Volume 3- Issue-1 January -2016 |
01 | -Okoronkwo C.A , Ezurike O.B , Igbokwe J.O, Oguoma O.N |  |
02 | Internet technology utilization in learning -Khakata Esther Nyokabi , Msanjila Simon Samuel , Omwenga Vincent Oteke
|  |
03 | Aspects Regarding the Elastic Properties of Silicon and Its Influence on the Behavior of Micro-Mechanical Components -Georgeta Ionascu, Adriana Sandu, Elena Manea, Lucian Bogatu |  |
04 | Dynamic Modeling of Pump Drive System utilizing Simulink/MATLAB Program -Hamad Raad Salih , Ali Abdulwahhab Abdulrazzaq , Basarab Dan Guzun |  |
05 | Data Rates Performance Analysis of Point to Multi-Point Wireless Link in University of Ilorin Campus -M.Z. Oba , A.A. Ayeni |  |
06 | A Proposal of National Higher Education Student Information System Infrastructure -Fulya ASLAY , Ahmet BARAN |  |
07 | To a failure analysis of the pharmaceutical supply system in Morocco -Kenza TADLAOUI , Anas CHAFI , Abdelali ENNADI |  |
08 | The Effect of 2-D Resistivity on Magnetic Field -M.M. Nordiana , Umi Maslinda , Hazrul Hisham , M.K.A. Nuramalina |  |
09 | Application of Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) In Detecting Target of Interest -Muhamad Afiq Saharudin , M.M. Nordiana , A.N. Nordiana , Umi Maslinda
|  |
10 | Environment Detection and Path Planning Using the E-puck Robot -Muhammad Saleem Sumbal |  |
11 | Design and Simulation of DC-DC Converters -Shafinaz A. Lopa , S. Hossain , M. K. Hasan , T. K. Chakraborty |  |
12 | Structural, Magnetic and Transport Properties of Magnetically Ordered (Fe95Cu5)75P15C10 Amorphous Alloy -S. Hossain , Shafinaz A. Lopa , M. K. Hasan , F. A. Khan , A. K. Azad |  |
13 | True Power Law Drilling Fluid Model: Effect of Its Rheological Parameters on Static Particle Settling Velocity -Mazen Ahmed Muherei , Saeed Salim Basaleh |  |
14 | Security against Web Application Attacks Using Ontology Based Intrusion Detection System -Harshal A. Karande ,Pooja A. Kulkarni, Shyam S. Gupta , Deepak Gupta |  |
15 | Detecting and Resolving Privacy Conflicts in Online Social Networks -Subhash V. Pingale , Sandip S. Shirgave |  |
16 | Application of Geopolymer Concrete -S Ganesh Kumar, M I Abdul Aleem, S Dinesh |  |
17 | Contribution Of Building Information Modeling (BIM) To Solve Problems In Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) Industry and Addressing Barriers to Implementation of BIM -Vinay Kushwaha |  |
18 | A Comprehensive Study for Economic and Sustainable Design of ThinShell Structure for Different Loading Conditions. -V.Kushwaha, R.S.Mishra, S.Kumar |  |
19 | Online examination system -Deepankar Vishwas Kotwal, Shubham Rajendra Bhadke, Aishwarya Sanjay Gunjal, Puspendu Biswas |  |
20 | Filtering Antennas: Synthesis and Design -Deepika Agrawal, Jagadish Jadhav |  |
21 | Product Aspect Ranking using Sentiment Analysis: A Survey -Chetan Mate |  |
22 | Computer Aided Design of Broadband Modified Circular Microstrip Patch Antenna -V.M.Patil , Prof. R.M.Khaire
|  |
23 | A Survey on Privacy-Preserving Data Aggregation Without Secure Channel -Kshitija Nandgaonkar , Swarupa Kamble |  |
24 | Overview of VANET with Its Features and Security Attacks -M.Newlin Rajkumar , M.Nithya , P.HemaLatha |  |
25 | Modeling and Control of a Spherical Rolling Robot Using Model Reference Adaptive Control -T. Purushotam, B. Abdul Saleem , Soma Venkata Subbaiah |  |
26 | A Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR) Reduction in OFDM Systems -Ramdas P.Karhale , Pradeep N.Narwade
|  |
27 | Case Study: Energy Audit -Manish Talwar |  |
28 | A Survey on Frequent Patterns To Optimize Association Rules -B.Ramana Reddy, R.Asritha |  |
29 | Artificial Intelligence Based Bank Cheque Signature Verification System Ashish A.Dongare , R.D.Ghongade |  |
