Volume 2- Issue-9 December -2015 |
01 | Research on Integrating Multimedia and E-learning Platform to the Remedy Teaching of Mathematics for Learning Achievements -Pin-Chang Chen, Chen-Feng Wu, Tsung-Yun Liu |  |
02 | Evaluating Online Payment Transaction Reliability using Rules Set Technique and Graph Model -Trung Le , Ba Quy Tran , Hanh Dang Thi My , Thanh Hung Ngo |  |
03 | Compressive Strength of Unfired Composite Bricks Made of Same Clay and Natural Fiber of Tanzania -Heavy Geofrey Njau, Eugene Park |  |
04 | Evaluation of the correlation between Ultraviolet and Broadband Solar Radiation at a subtropical location (Qena, Upper Egypt) -M. El-Nouby Adam ,Emad A. Ahmed |  |
05 | Design of State of Charge of Battery Estimator Using Locally Linear Model Tree for Use in Hybrid Vehicles -Amin Rezaei |  |
06 | The Effect of Drilling Mud Density on Penetration Rate -Akpabio.J.U, Inyang.P.N , Iheaka.C. I |  |
07 | Status of Agricultural Mechanization in Ghana:A Case Study of Maize Producing Farmers in Ejura/Sekyedumase District, Ashanti Region -A. Taiwo , F. Kumi |  |
08 | Comparison Study on Treatment of Campus Waste-water by Constructed Wetlands Using Canna Indica & Phragmites Austrails Plants -Kavya S Kallimani , Arjun S Virupakshi |  |
09 | High performance doubly clamped piezoresistive accelerometers by the outturn of electroplating -B. Anupama |  |
10 | Wireless Digital Notice Board Using GSM Technology -Ramchandra K. Gurav, Rohit Jagtap |  |
11 | A Novel Unified Data Embedding Technique -Swetha Krishnan, R. Anil Kumar |  |
12 | Computer Simulation and Modeling with Nemo 3-D and Quantum Dots of Nano Materials -Stalin Subbiah , Suresh Subramanian |  |
13 | Design and Simulation of Reliable and Efficient Hybrid Solar-Wind Power System Using Improved MPPT P& O Algorithm -Rati Ranjan Sabat , S.M Ali , Rashmita Panigrahy |  |
14 | Geometric coupling of scalar multiplets to D=4, N=1 pure supergravity -Paolo Di Sia |  |
15 | Literature Survey on Modeling and Simulation of FUEL CELL system using Dual Active Bridge (DAB) DC-DC Converter -M. Revathi, PG Scholar, G. Manikandan Sathyagan |  |
16 | Implementation of Two-Degree-Of-Freedom (2DOF) Controller Using Coefficient Diagram Method (CDM) Techniques for Three Tank Interacting System -K. Senthilkumar ,D.Angeline Vijula |  |
17 | Finite Element Analysis of Wooden Plank Used In Vibratory Conveyor for Sugar Industry -Raju N Patil, C S Wadageri, Ashok M Hulagabali |  |
18 | Traction Assistance System for Four Wheel Drive Electric Vehicle -K. Sivakumar , D. Angeline Vijula |  |
19 | A Three Phase Shunt Active Power Filter For Harmonics Reduction -N.Vanajakshi , G.Nageswara Rao |  |
20 | Strength Properties of Meta Kaolin & Fly Ash Plane Cement Concrete -Rajamanya V. S , Kulkarni N. K |  |
21 | Design and Analysis of Valveless Based Pulse Detonation Engine -Thota Naresh , U.Sudhakar , K.V.Raghavulu |  |
22 | Weighted Random Pattern Generator of BIST -Rajni Gajendra, Rahul Gedam |  |
23 | Global Environmental Facility: Climate Change in India -Sharayu S. Savairam , Sharayu S. Pujari , Anil C. Ranveer |  |
24 | CFD analysis of a single phase mixing of fluids without the aid of stirrers -Md Irfan, Kailash B A , Gowreesh Subramanya |  |
25 | Simulation and modeling of grid connected TSC/TSR system using MATLAB -V. Ramalakshmi , Er.S.T.Rama |  |
26 | Multi cell Coordination via Scheduling, Beam forming and Power control in MIMO-OFDMA -G.Rajeswari , D.LalithaKumari |  |
27 | Literature Survey of Asymmetrical Fault Ride-Through As Ancillary Service by Constant Power Loads in Grid Connected Wind Farm -S.Kalpana1, T.Jenish
|  |
28 | Design and Structural Analysis of Wing Rotor -M.Dhinesingh |  |
29 | Studies on Strength Characteristics of Concrete with Metakoalin as an Admixture -Avancha Sri Sowmya , K. Sundara Kumar |  |
30 | Non-Destructive Evaluation Of Structural Health Of A Building Using Rebound Hammer -Kondapalli Harshada , K. Sundara Kumar |  |
31 | Studies on Strength Characteristics of Fibre Reinforced Concrete with Wood Waste Ash -Pappula Ganesh Kumar, K. Sundara Kumar |  |
32 | Authentication of k Nearest Neighbor Query on Road networks using Voronoi diagram -P.Santhiyapriya , B.Chithra |  |
33 | Performance of Cloud Data Integrity Proofs in Cloud Storage System Using Cryptographic Key -B.M.Rajesh |  |
34 | On the Differentiability of Fuzzy Transition Probability of Fuzzy Markov Chains -J. Earnest Lazarus Piriyakumar , V. Sreevinotha |  |
35 | Employee Welfare Measures- A Study on Cement Corporation of India Units in Thandur and Adilabad -B.R.Manasa, C.N.Krishnanaik |  |
36 | Design of System on Chip GPS for Chain Snatch Tracker -Sowmya S, G.Raghavendra Rao |  |
37 | Homogeneous Region Segmented Using the Mean-Shift Algorithm for Video Inpainting -N.Dhanalakshmi,S.Gowri saranya,R.Raja |  |
38 | Video fusion based on shot detection -Shruti N. Naidu , Kanchan Mankar |  |
39 | An Impression of Cancers and Survey of Techniques in Image Processing for Detecting Various Cancers: A Review -P.Geetha , V.Selvi |  |
40 | Data Mining in the field of Agriculture Banking and Medical -Surya.k |  |
41 | Experimental Determination of Flammability Limit and Quenching Diameter for Various Biodiesel Blends. -Bharat U. Ambade , Satish K. Bhele , Dhananjay.B. Nandgaye |  |
