Volume 2- Issue-8 November -2015 |
01 | The Corrosion Inhibition of Aluminium Metal in 0.5M Sulphuric Acid using Extract of Breadfruit Peels -K. J. Orie , Christian, Mathew |  |
02 | A New Decomposition Technique for Daily Peak Load Demand -Victor Okolobah, Zuhaimy Ismail, Peter Okperhie |  |
03 | Dynamic Stability Improvement of a Grid Connected Wind Generators: A Case Studied -Van-Tri Bui, Dinh-Nhon Truong , Dac-Loc Ho |  |
04 | Analysis of singularities stress in a copper film on a polymer substrate system |  |
05 | Prediction of air temperature using Multi-layer perceptrons with Levenberg-Marquardt training algorithm -Mustapha BEN EL HOUARI, Omar ZEGAOUI , Abdelaziz ABDALLAOUI |  |
06 | Model Simulation System Dynamic Relating to the Availability of Green Open Space in Medan City-Indonesia -Darwin Parlaungan Lubis, Alvi Syahrin, Budi Utomo, Delvian |  |
07 |
-A. K. M. Atique Ullah, Md. Ibrahim Khalil, A. K. M. Fazle Kibria |  |
08 | Design of a Fuzzy Logic Controlled DVR to Prevent Saturation from Series Transformers -T.Vamsee Krishna, K. Jithendra Goud |  |
09 | Clone attack detection using Area-based PEAS Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks -S. Raja Rajeswari , V.Seenivasagam, D.Karthiga |  |
10 | Controller Design Using ANFIS-Based Estimation Method for Unmodeled Dynamics -M. Jyosthna Bai, K.Sailaja |  |
11 | Designing of S-Box Based On Null Convention Logic -D.Swathi, P.Gangadhar, D.V.Supriya |  |
12 | Estimation of Diffuse Solar Radiation for Yola, Adamawa State, North-Eastern, Nigeria -D. O. Akpootu, W. Mustapha |  |
13 | Monitoring Cardio Respiratory and Gesture Recognition System Using Sensor Pillow System -R.Boomidevi, R.Pandiyan, N.Rajasekaran |  |
14 | Corn Farmland Monitoring Using Wireless Sensor Network -T.Gayathri, S.Ragul, S.Sudharshanan |  |
15 | Parallel Network File System with Authenticated Key Exchange Protocols -Singh Vikas J, Shaikh Faiz I, Ahire Akash R, Singh Vivekkumar R |  |
16 | Survey: Stock Market Prediction Using Statistical Computational Methodologies and Artificial Neural Networks -A. Rao, S. Hule, H. Shaikh, E. Nirwan, P. M. Daflapurkar |  |
17 | Preparation of Alternative Fuel from Waste Transformer Oil and Studying Performance Charachteristics On Diesel Engine for Different Blends -Vipin Mohta, M Basavaraj |  |
18 | Comparative analysis of Spectral Phase Encoding/Decoding based OCDMA Communication System for two Optical Modulation Formats -Yogendra Singh, Manisha Bharti, Jitender Kumar |  |
19 | Developing Empirical Models for Predicting Diffuse Solar Radiation over Yola, Adamawa State, North-Eastern, Nigeria -D. O. Akpootu, M. I. Iliyasu, W. Mustapha, S. Aruna |  |
20 | Human Health Monitoring System Using Wearable Sensors -S.Gayathri, N.Rajkumar, V.Vinothkumar |  |
21 | Review Paper: To Study the Image Denoising Techniques -Kalpana, Harjinder Singh |  |
22 | Design and Analysis of Lifting Mechanism of Dam Gate Opening Hoist Machine -Reshma Subhash Kharche , G.P.Ptil, N.A.Kharche |  |
23 | -A.S.Shankari , J.Shanthini |  |
24 | Green Building -Ghalimath.A.G |  |
25 | One-Dimensional Optimization forProportional–Resonant Controller Design along with fuzzy logic controller Against the Change in Solar Irradiation and Source Impedance in PV Systems -S.Thej Kiran , Y.VishnuVardhan Reddy |  |
26 | Experimental Analysis of Diesel Engine Using Waste Transformer Oil with IPA Ignition Improver -G.Venkateswarlu , J.Jhansi Rani , M.Sreenivasa Reddy |  |
27 | Predictive Modeling and Sentiment Analysis: Data Mining Approach -Vijay D. Chougule, Anis N. Mulla |  |
28 | Extended Hybrid IP Traceback Scheme: E-RIHT -Kavita Sunchu1, Deshmukh P.K , Dhainje P.B |  |
29 | Survey on Friend Recommendation System for Social Network’s -Chaitali H. Hegshetye , Namrata C. Bandbe , Yogesh. M. Gajmal |  |
30 | Effect of Top Glass Cover on Thermal Performance Of Cylindrical Parabolic Collector -Kulkarni Hrushikesh Bhujangrao |  |
31 | Heat Balance Sheet of Single Cylinder Diesel Engine by Introducing Oxygen in the Air Intake -Sandeep. J. Desai, S. Shivkumar |  |