30 | Analysis of Surface Roughness for Cylindrical Stainless Steel Pipe (Ss 3163) In CNC Lathe Turning Process Using ANN Method -Arvind Singh Tomar , Rohit Pandey |  |
31 | Feasibility Study on Moving Towards Electronic Prescription over Manual Prescription -Dharmendra Godhani, Prerna Singh, Deeksha Jangdekar , Nikita Thadani |  |
32 | Dual Hybrid System -Shailesh Ramkar, Atish Langhee , Devendra More |  |
33 | SLIDEGen: Approach to automatic Slides Generation -Autade Dhanshri P, Raut S.Y |  |
34 | Review Report on SOC on Various Platforms for Vehicles -Anuradha S. Joshi , Sheeja S. Suresh |  |
35 | FPGA Implementation of Decision Based Algorithm for Removal of Impulse Noise -S.P Patil , V.A Mane |  |
36 | Heat Transfer Enhancement using Herringbone wavy & Smooth Wavy fin Heat Exchanger for Hydraulic Oil Cooling -Ketan C. Prasadi , A.M. Patil |  |
37 | The Analysis of EM Wave for Different Media by GPR Technique -Randy Pain, M. M. Nordiana , Nabila Sulaiman , Hazrul Hisham |  |
38 | Parametric Study on Behavior 0f Box-Girder Bridges Using Finite Element Method -Rajendra Thakai , Raghunath Deshpande , Shantinath Bedkihal |  |
39 | Influence of process parameters in machining the Hybrid Aluminum metal matrix composites in wire cut EDM-An Experimental investigation -G.Ramesh , V.C.Uvaraja , M.S.Sampathkumar |  |
40 | A Theoretical Study on Di-Methyl Ether: An Alternative Fuel for Future Generations
-Musalaiah , Bharat Gorantla , Katuri Peddintaiah |  |
41 | Flow of Vibration Energy in a Gear Pair -Evgeny I. Podzharov, Jorge A. Torres Guillén, Julia P. Ponce Navarro |  |
42 | Fixed Point Theorem of Compatible of Type (R) Using Implicit Relation in Fuzzy Metric Space -Mahendra Singh Bhadauriya , Ruchi Gangil |  |
43 | 3-D Animation For Effective Memory -L. Jayasimman , B. Senthil Kumar, M.Sughasiny, Nisha Jebaseeli, M.R. Chitra Mai |  |
44 | A New Approach for Dynamic Load Balancing Using Simulation In Grid Computing -Kapil B. Morey , Sachin B. Jadhav |  |
45 | Internal Combustion Engine -Ravi Prakash Vishwakarma, Mahesh Kumar |  |
46 | Efficient Broadcast Authentication with Highest Life Span in Wireless Sensor Networks -I. Jesintha , G.Thiraviya Suyambu , T.Azhagesvaran , K.Priya |  |
47 | A Proficient Recognition Method for ML-AHB Bus Matrix -K.Priya , I.Jesintha , J.Kannadasan , T.Sivasakthi4, M.Surya , G.Thiraviya Suyambu |  |
48 | A Novel Method of Directly Auditing Integrity On Encrypted Data -K.Sumalatha, M.N Sinduri, C.BhanuPrakash |  |
49 | Extending Agricultural Advancements to Rural Bengal: Tools and Techniques -Utpal Sen , S. B Roy , Sujai Das , L.K. Nayak |  |
50 | Influence of Aspect Ratio & Plan Configurations on Seismic Performance of Multistoreyed Regular R.C.C. Buildings: An Evaluation by Response Spectrum Analysis -Sanjay Kumar Sadh, Umesh Pendharkar
|  |
51 | Study of Effect of Nano materials as Cement Replacement on Physical Properties of Concrete -Jitendra Patil , Umesh Pendharkar |  |
52 | Hospital waste management in Amravati city -M.Hussain , Sonali patil , Nikhil Bobde |  |
53 | Optimization of Machining Parameters for Turning Of Aluminium Alloy 7075 Using Taguchi Method -Alagarsamy.S.V, Raveendran.P, Arockia Vincent Sagayaraj.S, Tamil Vendan.S |  |
54 | A Survey on Image retrieval techniques with feature extraction -S.S. Mukati , Nitesh Rastogi |  |
55 | Effective Mining Social Media Data for Understanding Students Learning Experiences -Payal S.Jain, Pallavi S.Panhale, Praneshwari A.Deokar |  |
56 | A Secure Protocol For End To End Security To SMS Banking -Amol Jawanjal , Rahul Dagade |  |
57 | A Comparative Review on Data Security Challenges in Cloud Computing -Manpreet Kaur, Kiranbir Kaur |  |