42 | Thermal Analysis of Tundish in Continuous Casting Machine in Steel Industry: A Review -Bhushan Thakre, C. B. Kothare, K. S. Raizada |  |
43 | Vibration Analysis of Simply Supported Beam with ‘V’ Notch Crack -A.I. Deokar , S.D. Katekar |  |
44 | Secure Way to Data Storage and Forwarding Using Cloud Computing -VasantiK. More, Kaushik H. Udavant , Vaibhav V. Tandale , GauravP. Dixit |  |
45 | Friend & Group Recommendation System Based on User's Lifestyle & Finding Fake Users. -S. S. Shinde , Atul Pawale , Vishakha Satkar , Shital Sutar , Pooja Tamke |  |
46 | Wide Area Backup Protection Scheme For Power Transmission Lines Using PMU -S.Karthick , K.Lakshmi |  |
47 | Mining Educational Data Using Data Mining Techniques and Algorithms –A Review -S. Padmapriya , L. Jayasimman , Nisha Jebaseeli , B. Senthil Kumar |  |
48 | An Advance Repetitive Control Scheme for Fuzzy Current Control Based Grid-Connected Inverter with Frequency-Adaptive Capability -B. Abdul Saleem , Y. Vishnu Vardhan Reddy |  |
49 | Component Safety Assessment Using Three-State Markov Chain Model -Gandi Satyanarayana , P. Seetharamaiah |  |
50 | Robust System for Patient Specific Classification of ECG Signal Using PCA and Neural Network -Vishwajeeta Patil, Prof S.N.Patil |  |
51 | A Survey on Plant Leaf Disease Detection Using Image Processing Techniques -M.Malathi , K.Aruli , S.Mohamed Nizar, A.Sagaya Selvaraj |  |
52 | Area Efficient Implementation Of Adaptive Fir Filter Based On Distributed Arithmetic -Lisha Anna Daniel, Niji Mathews |  |
53 | Investigation of False Data Injection in Smart Grid to Minimize the Security Risks in AGC -S.Shanthi , N.Loganathan |  |
54 | Review on Behavior of Soft Storey in Building -Vipin V. Halde, Aditi H. Deshmukh |  |
55 | A PFC CUK Converter FED BLDC Motor Drive Using Artificial Neural Network -Chippy George M, Reshma Raj C |  |
56 | An Integrated ECC and BISR Scheme for Error Correction in Memory -Shabana P B , Anu C Kunjachan , Swetha Krishnan |  |
57 | Hydro and Wind Power Coordination Using Interval Optimization to Attain Profit Intervals -Oshiya A , Lakshmi K |  |
58 | Locational Marginal Pricing Approach for a Deregulated Electricity Market -A Abirami , T R Manikandan |  |
59 | Closed Loop Control Of High Step-Up Dc/Dc Converter Based On Coupled Inductor and Switched-Capacitor -Josie Baby , Della David |  |
60 | Vibration Damping of Shaft by Magnetic Piezoelectric Control Mount: Experimental Analysis -Tipayale Amay R , ThoratPuja A. |  |
61 | One-Cycle Control of Interleaved Buck Converter with Improved Step-Down Conversion Ratio -Emilin Thomas Kangappadan , Della David |  |
62 | PWM Contol of High Gain Sepic Boost Converter With Coupled Inductor and Charge Pump Capacitor -Reshma K R , Renjini G |  |
63 | Laplace Substitution Method for nth Order Linear and Non-Linear PDE’s Involving Mixed Partial Derivatives -S. S. Handibag , B. D. Karande |  |
64 | Evaluation of Some Physical Properties of Soils as Factors Influencing Movement of Contaminants through Porous Soils Media of Gwari market Dumpsites, Yola, Nigeria -Burmamu B. R. and Law P. L |  |
65 | Identifying the Fraud Detection in Health Care System Using Data Mining -Dharani. S , Shoba. S.A |  |
66 | High performance Ripple carry Adder using Domino Logic -J.Karpagam , A.Arunadevi |  |
67 | A Study of Online Shopping Website Characteristics and Its Impact on Consumer Intention to Purchase Online In Chennai -G.R.Shalini, K.S.HemaMalini |  |
68 | Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Using CFD -Kanade Rahul H , Kailash B A , Gowreesh |  |
69 | Neural Networks in Data Mining -S.Sathyamoorthy |  |
70 | Load flow analysis by Newton Raphson Method with and without UPFC -U M Sandeep kumar, S Seetharamudu |  |
71 | Placing and Sizing of DG in Radial Distribution System and Identifying Fault Location in Distribution System Integrated with Distributed Generation -K.Divya , S.Srinivasan |  |
72 | Power Quality Improvement Using Various Energy Sources and Energy Storage System in Microgrid -C.Udhaya priyadharshini , P.Aravindan |  |
73 | Synthesis and Structural Investigations of Titanium Di-oxide (TiO2) Nanoparticles by Microwave Assisted Method -E.Kumar , D.Muthu Raj , S.C. Vella durai , S.Karthiga Devi , A.Jenufa Begam |  |
74 | Comparative Study of Rectangular and Trapezoidal cantilever Beam for Virus Detection -R.Ushaa nandhini, C Likith Kumar |  |
75 | Multi-Objective Programming For Transportation Planning Decision -Piyush Kumar Gupta, Ashish Kumar Khandelwal, Jogendra Jangre |  |
76 | Major Elements of Project Execution Planning For Construction of Buildings -Kuldeep A. Pandit , P.P. Bhangale |  |
77 | Analysis of Two Area Load Frequency Control Employing Different Computational Methods -R. Praveen Kumar , P. Aravindan |  |
78 | A Novel Method to Improve the Performance Of DSTATCOM Using Deadbeat Predictive Control Algorithm -M.Muthukumar , T.Venkatesan |  |
79 | Design & Simulation Of On Chip I²C Protocol Using Advanced Micro-controller Bus Architecture (AMBA) -Radhika C. Aradhe , Kanchan S. Mankar |  |
80 | A Survey Paper on Modeling Methods for Information Filtering and Relevance Ranking Of Documents -Manjiri M. More , Archana S. Vaidya |  |
81 | Design and Fabrication Of Anti Sliding and Sloping System in Vehicles Using Ratchet and Pawl Mechanism -V. Anish , T.Venkatamuni |  |
