -Sharath Irappa Kammar, Tejas D. Doshi |  |
293 | A Study on Probability Failure of a Column in RC Frame -Manjunath J, K Manjunath, Naveen Kumar S |  |
294 | Comparison of Multi-Storey Building with Normal Beams and Concealed Beams -Akash.C.Arakere , Tejas D. Doshi |  |
295 | Comparative performance analysis of diesel and waste cooking oil (WCO) biodiesel on single cylinder engine -Manpreet Saini, Prabhjot Singh |  |
296 | An Efficient Differential Evolutionary approach to Optimal Reactive Power Dispatch with Voltage Profile Improvement -Bhaskar Mahanta, Barnali Goswami |  |
297 | Traffic Redundancy and Elimination approach to Reduce cloud Bandwidth and Costs -Ushanandini Balu, Resmi. S |  |
298 | Pipe Inspection System: A Review -Pramar P. Bakane, Prashant Mujbaile |  |
299 | Topology Optimization of Modified Piston, Bridge Structures and Subway Tunnel Problem -Akash Dhiman, Anadi Misra |  |
300 | Enhanced Data Transmission in Cluster Based Wireless Sensor Networks -Rasoolbee R, Manjula M |  |
301 | Medical decision support system using Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping& Fuzzy Inference System. -Abid Hussain M,D.Chitraprasa |  |
302 | Study of MANET Routing Protocols TORA, LDR, ZRP. TORA, LDR, ZRP. -A.Vani |  |
303 | Analysis of RF CMOS Low Noise Amplifier at Different Operating Frequency & Technology -Gunjan S. Gotmare, Mr. Arpit Yadav , Sanjay Badjate
|  |
304 | Static Analysis of Connecting Rod for Weight optimization -F.A.Pathan, M.K.Wasekar |  |
305 | Case Study on Implant Material -A.G. Pawar, K.B.Bansode |  |
306 | Visualization – A Review -K.Tamilselvi, K.Ramesh Kumar |  |
307 | Design and Analysis of Digital PID Controller -Bhakti Khandalkar, Amit Lamba , Vipin Bhure |  |
308 | Study of Mechanical Properties of Carbon Fiber by Influence of Filler Materials -Shankarlinga B Shikkeri, Srinivas V G , Anil S Pol |  |
309 | Topology Optimization of Modified Piston, Bridge Structures and Subway Tunnel Problem -Akash Dhiman , Anadi Misra |  |
310 | Comparative Performance of MIMO Channel Estimation Techniques -Paresh Naik, Nisha S L |  |
311 | Comparative Study of Flat Slab and Conventional Slab Structure Using ETABS for Different Earthquake Zones of India -Mohana H.S, Kavan M.R |  |
312 | Increase in Strength of Concrete by Using Bottle Caps -G.C. Behera, R.K, Behera |  |
313 | Application of Waste Plastic as an Effective Construction Material in Flexible Pavement -Sasane Neha.B , Gaikwad.Harish, J R Patil , S D Khandekar |  |
314 | Finite Element Analysis of Truck Chassis Frame Monika S.Agrawal |  |
315 | Sliding Wear of a RRA Treated High Strength Aluminum Alloy -Sanjay K N, Aprameyan S, Suresh K R, Santhosh A N |  |
316 | Economic Load Dispatch Using Simulated Annealing Algorithm -M. Venkatesh, Ramakrishna Raghutu |  |
317 | Home Automation Using Internet of Things -Vinay sagar K N , Kusuma S M |  |
318 | Probability Failure of Column in Steel Structure -Manjunath G.S , K Manjunath, Sandeep Kumar D.S |  |
319 | Crack Propagation Analysis Using FEM Approach in Titanium and Titanium Aluminide -Varun. M, Santosh. C , Abhijith Kashyap , Santhosh. M |  |
320 | Ensuring Certificateless Remote Anonymity and Authenticity wireless Body Area Network -Basavashri B, Manjula M |  |
321 | Modeling and Control of DC Chopper Fed Brushless DC Motor -Harith Mohan , Remya K P |  |
322 | Phosphorus isotherms sorption in semi arid soil -Wissem Hamdi, Jean Aime Messiga, David Peslter , NouraZiadi , Mongi Seffen |  |