58 | Advanced Anti Accidental Solution by Pre Analyzing, Tracking and Detection of Ship Using GPS (Global Positioning System) -Priya Dhokne , S.B.Rothe |  |
59 | Financial Transmission Right effects on transmission expansion -Mohsen Baratzadeh , Alireza Sedaghati |  |
60 | Transmission congestion management effects on reducing cost of bilateral market and increasing traders profits -Mohsen Baratzadeh , Alireza Sedaghati |  |
61 | Study of Seismic Performance of RC Building with Flat Plate Influenced by Concrete Wall - Muralidhar G.B, Swathi Rani K.S |  |
62 | Point Count Systems in Imperfect Information Game -M Dharmalingam |  |
63 | Establishing weightages of Criteria and Key Aspects for Quality Assessment of Built Environment -Ar. Mohd. Khalid Hasan , S. K. Gupta , Sangeeta Bagga Mehta |  |
64 | Improving Spam Mail Filtering Using Classification Algorithms With Partition Membership Filter -C.Neelavathi , S.M. Jagatheesan |  |
65 | Pestle Technique – A Tool to Identify External Risks in Construction Projects -Nitank Rastogi , M.K Trivedi |  |
66 | Analysis of 2MW Solar Power Plant in Madhya Pradesh -Ankit barasiya , Mukesh pandey , Er. Anurag gour |  |
67 | A Survey on Privacy in Social Networking Websites -N. Jayalakshmi , R.G. Kavitha |  |
68 | Generic Authentication System -Veena Bhawani, Varsha Chaudhary , Pranav Lawate , D.V. Patil |  |
69 | Review paper on Reed Solomon (204,188) Decoder for Digital Video Broadcasting – Terrestrial application -Snehal Jawanjal, Shrikant Bhoyar, Pooja Hatwar, Rahul Sathawane |  |
70 | Contract Poultry Farming in Nashik District-An Overview -Shailesh G. Bakal (Patil) , Daniel Penkar |  |
71 | Enhancing Data Transmission and Protection in Wireless Sensor Node- A Review -Prajwali wamanrao Gawande , Vijay Bagdi |  |
72 | Crypto Mark Scheme for Fast Pollution Detection and Resistance over Networking -G.S.Pugalendhi |  |
73 | Design & Analysis of Centrifugal Pump Impeller by FEA -Mane Pranav Rajanand |  |
74 | Wireless LAN Security Attacks and CCM Protocol with Some Best Practices in Deployment of Services -Abhijit Bodhe , Mayur Masuti , A.S.Umesh |  |
75 | Growth and characterization of some ternary chalcopyrite from the group AlBlllC2Vl semiconductor compound -Jazi Abdullah Mohammed Abdulwahed |  |
76 | A Study on Quality Of Service (QOS) in Ubiquitous Wireless Sensor Networks -K.Satya Rajesh , P. Suresh Varma |  |
77 | A Survey on Fingerprint Protection Techniques -Austin J Gladston, Miss Ashitha S S |  |
78 | Vermicomposting of Vegetable Market Waste Using Eudrilus Eugeniae Earthworms at Vadodara City - M.Hussain , F.IChavan , Chirag shah |  |
79 | Current trends of E-learning in India -Deepali Pande, V. M. Wadhai , V. M. Thakre |  |
80 | An Overview of Pomegranate Cultivation in Ahmednagar District -Yogesh L.Aher , Sanjeevani Rahane |  |
81 | Numerical Analysis of thermal Convection of a Fluid with Inclined Axis of Rotation Using Galerkin Method -Suresh Govindan , R.Vasanthakumari |  |
82 | Experimental Analysis of Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Using Inserted Rotor Assembled Strand -Sanjay P. Govindani , M. Basavaraj |  |
83 | A Survey on Perceptual image hash for authentication of content -Ruchita Kesarkar , R W Deshpande |  |
84 | Boom Structural Design and Static Finite Element Analysis for a 1000tons Sheerleg Offshore Crane -Pezhmaan Shaaiaan Fard , Hadi Tohidi , Hamid Moayeri |  |
85 | Ground Water Quality Assessment using Geo Spatial Technology in Part of Lower Vaigai Basin, Madurai District, Tamil Nadu -Naveen Raj T, Sam Moses S, Pradeep Kumar B, Nagendra Prasad N , Hariharasudhan S |  |
86 | Study of Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of AL-Cu Metal Matrix Reinforced with B4C Particles Composite -Shobhit Jain , R.S Rana , Prabhash Jain |  |