82 | Pic-Microcontroller Based Neural Network & Image Processing Controlled Low Cost Autonomous Vehicle -Kumarsagar M. Dange, Sachin S. Patil, Sanjay P. Patil |  |
83 | EDM Process Parameters effects on Titanium Super Alloy -J. Laxman, K. Guru Raj, P. Venkateswara Rao |  |
84 | A Survey on Different Unsupervised Techniques to Detect Outliers -Shruti S. Rakhe, Archana S. Vaidya
|  |
85 | Shearing Resistance of Steel Fiber Reinforced Self Consolidating Concrete Beams without Stirrups -M.Sheik Mohamed , C.Makendran |  |
86 | Predicting Sentiment Analysis from Online Reviews -S.Balaji
|  |
87 | Detection and Prediction of Cracks in Structures: A Review -Pramod Kumar , S. Bhaduri |  |
88 | Ultrasonic Sensor with Accelerometer Based Smart Wheel Chair Using Microcontroller -Sandeep Kumar, P.Raja |  |
89 | Hybrid-Double Multiplier Architecture For Elliptic Curve Cryptography -Dhanalakshmi.S , Poovizhi.P , Agalya.E , Uhashini.R |  |
90 | Impact of The control of the port passage on its attractiveness: Case of the port of Agadir -O. Z. Ouariti , A. Elmenssouri , H.M. Hamri |  |
91 | Comparative Analysis of Effect of Oruwo(Morinda Lucida) Extracts and Conventional Antibiotics on Bacteria that Causes Typhoid Fever -Emiola O. K. Steve , Abbah E. A , Odeyemi J. B , Taiwo T. B |  |
92 | Differential Particle Size Distribution of Aerosol across North Western Region of Nigeria -A. O. Essienimo , M. Momoh , D. O. Akpootu |  |
93 | Percentage Composition of Particle Size Distribution of Aerosol mass concentration during 2014 Winter Season for some Selected Regions in Northwestern Nigeria -A. O. Essienimo , M. Momoh , D. O. Akpootu |  |
94 | Response surface Methodology and Kinetic studies: Biosorption of Lead (II) in aqueous solution using dry pods of Prosopis spicigera -Deepa C. N 1 and Suresha. S |  |
95 | EEG Based Brain Computer Interface for Controlling Home Appliances -B. Sujatha , G. Ambica |  |
96 | Role of third party logistics in supply chain management -Gaurav. B. Patil, Dhananjay R Dolas |  |
97 | Study of Canvas Concrete in Civil Engineering Works -Vaseem Akhtar, Amit Tyagi |  |
98 | Simulation of AC Voltage Controller Using MATLAB and PROTEUS -M. Narayanan , P. Yuvaraj , R. Vidhya , S. Lakshmi Narayana Moorthy |  |
99 | Survey on Anti discrimination in Data Mining -Shilpa Gonbare, Satishkumar Varma ,Manjusha Deshmukh
|  |
100 | Android Controlled Pick and Place Robotic Arm Vehicle -Kumar Aaditya, Divesh Kumar Pande, Preksha Moondra |  |
101 | Review on Regenerating Code Based Secure Cloud Storage Using Public Auditing -Satish Shelar , S.Y.Raut |  |
102 | Decision Support System for Jute Diversified Product -Sujai Das , L. Ammayappan , L.K. Nayak , Utpal Sen |  |
103 | Event Scheduling Using Constrain Satisfaction Approach -Suraj Sharma, Raana Syeda , Puransingh Chauhan , Divya Gurnani , Deepak Gurnani |  |
104 | Selecting best tractor ranking wise by software using MADM (Multiple – Approach Decision Making approach) -Raman Gupta |  |
105 | Analysis of Engine Cylinder Liners -K. Srinivasa Rao , K.Srinivas , B.Vinay , D. Aditya , K.V.Vamsi Krishna , K. Siva Rama Krishna |  |
106 | Seismic Evaluation of Multi-Storey R.C. Structure Using Different Floor Diaphragms -Rahul Chourasiya, Rashmi Sakalle |  |
107 | Review On Deduplicating Data and Secure Auditing in Cloud -Satish Shelar , S.Y.Raut |  |
108 | Texture discrimination by structuring elements using shape index -P Kiran Kumar Reddy |  |
109 | Implementation of simulation based novel PWM scheme for harmonic reduction in three phase voltage source converter. -Madake Rajendra , Nimbalkar Nikita , A.M.Mulla , Patil Swapnil |  |
110 | Structural and Modal Analysis of Different Roll Cage Models In On-Road Transport Vehicle -N.M.Kedarnath, D.J.Johnson |  |
111 | Finite Element Solution of Poisson’s Equation in a Homogeneous Medium -T. U. Chaudhari , D. M. Patel
|  |
112 | Development of Impedance Base Microfluidic Flow Sensor -Masoumeh Asgharighajari , Nurul Amziah , Nasri Sulaiman , Sherif Adebayo Sodeinde |  |
113 | Analysis of Wingtip Performance -Aditya.V |  |
114 | Studies and Simulation based Implementation of Various PWM Strategies for Voltage Source Converter -Nikita U. Nimbalkar, Rajendra B. Madake, Anwar M. Mulla, Swapnil D. Patil |  |
115 | An Overview of Approaches Used In Focused Crawlers -Parigha Suryawanshi , D.V.Patil |  |
116 | Analysis of Solar Steam Generating Device and Effect of Glass Cover on Efficiency of System - Shashikant G. Mane , P.R. Sawant ,N.N. Shinde |  |
117 | Survey on Method of Drift Detection and Classification for time varying data set -K. Wadewale, S. Desai |  |
118 | Optimized Website Structure Improvement for Effective User Navigation - Samadhan W. Jadhav , N. L. Bhale |  |
119 | Task Offloading Framework to Enhance the Computing Capabilities of Smartphone’s -Rahul M. Shelke , S. K. Korde |  |
120 | Some new sets in Ideal topological spaces -Renu Thomas, C.Janaki |  |
121 | An Intelligent Method Based On Hough Transform and Support Vector Machine to Diagnose Retinal Detachment in Ultrasound Images -Sona Morajab, Soheyl Zarkandy |  |
122 | An Empirical Study On Smart Android Based Security Surveillance For Detective Applications -Preeti , Sunita Rani |  |
123 | Soil Stabilization Using Shredded Rubber Tyre -Umar Jan, Vinod K. Sonthwal , Ajay Kumar Duggal , Er. Jasvir S. Rattan , Mohd Irfan |  |
124 | A Survey on Uniminer Frame Slog for Data Mining -Ashwini A. Kale, S.K.Korde |  |
