Volume 2- Issue-7 October -2015 |
01 | A new analytical transport model for (nano) physics -Paolo Di Sia |  |
02 | Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Models: An Approach to Environmental Perspective -Zeittey Karmilla Kaman |  |
03 | Ethical Issues in Computing Sciences -Samson O. Ogunlere, Adewale. O. Adebayo |  |
04 | Design of a Groundnut Kernel Roastmaster -Chikelu C.C , Ude M.U., Onyekwere D.C, Ekwereike G.C , Okpanachi A.I |  |
05 | Enhancing Road Curves Using Geographic Information Systems -Mulla Alkhuder, Nawras Watfa, Aws Zuhair Sameen |  |
06 | Comparison of Seismic Slope Stability Assessment Methods for Reinforced Geostructures -I. Tzavara, Y. Tsompanakis, V. Zania, P. N. Psarropoulos |  |
07 | Holistic Correlation of Color Models, Color Features and Distance Metrics on Content-Based Image Retrieval -Swapnil Saurav, Prajakta Belsare, Siddhartha Sarkar |  |
08 | Mobile Phone Application (WATERDSS) Water Decision Support System for Water Management -Hussein Ali Salah, Mariana Mocanu, Adina Florea |  |
09 | Performance Analysis of a Solar Grape Dryer with Thermal Energy Storage by PCM -Avesahemad Sayyadnaimutulla Husainy , P. R. Kulkarni |  |
10 | Earthquake Resistant Design of Open Ground Storey Building -Piyush Tiwari, P.J.Salunke, N.G.Gore |  |
11 | A Static Object Detection in Image Sequences by Self Organizing Background Subtraction -Pravinkumar Yadav, Aditi Jahagirdar |  |
12 | Realization of AES Encryption and Decryption Based On Null Convention Logic -D.V.Supriya, R.Niranjan |  |
13 | Cold Flow Simulation in an IC Engine -Rohith.S, G .V. Naveen Prakash |  |
14 | A Survey on Authentication System Using 2d Color Barcode -Roshan Varma, Sweta Pawar, Jaydeep Girase, Namrata Gaidhani, Ashvini Y. Bhamare |  |
15 | Effects of Joint Geometries on Welding Of Mild Steel by Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) -Brajesh Kumar Singh, A.K. Jha, Pravin K. Singh |  |
16 | Sliding Mode Speed Controller for Vector Controlled Induction Motor -Dhirajkumar Mulik, Gargi S. Phadke, Shamal Salunkhe |  |
17 | Automatic Segmentation of the Lumen Of the Carotid Artery in Ultrasound B-Mode Images Using Fuzzy Logic Classifier -D.Sasikala , B.Nandhini , M.Nargeesh Banu , A.Nivetha, R.Sowmiya |  |
18 | A New VSC HVDC model with IEEE 5 bus system -M.Sujatha |  |
19 | Differential Transform Technique for Second Order Differential Equations: A Comparative Approach -Adio, A.K
|  |
20 | Design, Construction and Working of a Variable Flow Radial Piston Pump Using Variable Displacement Linkages -Vikrant Rajesh Suryawanshi. |  |
21 | E-Learning with Desktop Sharing -Preet Shah, Omkar Salgaonkar, Darshan Danani, Jignasha Dalal |  |
22 | Detection of Transient and Harmonics Disturbances Using Discrete Wavelet Transform and ANN. -Ishita Dupare, Pankaj Hedao, Abhay Satmohankar |  |
23 | Thermal Performance and Economic Feasibility Analysis of a Basin Type Solar Still -Javed Ali, Aaushi Sharma , Poonam Rani |  |
24 | Effect of Fly Ash as Filler on Mechanical & Frictional Properties of Jute Fiber Reinforced Composite -V. Manikandan, S. Richard, M. Chithambara Thanu, J. Selwin Rajadurai |  |
25 | Probabilistic Misbehaviour Detection and Optimization in Delay Tolerant Network -Suljiya S A |  |
26 | -Poreddy Jayaraju, Vijay Prakash |  |