32 | An Efficient Multiplier Architecture Design for FIR Filter -Ragavi.M, Thilakavathi.S, Raveena Shree.K |  |
33 | Review On Performance Analysis of Energy Efficient Routing Protocols in Different Traffic Based MANET’S -Yarram Srikanth Ajith Kumar, Reena Aggarwal |  |
34 | Modeling and Simulation of BLDC Motor using MATLAB/SIMULINK Environment -SudhanshuMitra, R.SaidaNayak, Ravi Prakash |  |
35 | Implementation of Energy Management System to PV-Wind Hybrid Power Generation System for DC microgrid Applications -A. Albert Martin Ruban, G. Mathew Rajasekaran, N. Rajeswari |  |
36 | An experimental analysis of fracture behavior under varied Temperature and material conditions -Karibasavaraja D |  |
37 | Identifying the Text Name and Product Label Detection with Speech Output For Blind Persons -D.Ramya ,D.Somasundareswari |  |
38 | Review on GPU in MATLAB as MATCUDA -Santosh Kumar Sahu , Chetan Pise, Rahul Sathawane, Sandip Kamble |  |
39 | Model Operators on Intuitionistic L Fuzzy Semi Filter -Maheswari.A , Karthikeyan.S , Palanivelrajan.M |  |
40 | The Potential of Palm Oil Mill Effluent for Upgrade of Biogas Production -Muhammad Kismurtono, Hardi Julendra |  |
41 | Intraparticle and Liquid film Diffusion Studies on the Adsorption of Cu2+and Pb2+ Ions from Aqueous Solution using Powdered Cocoa Pod (Theobroma cacao) -Timi TARAWOU, Erepamowei YOUNG |  |
42 | |  |
43 | GPS Micro Strip Rectangular Patch Antenna at 2.45 Ghz Mounted Over Angular Towers -Raj Kumar |  |
44 | A Case of GIS/WFMS Application in Digital Agricultural Project Management -R. Kannadasan, Suyash paliwal, A. Anantha , R. Ramadoss |  |
45 | Construction Waste Minimization and Reuse Management -M.KalilurRahman, S.S.Janagan |  |
46 | A case study on Cyber Security in E-Governance -Kumar D, N. Panchanatham |  |
47 | An Exact Method to Compute Time Delay Margin for Stability of Time-Delayed Generator Excitation Control System -Sahin Sonmez, Ulas Eminoglu , Saffet Ayasun |  |
48 | Detection of Network Intrusions with PCA and Probabilistic SOM -Palakollu Srinivasarao |  |
49 | Performance Analysis of Audio Signal Detection and Jamming -N.Sakthi Bavatharani, T.Ravichandran |  |
50 | Virtual Machine migration with secured Hypervisor-Based Technology -Debabrata Sarddar , Enakshmi Nandi |  |
51 | UART Implementation with Status register and Memory BIST -Devshree Baghel, Khemraj Deshmukh |  |
52 | A Review on PROFINET Fieldbus System -Varun, Ritula Thakur |  |
53 | Prevention of Fire Hazards and Control in South Indian PowerLoom Industries using SHAPA Sensors. -P.G.Gurusamy Pandian, S.Sarvanasankar, S.N. Ramasamy |  |
54 | Autoimmune diseases - a wider perspective -Seravana Kumar P V M, Adimulam Yesubabu, S Anupkant
|  |
55 | To Study the Effect of Untreated Algae, Kitchen and Garage Wastewater on Strength Characteristics of Concrete as Curing Water’s -Pritam Patil, Rohan S Gurav , Brij Bhushan S , Maneeth P D |  |
56 | Morphological Change Analysis of Exposed Ghoramara Island -Subhanil Guha, Anindita Dey |  |
57 | A Survey on Technique for Dynamic Test Reconfiguration for Composite Web Services -Chetan N Phalke, Priti Vyawahare |  |
58 | Design of Digital Circuits Using Reversible Logic at 32nm Technology -M. Madhuri , R. Niranjan |  |
59 | Intelligent Opportunistic Routing In Wireless Sensor Network -Patel Jaheer H, Godbole B.B |  |
60 | Comparative analysis for Bandwidth Enhancement of RMPA using EBG and varying feed line lengths -Tripti Basedia, Rahul Koshtha
|  |
61 | Vehicle License Plate Detection: A Survey -Ajinkya Atiwadkar, Kiran Patil, Sagar Mahajan, Tushar Lande |  |
62 | A Review on Succinct Dynamic Data Structure -Pradhumn Soni, Mani Butwall |  |
63 | Intelligent Traffic Light Control And Monitoring Using State Transition Table (STT) -Ihedioha Ahmed C , Eneh Ifeanyichukwu I |  |
64 | Experimental Investigation of Bending strength Of Banana Fibre Reinforced Epoxy Composites -Siddanagouda B Biradar, Santosh S Chappar |  |
65 | Face recognition using hybrid radial basis function for low dimensional feature extraction -CH.Lakshmi Devi , M.Pradeep
|  |