125 | -Ankita. S. Chikhale , S.S. Dhande |  |
126 | A Review on Vibration Control Using Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networking -Srishti Srivastava , Sankha Bhaduri |  |
127 | Study of Rotor Bearing System- A Review -Prashant Verma, Sankha Bhaduri |  |
128 | Car Remote Locking Via Bluetooth Using Android -Mrunal Sakhare, Sagar Ganer, Mona Mulchandani |  |
129 | Effects of Chemical Reaction on MHD Boundary Layer Flow Over an Exponentially Stretching Sheet with Joule Heating and Thermal Radiation -Mridul Kumar Gogoi |  |
130 | Experimental Evaluation of Specific Heat Carrying Capacity of Fly-ash Reinforced Aluminium 6061 Composite -Pratik Shetty , Vinay Atgur , Manavendra.G , Padmayya Naik |  |
131 | Optimization of process parameter on Surface Roughness (Ra) and Wall Thickness on SPIF using Taguchi method -P.B.Uttarwar , S.K.Raini , D.S.Malwad |  |
132 | Watermarking of relational databases: Survey -Rucha D. Kulkarni , Dipak V. Patil |  |
133 | Comparative Study of Prophet, MaxProp, Source Spray and Wait and Binary Spray and Wait Protocols in Delay Tolerant Networks -Biren Patel , Vijay Chavda |  |
134 | Voltage mode control of soft-switched single switch Isolated DC-DC Converter -Reshma T M, Renjini G |  |
135 | Closed Loop Performance Evaluation of Bridge-less PFC Boost Rectifier with Optimized Magnetic Utilization -M.Bharathiraja , V.Suresh |  |
136 | Prediction of Fall Detection using Mixed Approach of wavelet Transformation and Classification in Smart Devices -P Sunanda , DSumit Gupta
|  |
137 | Enhanced Decimal Matrix Code for Detection and Correction of Cell Upsets In SRAM -Y.Madhusudhana , B. Suresh babu |  |
138 | Dynamic Approach of MPPT for PV device by using Adaptive Control and fuzzy controller -Sasidhar sannidhi , Purushottam |  |
139 | Survey on Implementing Privacy Preserving Model for Shared Data in The Cloud -Geetanjali P. Rokade , Sambhaji Sarode |  |
140 | A Survey on Task Check-pointing and Replication based Fault Tolerance in Grid Computing -M.Nakkeeran |  |
141 | Review of Reversible Data Hiding Techniques -Harshila Gawali , R.C. Samant |  |
142 | A Study on Networking Techniques of WBAN System -Mandeep Kaur, Sukhwinder Singh |  |
143 | Solution for Digitizing Educational Curriculum -Harpreet Singh Padda |  |
144 | Significance of Different Flow, Channel and Bed Conditions in Estimation of Open Channel Flow Resistance -Mimi Das Saikia , Meenu Das |  |
145 | 1-D Flow Predictions in Compound Channel using MATLAB -Jarmina Nake, Mimi Das Saikia |  |
146 | Balancing & Coordination of Big Data in HDFS with Zookeeper and Flume -Smita Konda, Rohini More |  |
147 | Automatic Speed Control of Vehicle in Restricted Areas Using RF and Gsm -A.Vengadesh , K.Sekar |  |
148 | A Review Paper on Query Optimization for Crowdsourcing Systems -Rohini Pingle , Rucha Samant |  |
149 | A Review Paper on Content Based Image Retrieval -Priyanka Malode , S. V. Gumaste |  |
150 | Evaluation of Software Hazard and Cost by Commercial Point-of-View -Ankur Srivastava , Mahesh Kumar Singh , Abhimanyu Mishra |  |
151 | A Review on Techniques to Sense the Spectrum for Cognitive Radio Networks -Monika Negi, Sukhwinder Singh |  |
152 | Performance Analysis of MC-CDMA over Different Fading Channels -Vinita , Amita Soni |  |
153 | Review Paper on Collaborative Filtering -Mayuri Dalvi , S.V. Gumaste |  |
154 | Review on Steganographic Mechanism for Remote Authentication Using Biometric -Manisha N.Narote , S.K.Korde |  |
155 | A Survey of friend Recommender system -P. Bansod , R.Bedi |  |
156 | An efficient method for Segmentation and Detection of Brain Tumor in MRI images -Shubhangi S. Veer (Handore), P.M. Patil |  |
157 | A Survey on various Techniques for Bug Triage -Vaishnavi B. Sawant , Nilesh V. Alone |  |
158 | Study of Different Aspects for Designing of Ultra High Voltage Transmission Line -Mohammad Imran , Mohammad Nasim , Ankur Paul |  |
159 | Design and Analysis of a Multi-Cylinder Four Stroke Si Engine Exhaust Manifold Using CFD Technique -Mohd Sajid Ahmed, Kailash B A, Gowreesh |  |
160 | Structural and thermal Analysis of Poppet Valve Made Of Different Composite Materials -Yalla M Surya Chandra Rao , V.V. Ramakrishna , S. Mohan Krishna |  |
161 | Efficient Broadcasting with Energy Based Coverage in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks -P.Karthi |  |
162 | Bandwidth Efficient Cooperative and Energy Based Authentication for Wireless Sensor Network -A.P.Thangamuthu , B.Chithra |  |
163 | A Case Study on Thermodynamic Analysis of Cogeneration Power Plant -Darshan H Bhalodia, Darshit B Parikh, Jignesh B Sinojiya |  |
164 | Automatic Classification of Anterio-Posterior and Lateral Views of Leg X-rays -G.N. Balaji, T.S. Subashini, A. Manikandarajan |  |
165 | Electronic Wallet -Ambarish Salodkar, Karan Morey, Monali Shirbhate |  |
166 | Energy Efficient Grid Based Routing Protocol -Nikhil A S , Anjana Sharma |  |
167 | A Transformerless Inverter With Virtual DC Bus For Eliminating Common Mode Leakage Current In Grid Connected PV Power System -Tamboli Anjum Aslam , Mulla Anwar Mubarak |  |
168 | New Wavelet Based Performance Analysis and Optimization of Scalable Joint Source/Channel Coder (SJSCC & SJSCCN) for Time-Varying Channels. -A.C.Bhagali , D.S.Bhangari , K.G.JAmkhande |  |