323 | Effect of levels calcium nitrate addition on potatoes fertilizer -Wissem HAMDI, Lokman HELALI, Rihab BEJI, Kawther ZHANI , Sarra OUERTATANI , Azaiez GHARBI |  |
324 | Experimental Investigation on High Volume Fly Ash Concrete by Incorporating Foundry Sand as Fine Aggregate - Swapnil B. Cholekar , Subrahmanyam Raikar |  |
325 | A Study on the Importance of Health and Safety Environment in a Food Industry -S.Sujatha , Sivaligam A , Prabhakaran D , Thirumarimurugan M |  |
326 | Self Localized Robot Used With an Android Application -Aswini.P |  |
327 | Reducing the cycle time in fabrication of bucket in wheel loader, by designing a welding fixture -Darshan S, G S Prakash, Jagadish Mogaveera B |  |
328 | Improving Throughput in MANET Using Cooperative Routing Strategies -Sunayana S, Aishwarya P |  |
329 | Adaptive Beamforming Smart Antenna for Wireless Communication System -Keerthi A Kumbar |  |
330 | Consistency As A Service In Public Cloud -Dhnashree.B.Sawale , Resmi.S |  |
331 | Design, Analysis and Fabrication of Savonius Vertical Axis Wind Turbine -Ashwin Dhote , Vaibhav Bankar |  |
332 | Power Efficient Carry Select Adder using D-Latch -S.A.Mashankar, R.D.Kadam,P.R.Indurkar |  |
333 | Real-Time Damage Detection in Laminated Composite Beams Using Dynamic Strain Response and Modular Neural Arrays for Aerospace Applications -Sanjay Goswami , Partha Bhattacharya |  |
334 | Estimation of Cutting Tool Life by Varying Cross Feed with the Knowledge of Actual Cutting Force Acting On It -Akhil A. Deshpande, Shrinivas L. Gombi, Basavraj S. Ukkali |  |
335 | A Short Survey on Secure Routing Protocols in Hierarchical Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks -F.Mezrag, M.Benmohammed, B.Bouderah |  |
336 | QoS Based Selection of Network with 4G Systems.. -N.Sreephani sujaya sheela |  |
337 | Project Management for Construction Projects: Improving Project Performance -Ashish D. Joshi, S.D. Khandekar |  |
338 | Stabilization of a Deltaic Marine Clay (Chikoko) with Chloride Compounds -George Rowland Otoko, Amah Inemeowaji Simon |  |
339 | Real Time Crowd Tracking Using Wireless Ad-Hoc Network -Rakesh Krishnan, Vivek K. Keecheril, Pankaj Raibagkar |  |
340 | Study of Al-Cu-ZnO NP composite for EDM Applications -Amit Gavane , Mahaudra s. Patil, Raviraj M. Kulkarni |  |
341 | Design and Modeling of RF MEMS Phase Shifters Using Various Structures of Coplanar Waveguides -Sugesh M S, Nataraj B |  |
342 | Optimization of a Bi-functional APP Problem by using multi-objective genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) -Anwar sadath M A, Manoj P J |  |
343 | Predict the Surface Finish by using Fuzzy Logic Techniques in ECM Processes -Abhinav Sharma, Deepanshu Shrivastava , Harsh Pandey |  |
344 | Experimental Investigation of Machining Parameter in Electrochemical Machining -Deepanshu Shrivastava , Abhinav Sharma, Harsh Pandey
|  |
345 | Experimental study of Parabolic Trough Collector (PTC) and compare with ANSYS model -Sumedh S Jagtap ,Fedora Dias |  |
346 | Design and simulation of low-power ADC using double-tail comparator -P. G. Konde, R. N. Mandavgane, A. P. Bagade |  |
347 | Work Optimization in the Assembly Line and Line Balancing In the Sub-Assembly -Prakash R Patel, Sudheer Kulkarni, Deepak kumar |  |
348 | Study of risk management for National Highway Project -Katkar M.B., Dr.Khandekar S.D |  |
349 | Utilization of Beetroot (Beta Vulgaris L.) Leaves Powder in Cereals Based Extruded Product -Subhash B. Kakade, B.S Hathan , Neeha VS |  |
350 | Eco-Friendly Car Using Solar and Electrical Energy -Yathisha L, Shabaz Ahmed Khan, Ganesh P, Ajay S N Sathish N. |  |