66 | Time Response Analysis of a DC Motor Speed Control with PI and Fuzzy Logic Using LAB View Compact RIO -B. Udaya Kumar, M. Ramesh Patnaik |  |
67 | Image Quality Assessment Using Biometric Liviness Detection For Fake Finger Print -R.Sowmiya, C.Dhivya,B.Nandhini, T.Anand |  |
68 | Design of Finite Element Model for the Effect of Heat Input & Speed on Residual Stress during Wildings -Kiran D Gaidhani, V L Kadlag |  |
69 | Review on Carbon Electrodes in Microbial Fuel Cell -Arun Govind M |  |
70 | A Distributive Approach for Data Collection Using SenCar in Wireless Sensor Networks -A.Mythili, T.Prabakaran |  |
71 | Simulation of Groundwater Levels in Malaprabha Command Area using Visual MODFLOW FLEX -Anju Anne Varghese, Rajkumar V. Raikar, B. K. Purandara |  |
72 | Method for Arrangement of Heterogeneous D-Matrix -Poonam Madhukar Jagdale |  |
73 | Summary Updation Technique on Multi Document Summarization Using Domain Ontology -Rajshree Hingane |  |
74 | Analysing Impact of Delimiters on the Size of JSON Data Interchange Format -Harpreet Singh Padda, Gulabchand K. Gupta |  |
75 | |  |
76 | Raspberry Pi Using IR Thermal Camera in Agriculture Farm for Smart Irrigation System -S.Pushpavel , P.Saravanan
|  |
77 | Motion Detection Using Optical Flow on Raspberry PI -C. Sureindar, P. Saravanan |  |
78 | Introduction and Applications of Network Coding -Ahmed Hassan Mohammed Hassan |  |
79 | Optimization of the Process Parameters for MIG Welding of AISI 304 and IS 1079 using Fuzzy Logic Method -Prasenjit Mondal, Dipankar Bose |  |
80 | Literature Survey on Intelligent Wide Area Signals Based Damping of Power System Oscillations Using Virtual Generators -L.Heamkumar |  |
81 | Separately Excited DC Motor Speed control of using various Tuning Conventional Controllers -Ujjwal Kumar , Devendra Dohare |  |
82 | Speed tracking of a Linear Induction Motor-Along with Fuzzy Logic control Using Enumerative Nonlinear Model Predictive control -Y.Vishnu Vardhan Reddy, S.Thej Kiran |  |
83 | PID Conventional Controller and LQR Optimal controller for Speed analysis of DC Motor: A Comparative Study -Rajkumar dwivedi, Devendra Dohare |  |
84 | Secured Attendance Management System Using RFID Technology -M.R.V. Venkatesa Vimal Chand, M.Syed Meeran , V. Prabaharan |  |
85 | A Graph Theoretical Approach to Monogenic and Strongly Monogenic Right Ternary N-Groups -A. Uma Maheswari , C. Meera |  |
86 | Implementation of Secure Hash Algorithm Using JAVA Programming -Revati Raman Dewanagn, Deepali Thombre, Kaushlendra Sharma |  |
87 | An Accessible Energy Efficient Routing Protocols for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: A Contemporary Investigation -Nitesh Yadav, Sunita Chaudhary |  |
88 | Environmentalism and Issues of Sustainability in Modern Environmental Perspectives. -Binu K |  |
89 | Design and Simulation of Nonlinear Control System for Magnetic Levitation of Steel Ball -Eadala Sarath Yadav, Santosh Kumar Choudhary, I Thirunavukarasu |  |
90 | Enhanced LMNN Using Ball trees in CBIR -K.Selvam , K.L.Shunmuganathan |  |
91 | A Clustering Algorithm for Discovering Varied Density Clusters -Ahmed M. Fahim |  |
92 | Smart Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitor: A Novel Approach -Shailaja P Vedpathak , B.B.Godbole |  |
93 | A Review and modal analysis of stiffened plate -Ashutosh Kumar , Rachayya R. Arakerimath |  |
94 | Comparative Study of LECA as a Complete Replacement of Coarse Aggregate by ACI Method with Equivalent Likeness of Strength of is Method -Hanamanth Shebannavar , Maneeth P. D ,Brijbhushan S |  |
95 | Predictive Current Control Strategy Using ANFIS &LMS Algorithm for Control of PMSM Drive Systems -B.Bhagyamma , P.Sujatha |  |
96 | Adaptive fuzzy & Neuro-Fuzzy Inference controller based MPPT for photovoltaic systems -M.Balaji Naik, P.Sujatha |  |
97 | Analytical and Numerical Solution of One-Dimensional a Rectangular Fin with an Additional Heat Source -Saeed J. Almalowi
|  |
98 | Computational Study of Multi-Phase Flows Using Lattice Boltzmann Model -Saeed J. Almalowi , Dennis E. Oztekin , Alparslan Oztekin |  |