169 | Double Integrated Buck Offline Power Supply for LED Lighting Applications -Divya Vincent , Kapil Das |  |
170 | Analysis of Solar Steam Generation Device and Effect of Black Coating for Receiver -Shashikant G. Mane , P.R. Sawant , N.N.Shinde |  |
171 | Analysis of Surface resistivity behavior of Conductive Woven fabrics made from Copper Jari & S.S./Polyester yarns for ESD control -S. S. Bhattacharya , H. N. Amin |  |
172 | Energy Efficient Communication Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Network Services. -Neha Sahu, Surendra Dubey, Tarun Dhar Diwan |  |
173 | Review Paper of Array Waveguide Grating (AWG) -Salah Elfaki Elrofai |  |
174 | A Review paper on BIG Data -Mereena Thomas |  |
175 | Banned Items Recognition by OWA Operator -Abhimanyu Mishra ,Mahesh Kumar Singh , Ankur Srivastava |  |
176 | Survey on Methodology for reduction data in bug assignment system -Harshal S Patil |  |
177 | Experimental Design of a Ternary Full Adder using Pseudo N-type Carbon Nano tube FETs -Kazi Muhammad Jameel |  |
178 | Social Media Sites - A study of its concepts, services and custom -R. Jayanthi , Ananthi Sheshasaayee
|  |
179 | Metaphorical Study on the Performance of Controllers in Modeling, Control and Simulation of Renewable Source Boost Converter Using MATLAB -G.C.Sowparnika, A.Sivalingam , M.Thirumarimurugan |  |
180 | Optimization of Long Haul Optical Communication Dispersion Compensation System Based on FBG -Shambhu Kumar Suman, Naveen Gupta |  |
181 | To Analyze the Parameter Of Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing By Using EDFA -Rekha , Monika Aggarwal , Mahipal Singh |  |
182 | Article on Grid Computing Architecture and Benefits -K. Devika Rani Dhivya , C. Sunitha |  |
183 | Integrating basic Access Control Models for efficient security along with encryption for the ERP System -Swapnaja A. Ubale , S.S. Apte |  |
184 | -Priya D, Anitha Saraswathi P |  |
185 | Developed Non-isolated High Step-up Converter with Low Voltage Stress -Rashma Davis , Aathira K.V |  |
186 | Design and Implementation of BIPED Robot using dsPIC30F2010 controller -Roopa.C |  |
187 | Parametric Analysis of Hyperbolic Cooling Tower under Seismic Loads through STAAD.Pro -Iqbal Hafeez Khan, Rakesh Patel , Aslam Hussain |  |
188 | Developing an Application Tracing Utility for Mule ESB Application on EL (Elastic Search, Log stash) Stack Using AOP -Mohan Bandaru, Amarendra Kothalanka, Vikram Uppala |  |
189 | Analyzation of Safety Verification at different stages of Safety Critical System Development -K. Amarendra , P. Seetharamaiah , J.A. Chandulal |  |
190 | Reducing Overhead Costs to Data Owners with Data Confidentiality in Cloud Computing Using Encryption Technique -Geetanjali Dadi , Amarendra Kothalanka |  |
191 | Secure Data Sharing Using Certificate less Encryption for Providing Efficiency in Public Clouds -Ramyasree Nandagiri , Dinesh Chandrasehkaran |  |
192 | Sharing Parallel and Synchronous Data Access to Encrypted Cloud Computing -Nadimpalli Sravani , Nuka Raju Kolli |  |
193 | A Novel Approach to generate Bit-Vectors for mining Positive and Negative Association Rules -G. Mutyalamma , K. V Ramani , K.Amarendra |  |
194 | A Survey on Resource Allocation policies in Mobile ad-hoc Computational Network -S. Kamble , A. Savyanavar |  |
195 | The Role of Modular Programming in Industrial Control System -Varun , Ritula Thakur |  |
196 | Review on Detection and Distortion Field Estimation from Distorted Fingerprints Images -Renuka Dhaka , S.D.Jondhale |  |
197 | Multistage Vapour compression Refrigeration system Eco-friendly with R290 -Mahesh Kumar , Ravi Prakash Vishwakarma |  |
198 | Comparative analysis of HVDC and EHVAC -Pallavi Gamit , Nidhi Shah , Umang Wani , Priyanka Patel, Unnati Mali, Ashish Chaudhari |  |
199 | A Secure and Efficient Mutual Authentication with Key Agreement Schema in Wireless Network -Y. Sunaina , N. Praveen Kumar |  |
200 | A Survey on Different Compression Techniques for Efficient Image Transfer -Remya G R , Smitha J C |  |
201 | Proxy Side Web Prefetching Scheme For Efficient Bandwidth Usage: Data Mining Approach -Swapnil S. Chaudhari , Poonam Gupta |  |
202 | Design and Simulation of Triggering Circuit for Single-Phase Full-Wave Controlled Rectifier -Tapan Kumar Chakraborty , Shahruk Osman |  |
203 | Analysis of Energy Efficiency and Network Lifetime in Wireless Sensor Networks -K. Vijaipriya , P. Anitha , R. Vignesh Chandrasekar |  |
204 | Cryogenic Treatment as Performance Enhancing Process for Cutting Tools-A Review -Sunil Kumar , Manpreet Singh |  |
205 | Content Based Image Retrieval using Color Edge Detection and Haar Wavelet Transform -Dileshwar Patel , Amit Yerpude |  |
206 | Survey on Use of Cloud Computing in Government/Corporation Sector -Jiayan Yu , ZiYi Wang , Yuge Ma , Jianwen Gao , Sang Hoon Bahn
|  |
207 | Performance of a rectangular microstrip patch antenna on different dimensions -Abhishek Chittora , Amit Kumar , Ayushi Tikkiwal , Chetan Saini |  |
208 | Energy Efficient Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network -Chaitanya R Mankar , Vidya Dhamdhere |  |
209 | Simulation Study of Reactive Distillation Column for the Production of Methyl Oleate -M. M. Joshi , V. A. Bhosale , U. S. Patil |  |
210 | Design and Implementation of Hybrid Variable Latency Carry Skip Adder -V.Govindaraj , R.Biruntha , S.Suganya |  |