87 | Image Retrieval Based on its Contents Using Features Extraction -Priyanka Shinde , Anushka Sinkar , Mugdha Toro , Shrinivas Halhalli |  |
88 | CCC-Bicluster Analysis for Time Series Gene Expression Data -D.Soundaravalli , S.Thilagavathi |  |
89 | Survey of the Heart Wall Delineation Techniques -Anjali A. Joshi , Vitthal J. Gond |  |
90 | A comprehensive study on Applications of Vedic Multipliers in signal processing -Beena Mohan , Ishani Mishra |  |
91 | Exploring the Adoption of Building Information Modelling In India and Need For Further Implementation -Vinay Kushwaha , Mayank Adhikari |  |
92 | Automatic Analyzing System for Packet Testing and Fault Mapping -Shrikant B. Chavan, Soumitra S. Das |  |
93 | Review Report on Canel and Subcanel Water Level Surveillance -Pranoti A.Bhatele , Sheeja S. Suresh |  |
94 | Geopolymer Concrete – A Look Over -Nagaraj. V. K |  |
95 | Design and Manufacturing of Receiving Gauge -Shubham Koparde , Maruti Nandgadkar , Prasad Mahind , Shekhar Sawant , Prashant Mulik |  |
96 | Design, Analysis and Testing of shaft mounted speed reducer for coil winding machine -Kate-Deshmukh N.S , Gaikwad M.U |  |
97 | Bit Error Rate Simulation for Maritime communication -Poonam Y. Bhosale , Sneha S. Lad |  |
98 | Speed Control of Induction Motor Using Hysteresis Method -Vidhya Krishnan G , C.Hemalatha |  |
99 | An Overview of Indian Rural Retail Industry -Neha Nazneen Siddiqui |  |
100 | Survey on Hop-by-Hop Message Authentication and Source Privacy in WSN -Manisha Jadhav, Meghana dhaware, Shivani shitole, Neha shaikh, A.J.Jadhav |  |
101 | Experimental Investigation of a Dimpled Plate by Natural Convection Heat Transfer -S.A.Wani , K.S.Kamble , T.B.Patil , S.P.Mane |  |
102 | Numerical and Experimental investigation of packed bed thermal energy storage system with Al2O3 Nanofluid -G.SrinivasRao, P. Vemkateswa Rao |  |
103 | A Study on Properties of Self Compacting Concrete with Slag as Coarse Aggregate -G.C.Behrera, R.K. Behera |  |
104 | Reliable Metrics for Wireless Mesh Network -Maya Chaugule , Anuradha Desai |  |
105 | Utilization of the Color Temperature in Smart Lighting using Zigbee Wireless Module -Abilash |  |
106 | Efficient Data Gathering with Compressive Sensing in Wireless Sensor Networks -Nikhil S. Hage , S.Kayalvizhi |  |
107 | A Comparative Review on Reliability and Fault Tolerance Enhancement Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks -Abhinav Sharma , Sandeep Sharma |  |
108 | Real–Time Intelligent Transportation System based on VANET -Pallavi A. Targe , M. P. Satone |  |
109 | A Comparative Review on Fault Tolerance methods and models in Cloud Computing -Vinay Kumar , Sandeep Sharma |  |
110 | Smart Car Parking System Using FPGA and E-Application -Shweta lokhande , Sunil morade , Mayuri joshi |  |
111 | Performance Analysis on Fingerprint Image Compression Using K-SVD-SR and SPIHT -Aarthi P , Priya V |  |
112 | A Comparative study of K-SVD and WSQ Algorithms in Fingerprint Compression Techniques -Aarthi P , Priya V |  |
113 | A Distributed Approach for Detecting Wormhole Attack in Wireless Network Coding System -Nivethitha N, NandhaKumar S, Meenadevi M |  |
114 | Estimation of Base Drag On Supersonic Cruise Missile -Variganji Sanjeev Kumar |  |
115 | Variable Frequency on Wireless Power Transfer for Pacemaker using Embedded Technology -Trupti Agarkar, Sapna Shejale |  |
116 | Train control system using can protocol -Vinay Sunil Dherage , Sunil Sudam Morade |  |
117 | Experimental Studies on Pool Boiling Heat Transfer Using Alumina and Graphene Oxide Nanofluids -Sunil L J , S. Kumarappa , R. K. Hegde |  |