99 | Efficient Traffic Redundancy approach over public cloud servers using Cache Data -C Phanendra Varma , P Srinivas , D D D Suri Babu |  |
100 | Traditional Approach to Predict Hard Queries using Keyword Analyzer over Data bases -E Samuel Raju , P Srinivas , D D D Suri Babu |  |
101 | Transmission Congestion and Voltage Profile Management in Long Transmission Lines Using UPFC with Fuzzy LogicController -G.Venkata Narayana , M Malleswararao , P Ramesh , N Rammohan |  |
102 | View on Universe as Para- Element with Super Natural Energy -Yogesh G. Joshi , Pravin R. Ingole , Vinee S. Gemnani
|  |
103 | A Novel Approach for Improving Similarity Search Using SVM Classification Algorithm -Anitha S , Radha P |  |
104 | Fuzzy Logic Control System and its Applications -Balkeshwar Singh , Anil Kumar Mishra |  |
105 | Energy Audit and Conservation Tool for Energy Efficiency -Sachin P. Parthe , Santosh Kompeli |  |
106 | Solar Powered Prosthetic Arm Stimulated by EMG Signal Using LabVIEW -Keerthana R , Uma K , Naseem A |  |
107 | Analysis of Different Modulation Technique at AWGN Channel with the Help of MATLAB -Sneha Verma , S.Sugumaran , Raviprakash |  |
108 | Design of Repetitive Controller for Modular Multilevel Converter -P.Sai Aravind , K. Vindhya Smitha |  |
109 | An Understanding of Suspended Sediment Transport -Vipinkumar G Yadav , S. M. Yadav |  |
110 | To assess the prevailing Water Distribution Network using EPANET -Vipinkumar G Yadav , Darshan Mehta , Sahita I Waikhom |  |
111 | Experimental Investigation on Usage of Grey Water in Concrete Production -Abdul Razak.B.H , D.L.Venkatesh Babu |  |
112 | Impact of Quarry Dust and Fly Ash on the Fresh and Hardened Properties of Self Compacting Concrete -Abdul Razak.B.H, Madhukeshwara.J.E |  |
113 | Design Of 8x8 Wallace Multiplier Using MUX Based Full Adder with Compressor -C.Dhivya , M.Thiruppathi , R.Sowmiya
|  |
114 | Emerging Hybrid Energy Sources in Bihar -Md Faizan Nomani , Kartik Bhatia, Arvind Rehalia |  |
115 | Studies on Geotechnical Properties of Black Cotton Soil Stabilized With Furnace Dust and Dolomitic Lime -Haresh D. Golakiya, Chandresh D. Savani |  |
116 | To Study of Alternatives for Ground Improvement of Old Waste Dump Site in Surat -Haresh D. Golakiya , Chandresh H. Solanki |  |
117 | Construction Labor Productivity and its Improvement -C.Thiyagu, M.Dheenadhayalan
|  |
118 | Go City – A Survey -Lydia Antony, Dilip V, Fifie Francis, Rohini .V |  |
119 | Effluent Treatment Plant of Dairy Wastewater – A Performance Evaluation -Ajim S. Sutar , Riyaj K. Mulla , Anil C. Ranveer |  |
120 | Comparative Survey On Image Denoising Of Hyperspectral Images -K.Poomala , J.Jayageetha |  |
121 | Analysis Of Inlet Air Temperature Effect On Gas Turbine Compressor Perfornance -Hari Ganesh Arangi , P.Sivaram , N.HariBabu |  |
122 | Controlling of Distribution Voltage for DC Micro-grids Using MRAS, Fuzzy Control and Gain-Scheduling Technique -A.Ganesh, M.Balaji Naik |  |
123 | Tuning controller parameters and load frequency control of multi-area multi-source power system by Particle Swarm Optimization Technique -V.Jyothi , P. Bharat Kumar |  |
124 | A Model to Prevent Flooding Attacks in Clouds -B.Kosal Kumar, G.Sumalatha |  |
125 | Comparative study of Flipkart.com, Snapdeal, E-bay: India’s Leading E-business Portals -Sheeba Praveen , Devendra Agarwal , Sumaiya faizyab |  |
126 | Investigating Factors Influencing Labour Productivity in Construction Projects -T.R.Vignesh , S.S.Janagan
|  |
127 | NINA- An Epitome of Emancipation-A Study of Manju Kapur’s THE IMMIGRANT -T. Sri Devi |  |
128 | Wireless Communication Security through Symbol Obfuscation in Physical Layer -S.Niranjani , R.Nirmalan |  |
129 | Hydraulic Performance Evaluation of Hare Community Managed Irrigation Scheme, Southern, Ethiopia -Mamuye Tebebal , Mekonen Ayana |  |
130 | Search Engine Using Clustering and Text Mining -Vinod S. Badgujar , Asha H. Pawar |  |
131 | Gray Matter and White Matter Segmentation from MRI Brain Images Using Clustering Methods -Deepa V , Benson C. C , Lajish V. L |  |