211 | Applying Web Usage and Structural Mining for Web-Page Recommendations: A Survey -Anura Khede , J. S. Raikwal |  |
212 | Comparative study of seismic performance of building having Stiffness vertical irregularity at different floor levels -Manoj Kumar , Hemant Singh Parihar , Rahul Satbhaiya |  |
213 | A review on vibration analysis of crankshaft of internal combustion engine - Basavaraj S. Talikoti , S. N. Kurbet , V. V. Kuppast |  |
214 | Survey On Dynamic Privacy Policy Inference For User-uploaded File With Access Control Mechanism On Group User Data -Vinee Gemnani , Garima Singh Makhija |  |
215 | Design And Buckling Analysis Of Multistage Hydraulic Lifter -Sachin Wangikar , Ashish Patil , Sangam Patil |  |
216 | Bio-Diesel From Algae“Empowering The World of Energy: A Review" -Karande Sheetal R , Wagh Mahesh M |  |
217 | Performance of Diesel Engine with different biodiesel blends of Castor oil –A Review -Vivek S Khachane , Amit G Bhuibhar |  |
218 | MATLAB based Mathematical Modeling of Solar PV Panel and Real Time Monitoring by LabVIEW and NI Hardware -C. Jagathdarani , K. Jaiganesh |  |
219 | Phase Locked Loop (PLL) Design in FM Receiver Chip -Nitin Kumar, Kamal Khajuri |  |
220 | Design of Substrate-Integrated Wave guide Slot Antenna with AZIM Coating -Pomal Dhara Anantray , Satish Ramdasji Bhoyar |  |
221 | Detecting Malicious Apps on Online Social Network’s -Pravin Masal, Abhilash Lokhande , Avinash Adhav , Suraj Ghodake |  |
222 | Evaluation of FNP for Bare Framed RC Structure -Amitkumar D J , G.N. Bhadri , S.S.Dyavanal |  |
223 | Development of Impedance Based Microfluidic Flow Sensor -Masoumeh Asgharighajari , Nurul Amziah , Nasri Sulaiman , Sherif Adebayo Sodeinde |  |
224 | Modeling of Photovoltaic Cell- Fuel Cell Hybrid System: For Uninterrupted Power Management -Gaurav Kumar , R. Vijaya Santhi |  |
225 | A Framework for Privacy preserving of Intermediate data sets in cloud -Sujeet Shinde,Swapnil Bhand, Karan Gophane, Lagad Jyoti U |  |
226 | In Service Engagements Mining Contracts For Business Events and Temporal Constraints -Neelam Sampat Kamble ,Piyush Shririshna Hibare ,Kamlesh Doke ,Diksha Raghunath Ijagaj |  |
227 | Analysis of Regenerative Braking In Brushless Dc Motor Drive Using Adaptive Neuro Based Fuzzy Inference System -Akhila M , Ratnan P |  |
228 | Closed loop control of an Improved Dual switch Converter With Passive Lossless Clamping For High Step-Up Voltage Gain -Sonima Gabrial C.G , Roshima T V |  |
229 | Modal analysis of an elliptical plate clamped along its boundary -T.Lakshmi Reddy , P.V. Pavan Kumar , Akshay Prajapati |  |
230 | Effect of Blunted Aero-Disc on Aero-Spiked Blunt Cone-Nose at High Speeds -Sujesh.G, Abhijith.R.Krishnan, Anand Mohan.T, Gokul.K.P, Kitty Annie Ghevarghese |  |
231 | Application of PSO Optimized Companding in Peak Average To Power Ratio(PAPR) Reduction In Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing(OFDM) -Pratik Gupta |  |
232 | Nonlinear Static Analysis of G+6 RC Building With Infill Walls and User Defined Hinges -Shekhappa H, S.S.Dyavanal |  |
233 | Self-Cooling Windows Let In Sunlight With-Out The Heat -Yadhushree H S |  |
234 | High performance of cubic AlxGa1-xN/GaN Double Gate MOS-HEMTs -Driss BOUGUENNA, Nawel KERMAS, Bouaza DJELLOULI |  |
235 | Strength and durability characteristics of conventional concrete by partial replacement of copper slag as fine aggregate -M.Venkateswarlu, GS Harish Kumar , B Nagendra Babu , P. Ranga Ramesh |  |
236 | Review on Strength and Durability Characteristic of Geopolymer Concrete with Macro Silica, Nano Silica -M Bala Vinayag , M I Abdul Aleem , J Thaarrini , S Yamini Roja |  |
237 | A Survey on Preventing DSR Protocol against Black Hole Attack for MANET -Rahul Patel, Maitrey Patel |  |
238 | A secure and flexible storage system using multiple servers for combining data in IoT -A.sravanthi , P.Vijayalaxmi |  |
239 | Identifying Community for Important Intentions in Complex Data Structure on the Online Social Networks -Gowthami U , Laura Juliet P |  |
240 | Privacy in SocialNetworking Websites -N. Jayalakshmi , R.G. Kavitha |  |
241 | Comparative Analysis of Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Machine Classification for Breast Cancer Detection -Prachi Damodhar Shahare, Ram Nivas Giri |  |
242 | A Study on Data Perturbation Techniques in Privacy Preserving Data Mining -Nimpal Patel, Shreya Patel |  |
243 | Enhancement of Heat Transfer Coefficient through Helical Coil -Rahul G.Karmankar |  |
244 | Photovoltaic System Employing Artificial Intelligent Technique For Variation Of Solar Irradiation Condition -A.Nandhakumari, G. Vijayagowri |  |
245 | Design and Implementation of Embedded Web Server -Sharad R.Khot , V.A. Mane
|  |
246 | Metamorphosis and Intersect To Secure Image -Shanmuga Sundari. N , Seema.M |  |
247 | Efficiently Generating The Rank Based Weighted Association Rule Mining Using Apriori Algorithm In High Biological Database -Premalatha S , Usha Nandhini C |  |
248 | Efficient Resource Allocation and Scheduling Algorithm for Self Organizing Cloud Environment -Umamaheswari.M , Ananthi.B |  |
249 | An Efficient Shortest Path Approach Using BFS Algorithm With Smc Protocol For Privacy Preserving Record Linkage -S.Abirami , J.Suguna |  |