27 | Watchdog-An Electronic Safety System -Saman Malik, Rajat Sharma |  |
28 | Body Phased Array Antenna for Body Area Network -Hitesh Joshi, Ravindra Prakash Gupta |  |
29 | Influence of chemical reaction and thermal radiation effects on MHD boundary layer flow over a moving vertical porous plate -B R Sharma, Nabajyoti Dutta |  |
30 | Seismic Analysis of Unsymmetrical (G+10) Multi-Storey RC Building with Two Soft Storey at Varying Floors in Medium Soil -Shivani Pyasi, Nita Rajvaidya |  |
31 | Performance Appraisal at Mb Wheelers (Gorakhpur) -Mohd Ariz Siddiqui, Syed Shahid Mazhar, Farhina S.Khan |  |
32 | Performance Analysis of AODV, DSR and ZRP Routing Protocols in Manet using Directional Antenna -Abhishek Dixit, Laxmi Shrivastava |  |
33 | Static and Dynamic Analysis of a CNC Milling Spindle -Hareesha |  |
34 | Failure Analysis and Optimization of Universal Joint Yoke Subjected by Torsion and Shear -Avinash C Vasekar, Ranjitsinha R. Gidde |  |
35 | Feature Selection Algorithm Using Fast Clustering and Correlation Measure -Swapnil Sutar |  |
36 | Active AC/DC Voltage Source Converter with Function of Reactive Power Compensation for Neighboring Inductive Loads -M. A. Ahmed |  |
37 | A Text Based Video Retrieval Using Semantic and Visual Approach -Vaidehi Bante, Avinash Bhute |  |
38 | Hybrid Trace Back Scheme for IP Address -G.Soujanya, M. Sampath Kumar |  |
39 | Band Notching Methods Used in UWB Antennas- A Study -Raviraj C. Jain, Mahesh M. Kadam |  |
40 | Design and Analysis of Rail Bracket in Material Handling Process -Shivaram Sullad, Nagaraj Kelageri |  |
41 | Design of Shunt Active Power Filter by using An Advanced Current Control Strategy -K.Sailaja, M.Jyosthna Bai |  |
42 | VLSI Architecture for Lifting based 3-D Discrete Wavelet Transform -Faiz Mohammad Karobari, Bharathi S H |  |
43 | In Vitro Seed Germination of Xenikophyton Smeeanum(RCHB.F.) Garay: A Rare Orchid Of Western Ghats, Karnataka -Sagaya Mary , Divakar K.M |  |
44 | Continuous grafting of acrylic acid on mulberry silk for multifunctional effect -Mangesh D. Teli, Dharmendra R. Gupta , Sanket P. Valia |  |
45 | Social Summarization for E-Commerce Site by Evaluating the Comments and Ratings -B.Bhanu Vidya Kiran, M.Sampath Kumar |  |
46 | Superconducting Fault Current Limiter for Energy Storage Protection under Grounded Faults in a Micro Grid -O.Mahesh, G. Hari Krishna |  |
47 | Performance Evaluation of Wind Energy Conversion System using Matrix Converter -Amit Kumar Sinha, C.Hemalatha, Mridul Pandey, Dipayan Adhikary |  |
48 | Diagnosis of arterial thrombosis and stenosis in blood vessel Using bioimpedance analysis -Khaled Ben Abdessalem, Ridha Ben Salah |  |
49 | Study of Total Harmonic Distortion Using Space Vector Modulation Technique in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor -Bibhu Prasad Ganthia , Bibhu Prasad Panigrahi |  |
50 | Effect of Different Ashes on the Properties of Turbid Water -DVS Bhagavanulu |  |
51 | Data Aggregation for Ant Colony Techniques in Wireless Sensor Network -Sangeetha. R, Sangeetha Laskhmi. G, Sivasankari. A |  |
52 | Task Oriented & Scheduling On Low Power Consumption in Mobile Cloud Computing -Arun Kumari G , Sangeetha Lakshmi G , Siva Sankari A |  |
53 | High-Speed Medical Imaging in 3D Ultrasound Computer Tomography -Sharmila K , Sangeetha Lakshmi G , Siva Sankari A |  |