132 | A Study on Market Penetration of Marie Gold Biscuit in Palakkad Town -Rafeeque M.T , M.Saravanan
|  |
133 | Closed loop controlled PFC boost converter with constant Output voltage and EMI filter -Rohit Chachda, Syed Naveed |  |
134 | Effects of Gate Length and Oxide Thickness on DG-MOSFET -Harsh Vardhan |  |
135 | The performance analysis of the Predictive Torque Controlled (PTC)Induction Motor Drive fed from the Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) -Srikant Misra , Sujit Kumar Patro , Santosh Kumar Mallick |  |
136 | The Marathi Text-To-Speech Synthesizer Based On Artificial Neural Networks -Sangramsing N. Kayte , Bharti Gawali |  |
137 | Eye Tracking Computer Control-A Review -Nagesh R |  |
138 | Crime Mining from Encrypted Files Warehouse on Cloud -Abhishek Israni, Geeta Kewalramani , Ankita Bhattacharya , Manju Ahuja |  |
139 | Mining Frequent Itemsets from Super Bazaar Data Repositories using Apriori Algorithm -Shivaji D. Mundhe , D.R. Vidhate |  |
140 | Understanding the Behaviors of Gas Condensate Reservoirs -Amer Badr BinMerdhah , Salem O. Baarimah , Mohammed A. Khamis |  |
141 | Partial Discharge within a Spherical Cavity in Solid Dielectric Material -Keshav Gupta , N.K.Yadav , P.K.Rattewal
|  |
142 | Partial Replacement of Cement with Nano fly ash (class c) and Nano GGBS -S.Praveen , S.S.Janagan |  |
143 | Literature Survey on Agile Information Systems Development -Surbhi R. Khare, Ritesh Shrivastava |  |
144 | Reduction of Code Reuse Attacks Using Code Randomization and Recursive Traversal Algorithm -K. Krishna priya , P.Murugeswari |  |
145 | Development of Multipurpose Coconut Cutting Machine -S. M. Fulmali , A. A. Bhoyar |  |
146 | Standardization of Work in a Manufacturing Industry -Ratheesh PG |  |
147 | Efficient Method for Intrusion Detection in Multitenant Data Center -Swapnil M. Jawahire , H. A. HIngoliwala |  |
148 | A Study on prevention of hazard in industry by the use of personal protective equipment and implementing smart technology for personal protective equipment. -Dharani.R , Sivalingam.A , Prabhakaran.D,Thirumarimurugan.M |  |
149 | Comprehending SIP server overload control methodologies - A literature survey -Abdullah Akbar, S. Mahaboob Basha , Syed Abdul Sattar |  |
150 | Design and Fabrication of Portable Average (Mileage) Testing Machine for Two Wheeler Vehicles -Amit Ashokrao Gulalkari , Vijay G. Gore , Aniket P. Pathre , Manoj J. Watane |  |
151 | Enhanced PSO for Graph Coloring Problem -Ankit Singh, Ramveer Singh |  |
152 | Use of Computational Intelligence Technique for Accuracy Enhancement in Software Cost Estimation -Aruna Shrivastava , Neelabh Sao |  |
153 | Cross Recurrence Plots as a Tool for Non Linear Data Analysis -Chinmaya Krishnan G |  |
154 | Blue Tec -Sanoj T, Rixon K L, Christy Mathew, Prashob M A, Manuraj K R, Jithin Mohandas N P |  |
155 | -Khaled A. Selim, Nagui A. Abdel-Khalek , Samah M. El-Sayed , Samah S. Abdallah |  |
156 | Automatic Voltage Regulation by Fractional Adaptive Control (Removed ) -C. V. Saranya , V. Jyothi |  |
157 | ECG Data Compression for MIT-BIH Record No. 100/ML II with DCT and DCT-2 Frequency Transformation Techniques -Anurag Agarwal , Ambaika Sharma , M L Devel |  |
158 | Comparative study of medical datasets IETD and UCITD using statistical methods -V Prasad , T Srinivasa Rao , Ch NarayanaRao , G Anuradha |  |
159 | Tweet Alert: Effective Utilization of Social Networks for Emergency Alert and Disaster Management System -A.S.Gowri , R.Kavitha |  |
160 | To assess the performance of Sewage Treatment Plant: A Case study of Surat city -Kavita N. Choksi, Margi A. Sheth , Darshan Mehta |  |
161 | To evaluate the performance of Sewage Treatment Plant: A Case study -Kavita N. Choksi , Margi A. Sheth , Darshan Mehta |  |
162 | Grafting of styrene onto cellulose -Pankaj K. Aggarwal , Ajay Karmarkar , Syed Noeman Taqui |  |
163 | Disrupting system designing which is installable in UAV -Mahmoud Samkan , Sepideh Behrouzi far |  |
164 | Green supply chain management: A Review -Gaurav. B. Patil, Dr. Dhananjay R Dolas |  |