351 | A Combined Approach for Edge Detection in Images with Gaussian and Salt-And-Pepper Noises Using Fuzzy Logic and Traditional Sobel Method -Adeleh jafar gholibeik , M.A. Edalatirad |  |
352 | Tracking airborne objects using LiDAR -Aradhana Haldar, Abhijeet Deshpande, Pankaj Raibagkar |  |
353 | Effect of metallic iron in reducing nitrate mobility in alkalizes soils -Wissem HAMDI, Aida KASRAOUI , Mongi SEFFEN
|  |
354 | Development of Pineapple Leaf Fiber Reinforced Epoxy Resin Composites -Santosh Kumar D S , Praveen B A , Kiran Aithal S, U N Kempaiah |  |
355 | Study and Analysis of Supercapacitor with its Applications -Sujata Rawale, Chandan Kamble |  |
356 | Importance of Electronic Document/Information Management Systems in Modern Architectural, Engineering and Construction Projects -C Sam Charles Devanand |  |
357 | -Vivek Rai, DiamondJonawal, Pratik Jain |  |
358 | Augmenting Data Warehouse Security Techniques - A Selective Survey -Smita Konda, Rohini More |  |
359 | A Methodology to Identify the Delays and Rank its Causative Factors In Indian Construction Industry -Anup Wilfred, Muhamad Sharafudeen |  |
360 | An Enhancement in EEM-LEACH Protocol Based on Honey Bee Optimization (HBO) technique for WSN -Akashdeep Chaudhary,Malti Rani |  |
361 | Encoding Scheme for Power Reduction in NoC -Sneha Warade, P. R. Indurkar, R. D. Kadam |  |
362 | Evaluation and Selection of Diamond Wheel Grit Size for Solid Carbide Grinding Operation in Rollomatic Cell by Taguchi Method -Sharath Kumar R , Puneeth K H , Teli Kalappa , Anil K C |  |
363 | Performance Evaluation of Mesh Protocols in Real Time Mesh Test Bed -Kishore D M |  |
364 | Review of Graph Based Scheduling Algorithms -Gagandeep Singh, Gurjyot Kaur, Gurvinder Singh |  |
365 | Importance of Centralized Log Server and Log Analyzer Software for an Organization -R.Anusooya , J.Rajan, S.A.V.SatyaMurty |  |
366 | High Gain Enhanced CMOS Charge Pump with Reduced Leakage and Threshold Voltage -C.Arul murugan , B.Banuselvasaraswathy |  |
367 | Usage of Compressive Sensing and MEMAC Protocol for Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks -R.Sesha Sai Prasanna, R.Murugadoss |  |
368 | Detection and Classification of Plant Diseases -N.S. Bharti, R.M. Mulajkar |  |
369 | Performance Enhancement of 32-bit Carry Select Adder by Employing RTL Optimization Techniques -Chetan C.S., Vinay B. Biradar, Vishwas P.G, Premananda B.S |  |
370 | Management of Risks Implied By Conditions of Contract and Specifications -Chaitali S. Pawar, Jalinder R. Patil, Suman S. Jain, Abhijeet M. Gaikwad |  |
371 | An efficient approach to improve throughput for TCP vegas in ad hoc network -Payal Vispute, Sayali N. Mane |  |
372 | Load Frequency Control for Two Area Deregulated Power System Using ANN Control -Najmuddin Moulaali Jamadar, A. Ram Reddy |  |
373 | Voltage Controller for Three Phase D-Statcom to Compensate Non Linear Loads -v.jayaraj, k.padma |  |
374 | Tools for company capitalization -Paolo Pietro Biancone , Secinaro Silvana |  |
375 | Digital Migration and the Battle of Terrestrial Titans in Kenya: Issues and Prospects -Michael M Ndonye, Josephine Khaemba, Phylis Bartoo |  |
376 | Effcient Human Emotion Retrieval Using Bci And Speech -Priyanka A. Wandile , Rahul Hiware , Narendra Bawane |  |
377 | Performance of a Battery Electric Vehicle with Self Charging Capacity for Its Own Propulsion -Suhas V, Sukeerth Calastawad, Phaneesh M, Swaraj S |  |
378 | Design Analysis of 220/132 KV Substation Using ETAP -Kiran Natkar, Naveen Kumar |  |