250 | An Efficient Analysis for High Dimensional Dataset Using K-Means Hybridization with Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm -Prabha S , Arun Prabha K |  |
251 | Dynamic Analysis of Automotive Chassis Using FEA -Kallappa Khannukar, Vinayak Kallannavar , B. S. Manjunath |  |
252 | Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Self Piercing Riveted Joint -S.U.Nagare , A. D. Wable |  |
253 | Website Structure Improvement by Using Tailoring Method -Milind Mahadeo Shinde ,Vinod S. Wadne |  |
254 | W-Discrete Rib for Enhancing the Thermal Performance of Solar Air Heater -Alok Kumar Rohit , A.M. Lanjewar |  |
255 | Role of biomolecules in sensing, signal transducing and acclimation in plants against frost induced low temperature stress - A Review -Shashi K. Sharma , Ajay Kumar |  |
256 | Digital Restoration of Cracks Based on Image Processing -Vidya V. Khandare, Vaibhav V. Khandare |  |
257 | Dynamic Recommendation for E-commerce users -Shivani Diwan, Komal Dani, Sahil Desai, Kalpashree Bal |  |
258 | Review Paper on “FAnn! Search-Based Face Annotation” -Priyanka Chaudhari, Bansi Patel, Shital Bhamre, Pallavi Nagpure |  |
259 | Investigation of tensile deformation with micro structure of Three-Layered Functionally Graded (FG) Sandwich Structure -Riturajaditya Awasthi, Prabhash Jain, Ravindra K Bharilya, Rajesh Purohit |  |
260 | Simulation and Modeling of Single Phase DC-AC Converter of Solar Inverter -Maulik Dave , Sanjay R. Vyas |  |
261 | CFD Analysis of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers –A review -Dilip S Patel, Ravindrasinh R Parmar , Vipul M Prajapati |  |
262 | Comparison of Online Record Linkage Techniques -Sruthi. S |  |
263 | Getting It Right in an Open and Distance Learning System -Chitura Miriam , Manyanhaire Itai Offat |  |
264 | Fabrication & testing of dry waste sorting machine -Pradip Baishya, Shanjenbam Brojendro Singh, D.K. Mahanta |  |
265 | The multiplicity of ways of routing in computer networks that reply on long-distance -Khalied Shredeh |  |
266 | Design of Automatic Pneumatic Hole Punching Machine -Utkarsh Sharma |  |
267 | Development and Simulation of Voltage Regulation System of A.C. Transmission lines using Static Synchronous Compensator (STATCOM) -Avinash Kumar Nishad, Ashish Sahu |  |
268 | PIC-Microcontroller Based Neural Network & Image Processing Controlled Low Cost Autonomous Vehicle -Kumarsagar M. Dange , Sachin S. Patil , Sanjay P. Patil |  |
269 | Design And Optimization Of Flow Performance For Annular Curved Diffusing Duct Using CFD -Mohammed Maqsood , Kailash B A , Gowreesh Subramanya |  |
270 | CFD Simulation of Flow Distribution in a Waste Heat Boiler Duct -Md Akram Ghouse, Kailash B A |  |
271 | Hole Cleaning in Horizontal and Highly Deviated Wellbores Drilled with Coiled Tubing: Drillpipe Rotation Drawback Is It Significant? -Mazen Ahmed Muherei , Saeed Salim Basaleh , Mohammed Abdullah Bamaga |  |
272 | Synthesis of food ester butyl acetate by immobilized Aspergillus oryzae (NCIM 1212)lipase -Dabeer S , Satpute V , Shendre R , Trigune H , Mane A |  |
273 | Gesture Recognition Technology to Annihilate Burglaries amid ATM Transactions -S Mahaboob Hussain, Prathyusha Kanakam, A. S. N. Chakravarthy |  |
274 | An efficient method for Segmentation and Detection of Brain Tumor in MRI images -Shubhangi S. Veer (Handore) , P.M. Patil |  |
275 | Analysis of Variables Present In Heritage Buildings -Mohammad Farhan Fazli , S.K. Gupta , Sangeeta Bagga Mehta |  |
276 | Possible Applicability of Nikos Salingaros' 'Parameters' for Architectural Analysis -Tanisha Dutta , Vinayak S. Adane |  |
277 | Virtual Reality in Android Gaming -Abhilash G. Joshi , Ashwini S.Dabhade, Ashwini S.Borse |  |
278 | Lateral shearing interferometer with Zernike mode for wavefront error analysis -M.Mohamed Ismail , M.Mohamed Sathik |  |
279 | A Framework for Integrated Routing, Scheduling and Traffic Management In MANET -K. Balaji |  |
280 | Heat Transfer Enhancement & Effect on thermal Conductivity by Nano Fluids - Amay Deorao Meshram , Abhijit G. Naik , Ashish D. Sonparate |  |
281 | Privacy Protection based on Trust Level of nodes in MANET -T.Azhagesvaran , I.Jesintha , K.Priya , J.Kannadasan |  |
282 | Optimized Website Structure Improvement for Effective User Navigation - Samadhan W. Jadhav, N. L. Bhale |  |
283 | Nitrate Levels in Hoskote Taluk, Bangalore Rural District, Karnataka, India -Maruthesha Reddy M.T , B.C.Prabhakar , Akshatha M.R , Sandesh N.U |  |
284 | Developing an Image Fusion Algorithm Using Double Density Dual-tree Complex Wavelet Transform -Pooja Chandrakar, Ravi Mishra |  |
285 | -DivyaBora , U.M. Gokhale |  |
286 | -Radhika D.Bajaj , U.M. Gokhale |  |
287 | A Novel Technique for Enhancing the Localization Accuracy of (VANET) Vehicles Using GPS,INS and RBFNN -Sunita S. Shinde , Ravi M. Yadahalli |  |
288 | Enhance Energy Proficient Dependence System through Watchdog Optimization for WSN -Meenadevi.M, NandhaKumar.S, Raja.G, Nivethitha.N |  |
289 | FPGA Based Function Generator -Aarti H. Tirmare , Sangita R .Mohite , Priyadarshni S. Mali, Varsha.A.Suryavanshi |  |
291 | Framework for Radio Frequency Identification Technology Implementation in Business -Manoranjan Dash , Ayasa kanta Mohanty , Jyoti Ranjan Das |  |
292 | Some Algebraic Identities and its Solutions -A. K.Sah , Balmiki Pd.Sah |  |