165 | Short Term Generation Scheduling of Thermal Units with Emission Limitation in Deregulation Environment -C.Sakthivel, S.Pavithra , S .Pradeep kumar , R.Guruprasath |  |
166 | Design and Analysis of Control Bay Used in Guided Missile -Ragam Prashanth , D.Muppala , Nirmith Mishra |  |
167 | Temperature Dependence of Electrical Resistivity of Metals at Very Low Temperatures -P. Poddar , Shekhar |  |
168 | Ultrasonic studies on sargassum dye using water/ethanol extraction at different temperatures -U. Venkateswarlu |  |
169 | A Secured Privacy Authentication with Recovery -M.Newlin Rajkumar , V.Dhurka |  |
170 | Non Linear Modeling for Predicting Soaked CBR of Soil -Priyank Patel, Suneet Kaur |  |
171 | To Analysis the performance of two area power system in Automatic Generation Control based on MATLAB -Anupam Mourya , Rajesh kumar, Sanjeev Kumar , Manmohan Singh |  |
172 | MATLAB Simulation Based Various Path Loss Prediction Model -Anand Bavarva , Ashutosh Dave , Hemant Soni , Abhimanu Singh |  |
173 | Development of Propeller Test Rig and Evaluation of Propeller Performance -R.K. Tripathi , Vidit Tiwari , Ishaan Khunger , Pragya Berwal |  |
174 | Reduce the Time Of Multi Job Operation by Flow Shop and Gantt Chart -Suresh ChandraDansena, Dinesh Dubey, Ashish Kumar Khandelwal |  |
175 | Cancer Prediction System Using Datamining Techniques -K.Arutchelvan, R.Periyasamy |  |
176 | Design and Implementation of Embedded Web Server -Sharad R.Khot , Mr. V.A. Mane |  |
177 | Review of high throughput area efficient pipelined viterbi decoder for wireless application -Sushama D. Pohane, Prashant Y. Shende |  |
178 | Enhancement of Photovoltaic Systems with Cascaded Modular Multilevel Converters Using Fuzzy Controller -K.Suresh, K. Vindhya Smitha |  |
179 | Optimization Procedure by Using Genetic Algorithm -Yedem Muni Ratnam , K Mohan Krishna , P.Giribabu |  |
180 | FEM Analysis on Locomotive Train Brake for Improved Efficiency by using CATIA and ANSYS-Workbench -Chintha Sreedhar, P.Giribabu , P Umamahesh |  |
181 | Period Based Defense Mechanism Against Data Flooding Attacks -C.R.Dhivyaa , R.Sudhakar |  |
182 | Imaging through Kolmogorov model of atmospheric turbulence for shearing interferometer wavefront sensor -M.Mohamed Ismail , M.Mohamed Sathik |  |
183 | Fault Detection and Fault Classification of Double Circuit Transmission Line Using Artificial Neural Network -Atul A. Kale , Navita G.Pandey |  |
184 | Implementation of 16-Bit Carry Select Adder and Modified Carry Select Adder Using VHDL -L. Jyothi Reddy , S.Ahmed Basha , K.Prasad babu , M.Sreenivasulu , K.Sudhakar |  |
185 | A Survey on Improved PROPHET Routing Protocol in DTN -Dushyant Patel 1, Rakesh Shah |  |
186 | Secure Data Recovery with Enhancement of Reversible Watermarking -Divyamala.A , Raja.R , Baskaran.G , Zaibunnisa.S |  |
187 | Optimized Ring Routing Protocol for Efficient Data Transmission -Kalaiselvi K , SasiDevi J , Janani R |  |
188 | Image Enhancement Using Discrete Curvelet Transform -B.P. Santosh Kumar |  |
189 | Prediction of Hard Queries using Keyword Classifier over Databases -Aakana Naresh Babu , S V Suryanarayana |  |
190 | Coal Mine Expert System for Prewarming Of Coal Accidents -Sachin M Dandage, Neha. D. Kadu |  |
191 | Automation of Driving License Test Using Wireless Sensor Network -Suvarna A.Dodke |  |
192 | Door Phone Embedded System for Voice and Finger print Based User Identification and Verification Platform -K. Kavya , P. Ramadeepti |  |
193 | A Survey Report on Object recognizing and Tracking for Ice Bergs In Polar areas using Joint Registration and Active Contour Segmentation. -Namrata Nema , Surendra Dubey |  |
194 | Assessment of Mechanical and Durability Characteristics of Concrete Containing Copper Slag as a Replacement to Fine Aggregate -Chidanand Soudi , Maneeth P D , Brijbhushan S |  |
195 | Production of Bioethanol from Different Feedstocks and Performance, Emission Characteristics of Single Cylinder CI Engine -Shreenivas , S. Kumarappa ,N. S. Manjunath, Rangaswamy.B.E |  |