54 | Modeling and Analysis of RRC-Based Signaling Storms in 3G Networks -Vinodini C , Sangeetha Lakshmi G , Ayesha K |  |
55 | Influence of Bagasse Ash and Nano-Silica on Strength Properties of Concrete -H.Eramma, Mahesh |  |
56 | Analysis & Design improvement in existing dryer used for (pulses) to achieve maximum heat transfer rate -Amit A. Gulalkari, Vijay G. Gore |  |
57 | Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Predicting the Reservoir Fluid Properties of Crude Oil Systems -Salem O. Baarimah, Ahmed A. Gawish, Amer Badr BinMerdhah |  |
58 | Strength and Durability Studies on Concrete Using Quarry Dust as Fine Aggregate -A.Vijayakumar, K.Revathi, C.Bharathi |  |
59 | Enhancing Energy Efficiency in WSN -Sheetalrani R Kawale, Aziz Makandar |  |
60 | Use of Maize husk fly ash as an adsorbent for removal of fluoride -M.Husain, F.I. Chavan, Bhanudas Abhale |  |
61 | Correlation of Blast-hole Deviation and Area of Block with Fragment Size and Fragmentation Cost -B. Adebayo, B. Mutandwa |  |
62 | Role of Education in Youth Participation in Agriculture A Case Study Ondo State -Adekanbi Olukemi Olabisi |  |
63 | Comparative Analysis for Connectivity Measures of EEG with Improvement in SNR -Nilofar Tayyab Shaikh, Meenakshi Pawar , Pooja Bhoite |  |
64 | A Comparative Study on Moment Resisting Steel Frames with & Without Bracings Subjected To Dynamic Loads for High Rise Buildings -Shashank Kotabagi, K.Manjunatha, Halasiddanagowda Patil, Sachin P Dyavappanavar |  |
65 | Cooperative Beam Forming Using Multiple Relay Path Based Multiple Destination Analysis on Cognitive Radio Networks -Nagabelly Aranya Tejan,S.Srinivas Rao |  |
66 | Formula One Safety: A Review -Shubham R. Ugle, Shweta D. Kate, Dhananjay R. Dolas |  |
67 | Silica Fume & Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag as Cement Replacement in Fiber Reinforced Concrete -Anusha Suvarna, P.J. Salunke, N.G.Gore , T.N.Narkehde |  |
68 | Autonomous PV Residential Systems Design Based On Optimal Method for Power Quality Improvement -P.Venkateswararao, M. Sai kumar |  |
69 | Chemical Name Extraction and its application to Rule-based System -Snehal Pandharinath Umare |  |
70 | A Reformed Information Security Management System (R-ISMS) -Amarachi, A.A, Ajaegbu, C, Idowu, S.A, Ajaegbu, Oguchi O
|  |
71 | Simulation of Grid Connected Induction Generators for Power Quality Improvement -M.Rama Sekhara Reddy , M. Vijaya kumar , B.Prasanthi |  |
72 | Finite Element Analysis of Residual Stress in Butt Welding of Two Similar Plates -P.Pavani, P. Sivasankar, P. Lokanadham , P. Uma Mhahesh |  |
73 | Privacy Aided Protection inCustomizedInternetSeeking With Confidential User Profile -Vemula Charan, Abdul Rahaman Skaik |  |
74 | Maximum energy capture of variable speed variable pitch wind turbine by using RBF neural network and fuzzy logic control |  |
75 | Characterization Quaternaty Lookup Table In Standard CMOS Process -S.Prabhu Venkateswaran, R.Selvarani |  |
76 | A Noval Approach Key Aggregate Cryptosystem for Resizable Data Sharing in Cloud Storage -Shivadatt D Chame, Anil Kumar |  |
77 | A Comparative Study of Different Configuration of Shear Wall Location in Soft Story Building Subjected to Seismic Load. -R.S.Mishra, V.Kushwaha, S.Kumar |  |