379 | Modelling of Fuzzy Generic Power System Stabilizer for SMIB System -D.Jasmitha, R.Vijayasanthi |  |
380 | Architecture of Multicast Network Based on Quantum Secret Sharing and Measurement -Ahmed F. Metwaly, M. Z. Rashad, Fatma A. Omara, Adel A. Megahed |  |
381 | Performance Evaluation of Wireless Sensor Network using Genetic Algorithm -S. D. Chavan , A. V. Kulkarni , Neeta Patil |  |
382 | Security for enhancing routing mechanism in Mobile Ad-hoc Network with Elliptic curve algorithm -Mrunali Meshram , Sayali N. Mane |  |
383 | Integrated Production Management System -Shiny Rajendrakumar, V K Parvati , Anandhalakshmy Ram |  |
384 | Assessment of PSO Algorithm For Multi-machine System Using STATCOM Device -A.Sagarika , T.R.Jyothsna |  |
385 | Efficiency Improvement of Wind Turbine Generator by Introducing Vortex Generator -Rahul Viswam , S. Sankar |  |
386 | Solar Powered Water Distillation With Concave Evaporation Surface -Pradeep. S. G , Kamlesh Jain , Namdar Varun, V Vinod Kumar |  |
387 | Privacy-Preserving Multi-keyword Ranked Search Over Encrypted Cloud Data Over Encrypted Cloud Data -Jyothi Koodi, G. Srinivasachar |  |
388 | Power Generation Using Hydrogen Fuel Cell from Biogas -Adarsh S, Meghana M Kumar,Chaitra M G,Nitin Pal Singh, Vidyashree |  |
389 | Lung Nodule Classification Using Multilevel Patch-Based Context Analysis and Decision Tree Classifier -M H Hasna , Jobin Jose |  |
390 | Analysis and Comparison of Diagrid and Conventional Structural System -Raghunath .D. Deshpande, Sadanand M. Patil , Subramanya Ratan |  |
391 | A Review of RFID Technology -Beant Kaur |  |
392 | Optimal Placement of DG and Capacitor for Minimizing the Power Losses using Genetic Algorithm -Aakanksha Kumawat, Renu Choudhary, Pushpendra Singh |  |
393 | Secure And Energy-Efficient Clustering Scheme (SAEECS) with data aggregation in mobile wireless sensor networks -Sangeeta Badiger, Mohan B A |  |
394 | Robust Data Hiding and Secure Key Generation in H.264 Compressed Videos -Sruthi M S, Jobin Jose |  |
395 | Enhancement of AC System Stability using Artificial Neural Network Based HVDC System -S.K.Bikshapathy, Supriya Balasaheb Patil |  |
396 | Modelling Pedestrian Overall Satisfaction Level at Signalised Intersection Crosswalks -Jitendra Singh Yadav ,Anuj Jaiswal, Raman Nateriya |  |
397 | Dynamics of Rapid Urbanization of Bangalore and Its Impact on Land-Use/Land-Cover – A case study of Vrishabhavathi sub-watershed -C.B.Jagadeesh , H.S.Shivakumar Naiklal , Nagaraj Sitaram |  |
398 | Comparison of groundwater quality in and around Salem in Tamilnadu, India -S.Krishnaraj , T.Shanthi ,M.Nagarajan |  |
399 | Critical Simulation Solar Energy System
Nithin Nagarjuna Karri, Mallikarjuna Rao pasumarthi |  |
400 | Dynamic Clustering Based Faulty Node Detection in Security Critical WSN -Bhawna Sharma, Er. Kapil, Er.Aakash Goyal |  |
401 | Doping effect of Mg on photoluminescence properties of YAG:Ce phosphor -Manisha Upasani, Bhavana Butey |  |
402 | An approachable analytical study on Educational Data Mining -Karan Sukhija |  |
403 | Production of Lipid by Oleaginous Yeasts Metschinokiwa pulcherima Using Agricultural Waste -Murugan.S |  |
404 | Finding Land Forgery and Black Money Rotation Using Data Analytics -Suganya R, Chandraprabha K |  |
405 | Modelling and Control of Automatic Drug Delivery System for Infusing Cardiac Drug -N.Vinoth |  |
406 | Optimization of Fermentation Conditions for the Strain Pontoea Sp. for the Production of Calcium Succinate -Raja.S, Dhanasekar R |  |
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