196 | An Elementary Study of Computational Fluid Dynamics For Various Engineering Applications – A Review -Krutartha Sudhir Jathar , Vivek V.Kulkarni |  |
197 | The role of strategic human resources in cultivating a culture of good Industrial Relations in the SADC region. A case of XYZ Open University -Milton Gwakwa ,Wilfred Chikukutu |  |
198 | Shellshock Attack on Linux Systems – Bash -A. Caroline Mary |  |
199 | A Variant of Round Robin Algorithm -A. Caroline Mary , S. Joshna |  |
200 | Productivity Improvement in Construction Industry -Sneha Jamadagni , B.V.Birajdar |  |
201 | Hybrid Solar & Kitchen waste based Plant for Green Buildings: An Approach to meet the standards of Zero Energy Buildings -G.R.K.D. Satya Prasad , K. Vijaya Kumar Reddy , Ch. Saibabu |  |
202 | -M.Saranya , K.Nithya |  |
203 | Big Data Analytics processing with Apache Hadoop storage -R.Gayathri , M.BalaAnand |  |
204 | Free Vibration Analysis of Cracked and Un-cracked Cantilever Beam -Rupali Rameshrao Patil , Dheeraj Verma |  |
205 | Design of Open to Sky (OTS) Daylighting system for Energy Efficiency in Buildings -Abhishek R. Deshmukh, Asif Pathan , Amar Bhusale, Onkar Lohar |  |
206 | Problems & Laws in Computer security -S. S. Bhavsar |  |
207 | E-Farming an Interface for Indian Farming -P.B.Gaikwad, Pallavi Malode, Pooja Pawar, Sangita Darade |  |
208 | Power flow Controller of PV System -B.Afif, A. Benhamou, T. Allaoui |  |
209 | Water Level Monitoring and Control Using Fuzzy Logic System Ihedioha Ahmed C. and Eneh Ifeanyichukwu I |  |
210 | Catalytic Oxidative Desulfurization (ODS) by Using HPA supported Alumina Catalyst -Sunder Lal , Deeptiraj Pant |  |
211 | Strength aspects of hybrid fiber reinforced concrete -Vinayadeep G M, Brijbhushan S |  |
212 | RS (Reinfection & Self Start) Analysis on the Propagated Email Malware -Reshma Sharafudeen |  |
213 | Operation and Control of Wind/Fuel Cell Based Hybrid Microgrid in Grid Connected Mode -B.Rohith kumar , N.Narasimhulu |  |
214 | Effect of Nanofluid on Heat Transfer Characteristics of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers: Effect of Alunimium Oxide Nanofluid -Elumagandla Surendar , Poreddy Prashanth , S Naga Sarada |  |
215 | Multi directional forging of commercially pure aluminum for production of ultra fine grains -Fahad Ahmed,D.P.Mondal , Pravin. K. Singh |  |
216 | Anti-corrosive effect of Solanum Torvum fruits extract on Zinc in 1.0 N Hydrochloric acid -Bright.A , Michlin Ruphina Maragatham.S , Malar vizhi.I , Selvaraj.S |  |
217 | Increasing Separation of Dissolved Gases Using a Portable System with Hollow Fiber Membrane Modules Including Two Inlets -Pil Woo Heo |  |
218 | Enhanced Cost Sensitive Boosting Network for Software Defect Prediction -Sreelekshmy. P |  |
219 | Evaluating the Impact of Various Parameters on Uncertainty of Measurement Using Analytic Hierarchy Process -Poonam P. Bajpai , Gaurav P. Shukla , Sneha P.Gadpayle , Ashish D. Sonparate |  |
220 | Performance Testing Of 2-Stroke SI Engine by Using External Vaporized Carburetor -Ashish D. Sonparate1, Sneha P.Gadpayle2, Poonam P. Bajpai |  |
221 | Influence Of Soil Structure Interaction In Seismic Behavior Of Buildings On Hill Slopes -Md. Aqeel , Rohan S. Gurav |  |
222 | ERP Implementation in Courier Industry -Parosh Dey, Abhijeet Bose, Suwarna Hajare |  |
223 | A Study on Direct Selling Business (Amway India Ltd) In Kerala: A Case Study of Calicut District Of Kerala -Muhammed Juman.B K , J Christopher |  |
224 | Online meal system using web portal (E-meal) -Parag Patil , Chetan Salunke , Sudershan Patil |  |
225 | Modern Ways of Language Teaching in Engineering Institutes -Nilesh L. Joshi, Pravin V.Domke |  |
226 | Sample Based Visualization and Analysis of Binary Search in Worst Case Using Two-Step Clustering and Curve Estimation Techniques on Personal Computer -Dipankar Das , Arnab Kole , Parichay Chakrabarti |  |
227 | Support Vector Machines for Face Recognition -Navin Prakash , Yashpal Singh |  |
228 | Effect of Dispersoid Size on the Sliding Wear Behavior of Al-2014-10% SiC Composites -Neha Bharti , Prabhash Jain , Rupa Dasgupta |  |