78 | Design of Fuzzy Pi Controller for the Speed Control of PMDC Motor -G.T.P.Naidu, R.Vijaya Santhi, I.Nikhil Kumar |  |
79 | Synthesis of Polymer Modified Nanocatalyst For The Degradation Of Organic Dye Under Sunlight Irradiation -M.Sangareswari , M.Meenakshi Sundaram |  |
80 | Furniture Layout Application Based on Marker Detection and Using Augmented Reality -Khushal Khairnar, Kamleshwar Khairnar, Sanketkumar Mane, Rahul Chaudhari |  |
81 | Fuzzy Based Permanent Magnet Contactor Design, Optimization and Control -D.Fareeda |  |
82 | Hashing Based Packet Matching Algorithm for Firewall -S. A.Dongre, S. G. Shikalpure |  |
83 | Survey Paper on Domestic Waste Management -Sujitkumar Sambhaji Pote, F.I. Chavan, Lokesh Ramdas Jawale |  |
84 | Harmonic Analysis and Its Mitigation Technique In Industrial Environment -T. Muni Jahnavi, G. Rajesh, B. Sarvesh |  |
85 | Consumer Awareness towards CSR initiatives by FMCG industries using Multiple Regression -R.Manimalar , S.Sudha |  |
86 | Design and Analysis of Transient Fault Tolerance for Multi Core Architecture -DivyaRani |  |
87 | Bus Tracking and Bus Failure Detection System Using GPS -Devidas S. Thosar, Rishikesh K. Zade, Onkar V. Babrekar, Priyanka R. Chaudhari |  |
88 | Healthcare Data Analysis using Hadoop -Mukesh Borana, Manish Giri, Sarang kamble, Kiran Deshpande, Shubhangi Edake
|  |
89 | Green Supply Chain Management Practices in Ethiopian Tannery Industry: An Empirical Study -Zellalem Tadesse Beyene |  |
90 | Step Size Optimization of LMS Algorithm Using Aunt Colony Optimization & Its comparison with Particle Swarm optimization Algorithm in System Identification -Shikha Tripathi, Mohammad Asif Ikbal |  |
91 | A proposed model of the Influence of Personality Trait Dimensions and Trust on Knowledge Sharing -Malihe hLotfi, Syaharizatul Noorizwan Bt. Muktar, Andrew C. Ologbo and Najmeh Reihani |  |
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93 | Hydrology Model for Determination on the Flood Index Based Analysis of Flood Discharge for Asahan River Management -Rumilla Harahap, Zulkifli Nasution, Abdul Rauf, Herman Mawengkang |  |
94 | Survey of Supervised Classification Framework Development on Heterogeneous Network -D.Jayachitra, J.Jebamalar Tamilselvi |  |
95 | Curbing Corruption in Nigeria Cooperative Societies through ICT -okunolaOlasunkanmi Ogunlola, BamideleIbitayoFaluyi |  |
96 | BER Analysis of Free Space Optics Using Different Channels -Alpa Singh, Satyendra Srivastav
|  |
97 | Dual Biodiesel-Diesel blends Performance on Diesel engine as an Alternative Fuel -Venkateswara Rao P |  |
98 | Control of dynamic voltage restorer by chaotic accelerated particle swarm optimization to improve power quality indices -M. Sai kumar, P.Venkateswararao |  |
99 | Controlling Of Nonlinear System by Using Fuzzy Logic Controller -A.Vandana justice, C.Kathyaini |  |
100 | Power Quality Improvement by Using Shunt Hybrid Power Filter and Thyristor Controlled Reactor with Fuzzy Logic Controller -Deepthi Venkat Cheerla, R. Madhusudhana Rao |  |
101 | Fatigue Strength and Dynamic Vibrational Analysis of V8 Engine Crank Shaft Using Finite Element Method -Maleppa Dasara, Manjunath M V, S Padmanabha, Shyam Kishore Srivastava |  |
102 | Resolution Enhancement of Satellite Images with Interpolation using DWT-SWT wavelet domain -Aparna Gupta, Sonika |  |