293 | Overlapping Community detection Algorithms:-A Review -Mini Singh Ahuja , Jatinder Singh , Neha |  |
294 | Vulnerabilities of Smartphones -Shakuntala P. Kulkarni , Sachin Bojewar |  |
295 | Synthesis and Characterization of Polyaniline Doped Metal Oxide Nanocomposites -Megha Sawarkar , S A Pande , P S Agrawal |  |
296 | Reducing Size of Updates in Android Applications -Hari H. Rajai , Sachin Bojewar |  |
297 | Opinion Mining Using Neural Learning Based Feature Extraction Model -S.Shubha , P.Suresh |  |
298 | Public Auditing For Shared Data with Efficient Manner in Cloud -Zaibunnisa S, Sasidevi J, Shobana M, Divyamala A |  |
299 | Studies on the Interaction of Fly Ash with Lime in Presence of Varying Quantity of Sand -Ananta K. Das, Debasis Ghosh , Saikat Maitra, Arunava Das |  |
300 | Overview of Preference-Based Web Service Frame -Shital P. Shinde, S.A.Kate |  |
301 | Power Load Management Techniques and Methods in Electric Power System -Montaser .Atta . kassem , Abdelfatah Ali Elahwil |  |
302 | Study the Effects of Rice Bran Oil Methyl Ester on Performance and Emission Characteristics of Agriculture Diesel Engine -Pinkesh R. Shah |  |
303 | Parametric Optimization on Graphite Plate by WEDM -Sudhir Ashok Shardul, Sachin K. Dahake |  |
304 | Heat Transfer Enhancement in Vertical Helical Coiled Heat Exchanger by Using Nano Fluid-Tio2 /Water -A.Akbar Ali , B.Kumaragurubaran, S.Suresh ,K.Lakshmana Babu |  |
305 | A Survey of Cloud Detection Techniques For Satellite Images -Geethu Chandran A J , Christy Jojy |  |
306 | Clustering Data with Categorical Relationships -Jaishree Gothania , Bala Buksh |  |
307 | Numerical Analysis of Rotary Air Preheater: A Review -Dilip S. Patel , Mitesh D. Patel , Shreyash A. Thakkar |  |
308 | Evaluation of TiCN/TiN and TiAlN Coated Tools for Turning AISI1040 Under Dry Condition -N.E. Edwin Paul , P. Marimuthu , K. Chandrasekaran , P. Murugesan |  |
309 | Finite Element Analysis of Progressive DIE -Vrushabh Mahaveer Ghosarwade, Chandradharappa |  |
310 | Efficient Feature Selection by Using Global Redundancy Minimization and Constraint Score -Ashwini Hambarde , S.P. Kosbatwar |  |
311 | Android Based Smart Water Pump Controller -Souvik Paul , Mousumi Das , Anik Sau, Soumyadeep Patra |  |
312 | Optimizing the Cloud Storage by Data Deduplication: A Study -Zuhair S. Al-sagar , Mohammad S. Saleh , Aws Zuhair Sameen |  |
313 | ECG DE-Noising Techniques for Detection of Arrhythmia -Rezuana Bai J |  |
314 | Proxy Based Authentication Scheme Using Distributed Computing in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks -Ch. Shireesha , P Promad Kumar |  |
315 | Statistical Analysis of Criteria and Key Aspects for Urban Design Quality Assessment of Built Environment -Ar. Mohd. Khalid Hasan, S. K. Gupta , Sangeeta Bagga Mehta |  |
316 | Implementation of Proposed Despeckling Algorithm in Spatial Domain -A.Stella, Bhushan Trivedi |  |
317 | Comparative Performance of PRO-AODV, DFRR, CPRR algorithm based on Link Failure Route Rectification problem in Mobile Sensor Network -K.Hanumanthu Naik, V.Raghunatha Reddy |  |
318 | VHDL Implementation of MOS based Gas sensor -Preeti Sikarwar , Shivani saxena , Veerandra kumar |  |
319 | -Priyanka Gupta , Kiranbir Kaur |  |
320 | Computer Aided Diseases Identification for Betel Leaf -P.Tamilsankar , T. Gunasekar |  |
321 | Evaluation of Energy Release Rate of Particle Filled GFRP Composite Laminates -C.Panneerselvam , M.Gopala krishnan , S.Gaudham Babu |  |
322 | Implementation of Bottle Filling and Capping Using PLC with SCADA -Anup Dakre , Junaid G. Sayed , Ekata A. Thorat , Aousaf Ahamad Md. Aves Chaudhary |  |
323 | Techniques for Lung Cancer Nodule Detection: A Survey -Shraddha G. Kulkarni , Sahebrao B. Bagal |  |
324 | A Review on Segmentation Techniques in Skin Lesion Images -Revathi V. , Chithra A.S |  |
325 | Study and Analysis of Edge Detection and Implementation of Fuzzy Set Theory Based Edge Detection Technique in Digital Images -Anju K S |  |
326 | Achieving Balance in Clusters- A Survey -Divya Saini , Manoj Singh |  |
327 | Comparative Study on Pansharpening Methods for Satellite Images -Arya Krishnan P.S, Chithira Rakshmi .G |  |
328 | Storage Space Minimization and Data Security using Multiple Key Cryptography -Swati Patil, Keyuri Pophale, Rashmita Salian, Madhavi Thakare |  |
329 | Synthesis, Characterization and Phase Stability of Porous Hydroxyapatite -D.Manikandan |  |
330 | Fault Detection & Classification of 3-Phase Transmission Line -Prashant Gautam , A. K. Jhala |  |
331 | Synthesis and Characterization of SnO2 and Pani Doped SnO2 Nanoparticles by Microwave Assisted Solution Method -Thenmozhi. C, Manivannan.V, Kumar.E , VeeraRethinaMurugan. S. |  |
332 | Stress Analysis of Interference Fit by FEM -Rahul G.Karmankar |  |
333 | Evaluation of the wild type and Tn5::gusA mutants of Enterobacter sp. R29 and Pseudomonas aeruginosa AMAAS57 on growth and yield of groundnut -Ghorai. S , Pal .K. K, Dey. R. |  |
334 | Semantic Web: An approach for Effective Teaching and Learning -Shabina Dhuria |  |
335 | A Review on Solving Economic Dispatch Problem with Multiple Fuel Option using Various Techniques -M.Vanithasri, R.Balamurugan |  |
336 | Enhanced Fuzzy Model Reference Learning Control for Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Process -S.Ramesh |  |
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