229 | Hand Gesture Movement Tracking System for Human Computer Interaction -Shital M. Chavan , Smitha Raveendran |  |
230 | A Novel Method for Segmentation of Skin Lesions from Digital Images -G.Ramya , J.Rajeshkumar |  |
231 | A Survey Paper on Security Protocols of Wireless Sensor Networks -Aditya Sharma , Garima Tripathi, Md Sohail Khan, Kakelli Anil Kumar |  |
232 | Heart Disease Prediction System Using Data Mining Technique. -Devendra Ratnaparkhi, Tushar Mahajan, ,Vishal Jadhav |  |
233 | Comparison of Seismic Behavior of a Structure with Composite and Conventional Columns -Hajira Nausheen , H.Eramma |  |
234 | -Manisha Jagannath Bhole |  |
235 | Electronic Nose for Detecting Lung Cancer -Leneta Christopher, Tincy K Mariam , Saju Simon.S.G |  |
236 | A Low Cost Advanced Color-Sensing Robot -Virat Mathur , Tarun Gupta |  |
237 | Maze Based Image Encryption Algorithm -Erdal GUVENOGLU |  |
238 | Synthesis and Characterization of Ag doped ZnO Thin Films -Somashekhar.K.Hulloli, Shivaraj B.W |  |
239 | Mixing, Weakly Mixing and Transitive Sets -Mohammed Nokhas Murad Kaki |  |
240 | FIR Filter Designing using MATLAB Simulink and Xilinx system Generator -Kumudini Sahu , Rahul Sinha |  |
241 | A review of emerging technologies under Internet of things -D.K. Bhole
|  |
242 | Analysis of Speed Control of DC Motor –A review study -Nikhil Tripathi , Rameshwar Singh , Renu yadav |  |
243 | A Review Paper on Design and Structural Analysis of Simply Supported Gantry Crane Beam for Eccentric Loading -Kavita R. Kapadni , S. G. Ganiger |  |
244 | Manufacturing and Design Analysis on CAD CAM Software for Single Cavity PDC Die -Venkat Raman Sao, Ashish Khandelwal, Chitrakant Tiger |  |
245 | A Study of Criticality Alarm Systems in Fuel Reprocessing Plant -R.Amudhu Ramesh Kumar , P.Swaminathan |  |
246 | A Review of Analysis and Design of EMI Filters for Power Electronic Converters -k.Manjula, S.Bhuvaneswari |  |
247 | Review on Forensics in Cloud Computing -Sneha Shete |  |
248 | Green Cloud: Emerging trends and their Impacts -Swati S.Tawade |  |
249 | Review on Secure Data Sharing on Cloud -Sushma D. Borkar |  |
250 | Performance Measurement Of Marketing Of Forest Produce In Chhattisgarh State -Niket Shukla, Sanjay Pandey |  |
251 | A Study on Marketing of Forest Produce of Chhattisgarh State -Niket Shukla, Sanjay Pandey |  |
252 | An Elementary Study of Computational Fluid Dynamics For Various Engineering Applications – A Review -Krutartha Sudhir Jathar , Vivek V.Kulkarni |  |
253 | Passengers Segmentation for Metro Run using Smart Card Ayushi Gaur , Nidhi Tawra, Dharmveer Singh Rajpoot |  |
254 | Design and Optimization of Aerodynamics Nozzle for maximum thrust using Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO)- An overview -Nilam Nitin Sonawane , Prasad P. Patil |  |
255 | Design of Energy Efficient Topology for Wireless Scheme -Wagh Harshada W, Tadge Shraddha V, Patole Nisha D, Aware Madhuri R ,A. P. Shiralkar |  |
256 | Product Reading For Visually Impaired Persons -Anusha A. Pingale, Devshree D. Mistry, Shital R. Kotkar, Hemangi A. Pachpande , R.B.Mandlik |  |
257 | Improved Search Results Of Keyword Query Using Data Imputation Approach -Priya Pujari , Arti Waghmare |  |
258 | Linear Antenna Array Synthesis using a Hybrid Method of Moments and Genetic Algorithm to Reduce the Side Lobe Level -K.Yedukondalu, T.Venkateswarlu, M.Durga Rao |  |
259 | Performance of a Rectangular microstrip patch antenna on different dimensions -AbhishekChittora , AmitKumar , AyushiTikkiwal , ChetanSaini |  |
260 | Supportive SQL Interface for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks -Pabboju Ramesh |  |
261 | Smart Monitoring System in Laboratories for Students -S.Sasikala |  |
262 | Food Pan Temperature Controller -A. Mohamed Nazeer |  |
263 | Study and Analysis of Refrigeration Technology Used in Ice Plant -Saravanan.D |  |
264 | Classification and Segmentation Method for the Number Plate Detection -Sheela M.G. |  |
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