103 | A Survey on User Privacy Protection Methods in Cloud -Sharmila.J, Dhivyaa.C.R |  |
104 | Evaluation of Seismic Forces on Elevated Water Tank -Nankar Aniket R, Navale Shrikant S, Palve Gaurav A |  |
105 | Role of DCF technique for enhancing optical fiber communication System utility -Ranjita Rout , Subhrajit Pradhan , Srikanta Patnaik |  |
106 | Power Optimization in L1 Cache of Embedded Processors Using CBF Based TOB Architecture -B.Gomathi |  |
107 | Determination of uranium in stones by stripping voltammetry following adsorptive accumulation of the U(VI)-chloranilic acid complex -A. K. M. Atique Ullah, Md. Ibrahim Khalil, A. K. M. Fazle Kibria |  |
108 | A Survey on Health Data Using Data Mining Techniques -Dhanya P Varghese, Tintu P B |  |
109 | LPI Radar Signal Generation and Detection -Y.Keerthi, T.D.Bhatt |  |
110 | Shear Demand of Exterior Beam Column Joint using STAAD-PRO -Rupali R. Bhoir, V. G. Sayagavi, N.G.Gore , P. J. Salunkhe |  |
111 | Hybrid PI controller design and hedge algebras for control problem of dissolved oxygen in the wastewater treatment system using activated sludge method -Fei Luo , Binh Lam Hoang, Duy Nguyen Tien , Phuong Huy Nguyen |  |
112 | Thermal Performance of Closed Loops Pulsating Heat Pipe at Various Dimension and Heat Input -C.B.Kothare, K.S.Raizada,Balu K.Chavhan |  |
113 | Design and Analysis of Blast Load on Structures -Umesh Jamakhandi1, Dr. S. B. Vanakudre |  |
114 | Failure Analysis and Optimization of Universal Joint Yoke Subjected By Torsion and Shear -Avinash C Vasekar, Ranjitsinha R. Gidde |  |
115 | Value Stream Mapping (VSM) – A Case Study in Orthopedic Hospital -Harshal V. Ingole, Yogesh.P.Wankhade, Chetan S. Sethia |  |
116 | Design, analysis of A-type front lower suspension arm in Commercial vehicle -Balasaheb Gadade , R.G.Todkar |  |
117 | Solar Distillation of Water -Kanika Mathur, Mathewlal Thomas, Parth Lineswala, Siddharth Nayar |  |
118 | Automated Bottle Filling System -Bipin Mashilkar, Pallavi Khaire, Girish Dalvi |  |
119 | Distance based Accident Avoidance System using Arduino -M. Prabha, M. Seema, P. Saraswathi |  |
120 | Experimentation and Testing Of an Op-Amp Operated Solar Tracking Mechanism -Nilesh Varkute, Bipin Mashilkar,Sanjay Rukhande, Akshay Vengal, Vishal Madhavi,Mayur Karche, Amar Ingle |  |
121 | Parametric Analysis of Aluminium Alloy 6061 T6 Butt Joint by Laser Welding -G.Damodaran |  |
122 | Biodegradation of Laundry Wastewater -Sukanya S Nair , Swarnalatha K |  |
123 | Automatic Image Annotation and Retrieval Using Contextual Information -Pranay Tiwari, P.M.Kamde |  |
124 | Importance of Tribology in Internal Combustion Engine: A Review -Dhruv S. Joshi, Amit V. Shah, Dipak C. Gosai |  |
125 | Mammogram Image Features Extraction and Classification for Breast Cancer Detection. -Snehal A. Mane , K. V. Kulhalli |  |
126 | A Hybrid Approach for Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis on Big Data -A. Nandhini, G. Vaitheeswaran, L. Arockiam |  |
127 | -Surajit Goon,R.T. Goswami |  |
128 | A New Secure Chaotic Communication System -Goutam Kumar, Ashish Surywanshi |  |
129 | Motion Object and Regional Detection Method Using Block-based Background Di?erence Video Frames. -Suraj Kulkarni, Akshaya Morye, Priyanka Khedkar, Priyanvada Dhamane , Prof.D.B. Satre |  |
130 | Solar Energy Based Purification of Sea Water – A Detailed Review -Deepak Devasagayam |  |
131 | Development of Ultrasonic Reference Standards for Defect Characterization in Carbon Fiber Composites -Adil Ahmed S , K. S. Badarinarayan, Noor Ahmed R, Gajendra.G |  |
132 | DigiCabPro -Choudhar Ashwini, Girigosavi Pradnya, Katte Kiran, Khade Kunal |  |
133 | Gait Activity Monitoring using Distributed Wearable Sensors for Patient Recovery -Jyoti S. Pawar, Dhananjay E. Upasani |  |
134 | A Survey on Clustering Method for Improved Wireless Sensor Network -Sonika Baisakhiya, Durgesh Wadbude |  |
135 | Effect of Diaphragm Openings in Multi-storeyed RC framed buildings using Pushover analysis -P.P. Vinod Kumar , V.D. Gundakalle |  |
136 | Strength Performance Studies on Ambient Cured Silica fume based Geopolymer Concrete -Manjunath S. Sontakki, Swapnil B. Cholekar |  |
137 | Enhancing Energy Efficiency in WSN -Sheetalrani R Kawale, Aziz Makandar |  |
138 |
-Adnane Haloui , Abdelkarim Chouaf |  |
139 | Data Sharing in Cloud Using Identity Based Ring Signature -Shirsath Priyanka N , Rawal Sonali V , Sirsat Kanchan R ,Tarle Gayatri P |  |
140 | Automated C Code Polyhedral Parallelizer -Nida Patankar, Ayesha Parveen Khanbu, Harshala Bhoir, Amroz Siddiqui |  |
141 | Study of Transient Stability with Static Synchronous Series Compensator for an SMIB -M.Chandu, T.R.Jyosthna |  |
142 | Base Isolation of Mass Irregular RC Multi-Storey Building -Naveen K, H.R Prabhakara, H Eramma |  |
143 | Ranking of Key Quality Factors in the Indian Construction Industry -S.Shanmugapriya, K.Subramanian |  |
144 | Project Monitoring and Controlling Using Earned Value Method -MD Imran Khan, Maneeth P D, Brij Bhushan S |  |
145 | Improved Electrical Output of Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Based On Cu?N Co-Doped Semiconductor -Purnima Dashora, Monika Trivedi, Rakshit Ameta, Suresh C. Ameta |  |
146 | Study of Small Signal Stability With Static Synchronous Seriescompensator for an SMIB System -K.Geetha, T.R.Jyothsna
|  |
147 | Survey on Test Driven Development for feasibility: An Industrial Approach -Pramod P. Jadhav , Shashank D.Joshi |  |
148 | Comparative Study on Percentage Variation of Steel In Different Seismic Zones Of India -Salahuddin Shakeeb S M , Brij Bhushan S, Maneeth P D, Shaik Abdulla |  |
149 | Text Retrieval Video Frames For Content-Based Search -D.S.Thosar, Khedkar Kapil, Dharam Ashwini, Shaikh Najir |  |
150 | Automated Bug Triage System Using the Data Reduction Techniques -Anita Kunjir, Laxman Mulik, Bhupesh Kumar, Assistant Prof. G. V. Mane |  |
151 | Use of Strain Gauge Rosette to Investigate Stress concentration in Isotropic and Orthotropic Plate with Circular Hole -V.G.Aradhye, S.S.Kulkarni |  |
152 | Wind Turbine Based Generation in Hybrid Remote Area Power Supply System -S.Pavithra, A.RaniReeganaSulthana, C.Sakthivel, MS.Vidhya |  |
154 | Automatic Computerized Control of Canal in Irrigation -Satish T. Pokharkar, Snehal S. Pawar, Payal D. Ugale, Swati N. Shinde |  |
155 | An Analysis of Wind power generation and consumption scenario in Tamil Nadu State of India -I. Arul |  |
156 | Enhanced EDCF for VOIP Applications in IEEE 802.11 Based Wireless LAN Networks -M.Sarada , Avula Damodaram |  |
157 | Privacy Information Brokering System Using Automaton Segmentation Algorithm -Subhedar Pitamber, Sapkal Prajyot, More Dhairyashil |  |
158 | Seismic Evaluation of RC Multistorey Building of Asymmetric Plan with Visco-Elastic Damper -Manjunatha Guddappa Battikoppa , H.R Prabhakar, Venkata Raman |  |
159 | Data De-Duplication Using Hybrid Cloud -S. B. Patil, Yashoda A. Kumbhar, Swapnali S. Mane |  |
160 | Soft-Switched Boost Converter for Active Power Factor Correction -Vishal N. Jogidas, Yogesh B. Satapara , Rahul B. Chandegara |  |
161 | A Super Capacitor Based Power Conditioning System for Power Quality Improvement -Sujith R. Injeti, K. Padma |  |
162 | Target Opinion Words Based on the Word Alignment Model for Online Reviews -Hire Priyanka , GangurdeSavita , DaradeSwati
|  |
163 | Load Balancing in Public Cloud Using Partitioning Mechanism -Dipratna J Waghmare , Shilpa Sanap |  |
164 | The Importance of Patent Protection in Combating Climate Change: Development and Diffusion of Environmentally Sound Technologies. - Madiha Khan |  |
165 | A Comparative Study Of Data Mining Applications in Diagnosing Diseases -V.Priyavadana, A.Sivashankari, R.Senthil Kumar |  |
166 | Design and Optimization of Htv Fuel Tank Assembly by Finite Element Analysis -Gajendra G, Prakasha A M, Noor Ahmed R, K.S.Badrinarayan |  |
167 | A Review Paper on QR Code Based Android App For Healthcare -Jill Patel, Ashish Bhat,Kunal Chavada |  |
168 | GIS For Agricultural Land -Pushpak Teredesai , Ujwala Zope, Dhruvit Savla, Shyamal Virnodkar |  |
169 | Survey on different attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks and their prevention system -Ruchita Dhulkar, Ajit Pokharkar, Mrs. Rohini Pise |  |
170 | Davanagere Lakes – Issues and perspectives on pollution, Restoration and Management -Mohammed Yaseen, Suresh.S, Aravinda H.B |  |
171 |
-Manasvi Mannan, Alka Rani |  |
172 | Longitudinal Parameter Estimation of Aerospace Vehicle with Different Initial Conditions -Bijily Rose Varghese , Manju G |  |
173 | Maximum Power Point Tracking of Grid Connected Solar Wind Hybrid System -Amjed M, Binu Krishnan U |  |
174 | AutoFilter System for OSNs -Ambika Sharnarthi, Karuna Choudhari, Purva Chinde, Rahul Mahale, Sneha Thakare |  |
175 | Area Efficient Low Error Compensation Multiplier Design Using Fixed Width RPR -N.Megala, N.Rajeswaran |  |
177 | Flexible Body Integration and Co-Simulation of Double Wishbone Suspension System -Hareesha, Prashantha.B.Y, Bharath.M.S |  |
178 | Use of Waste Polyethylene in Bituminous Concrete Mixes -Pradeep soyal |  |
179 | Augmented Reality Browser Android Application -Kunal Wagh, Ashwini Dhole, Ravina Malshikare |  |
180 | Effect of Fuel Magnetism by Varying Intensity on Performance and Emission of Single Cylinder Four Stroke Diesel Engine -Kushal Chaware , M Basavaraj |  |
181 | Network Lifetime Enrichment Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks Using EESEP Protocol -N.Thamizhamuthan , T.Prabakaran |  |
182 | Dynamic Solutions by Optimize Fine-grain Pricing Scheme -Borase Varunkumar D , Bachate Anuja B , Patil Pallavi D, Bhalerao Shrikrishna R. |  |
183 | Inelastic seismic analysis of six storey RC building -Vaseem Akhtar , Amit Tyagi |  |
184 | Experimental Analysis and Performance Characteristic of Heat Transfer In Shell and Twisted Tube Heat Exchanger -Nitesh B. Dahare , M. Basavaraj |  |
185 | Increase the Efficiency of PV Module by Using Low Cost Tracking System -Ajay Kumar Damral |  |
186 | Overview of RISC Processor Using VHDL -Sangita Mohite , Aarti Tirmare, Priyadarshani Mali |  |
187 | Design of Hamming Code Encoding and Decoding Circuit Using Transmission Gate Logic -Debalina Roy Choudhury , Krishanu Podder |  |
188 | Friend finder navigation android application to meet new people around -Navin D. Waghwani, Ravi Jayaraman, Umesh B. Waghmare |  |
189 | An Effective System of Detecting the Spying Assault in Wireless Sensor Networks -S.Monica , R.Prabha , R.Alwin |  |
190 | -A.Nandhini ,V.J.Arul karthick |  |
191 | |  |
192 | A Survey on High Sleeve Antenna Gain -Harikrishnan , M Nair, K.Jayanthi |  |
193 | ANAFDUKCD: Mixed Mining -Shrinivas D. Gaikawad, Ashish M. Pawar, Navnath L. Mohite, Prashant D. Kamble, Sonali S. Muley |  |
194 | Controlling Multimedia Applications Using Hand Gesture Recognition -Neha S. Rokade, Harsha R. Jadhav, Sabiha A. Pathan, Uma Annamalai |  |
195 | A Low Power Consumption Scheme for Wireless Network -D.P. Umbarkar , Mangesh Ukade , Suraj Varade ,Gayatri Sonawane |  |
196 | Internet of things based Smart Transportation Systems -J.Sherly , D.Somasundareswari |  |
197 | 5S Transfusion to Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) for Enhancing Manufacturing Productivity -Shekhar Sahu, Lakhan Patidar, Pradeep Kumar Soni |  |
198 | Relationship of 5S and Manufacturing Performance with Mediator of TPM and TQM -B. Devaraj Naik, Lakhan Patidar, Pradeep Kumar Soni |  |
199 | Design and Fabrication of a Remote Controlled System for a Hydraulic Jack -Asonye G.U , Nnamani C.E , Alaka, C.A |  |
200 | Data Recovery Using Reversible Watermark Technique -Bhausaheb C.Sanap, Vaibhav M.Pagare, Aditya A.Pardeshi, Udayraj P.Anwekar |  |
201 | Energy Balanced WSN with Enhanced-DDCD Clustering Method -R.S.Janani, R.Shankar, M.Savitha |  |
202 | Agile Methodology: A new Approach over Traditional Methodology -Bhoomika Gupta, Rashmi Patel ,Vaibhav Vyas |  |
203 | Document Clustering For Forensic Investigation -Yogesh J. Kadam, Yogesh R. Chavan , Shailesh R. Kharat , Pradnya R. Ahire |  |
204 | Accessing Cloud Services Using Graphical Password Authentication -S.A.Gade, Alpesh Valvi , Suraj Birdawade, Datta Tambe |  |
205 | Comparative Study on Multistoried RCC Structure with and without Shear Wall by using SAP2000 v17 -Vinay Sanjeevkumar Damam |  |
206 | Performance Evaluation Of Four Stroke Single Cylinder C.I Engine Using Diesel And Methonal - Diesel Blended Fuel As Alternate Fuels -Sri Elumagandla surendar, Vajra Navatha |  |
207 | A Novel Image Forgery Detection Approach By Using Scale Invariant Feature Transform -M.Meenakshi , K.S.Mohan |  |
208 | Hybrid Based Recommendation Engine: The Art of Matching Items to User -Divya Vasal1, Preksha Shukla, Vaibhav Vyas |  |
209 | Avoidance of Wormhole Attack by using Delphi method -Swaijit Kaushal, Reena Aggarwal |  |
210 | Experimental Investigation on the Flexural Behavior of the Steel-Concrete Composite Beams -Vinay N, Harish M L, R Prabhakara |  |
211 | Methodology for Crucial Data Processing in Cloud Computing -K. Siva Sankar |  |
212 | Shadow-Fading Environments based routing in MANETs -R. Madhanmohan, V. Venkatramani |  |
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