118 | Multi-Response Optimization of Aluminum alloy using GRA & PCA by employing Taguchi Method -Sk. Mahaboob johny , Ch. Ramya sri sai , v. Ramakrishna rao , B. Govind singh |  |
119 | Modeling and Stress Analysis Of Crankshaft Using FEM Package ANSYS -K.Sandya , M Keerthi , K.Srinivas |  |
120 | Static & Dynamic Analysis of Spur Gear using Different Materials -M. Keerthi , K. Sandya , K. Srinivas |  |
121 | Study on Phishing Attacks and Antiphishing Tools -Radha Damodaram |  |
122 | A Survey on Local Feature Based Face Recognition Methods -Neethu Krishnan s , Sonia George |  |
123 | A Survey of HTTP Botnet Detection -Saurabh P. Chaware , Sukhada Bhingarkar |  |
124 | A Survey of Comparative Analysis of Secure Passwords using CaRP by Different Techniques -Nanasaheb S. Pote , Deepali Javale |  |
125 | Text Extraction and Recognition Using Median Filter Manoj R. Gaikwad , N. G. Pardeshi |  |
126 | Development of Effective Audit Service to Maintain Integrity of Migrated Data in Cloud -Shekhar S. Kausalye , P.N. Kalavadekar |  |
127 | Performance Evaluation of Synthetic Jet Cooling For CPU -Shaikh K.A , Kale S.S , Kashid A.S |  |
128 | Study of seismic analysis and design of multi storey symmetrical and asymmetrical building -Pardeshi sameer , N. G. Gore |  |
129 | An efficient technique for Image Resolution Enhancement using Discrete and Stationary Wavelet transform -Karadge Supriya Sukumar |  |
130 | Enhancing Resistance Capacity of Soft Storey Building by Means of Shearwall Incorporated With Strut -Swapnil M.Tiple, Abhishek P. Jaiswal |  |
131 | Text Extraction from Image Using GAMMA Correction Method. -Gholap Vidya, Jadhav Pranali, Lokhande Manasi, Magare Niyati |  |
132 | A Review on Energy Consumption Monitoring and Analysis System -Prajakta S. Jadhao, Kanchan S. Mankar |  |
133 | Effect of Hydroxy Gas Addition on Performance and Emissions of Diesel Engine -M. R. Dahake, S. D. Patil , S. E. Patil |  |
134 | A Novel Design and Characterization of 3-Shape Microstrip Patch Antenna for C-Band and X-Band Applications -B Appalakonda, E Sarva Rameswarudu, J vara Lakshmi, G Bharathi Devi, G harikrishna |  |
135 | Development of a GIS-Based System for Management of Water Distribution Network of Achara Layout Enugu,Enugu State, Nigeria -Emengini, Ebele Josephine, Unigwe, Ozioma |  |
136 | To Modify the Peer Group Filtering Technique by Genetic Algorithm for Noise Removal -Kalpana, Harjinder Singh |  |
137 | Leachability of uranium from low grade uraniferous Granites, Eastern Desert, Egypt -A. H. Kraiz , W. M. Fathy, H. A. Abu khoziem, A. M. Ramadan, D. M. El-Kholy, I. E. El-Aaasy , M. R. Moharam |  |
138 | The Cloud Computing Approach for Secured Health Maintenance Record of Patient’s Using Attribute Vector Algorithm -Manasa k chigateri, Arun Kumar G |  |
139 | -Pankaj Agarkar , S.D.Joshi |  |
140 | Review of Salt and Pepper Noise Present Within the Image during Image Compression -Kavita Bains , Taqdir |  |
141 | Study Of Relationship Between Power Inputs And Surface Temperature In Natural Convection In Heat Transfer -Muhammad Zain feroz , Ali Feroz Khan, Imran Shamshad, Abdul Rehman Ijaz, Muhammad Umer Qadeer |  |
142 | A Review of Different Types of Schedulers Used In Energy Management -Madhuri Jadhav , Sakha Gabhane |  |
143 | Energy Optimization in Heterogeneous Clustered Wireless Sensor Networks -K.Padmanabhan |  |
144 | Study and Review of Various Image Classification Methods for Diabetes Mellitus Detection -Manaswi A. Kadam, Kiran S. Kadge, Soniya S. Mane, Shweta P. Naikwadi, Mrs. V. C. Kulloli |  |
145 | Analysis of Maximum Demand of Educational Buildings and its Impact on Electricity Bills -0Vaibhav Jain , Naveen Jain, R.R.Joshi |  |
146 | Experimental and FEA of Fracture Toughness on In-Situ Al/TiB2 MMCs in Different Mould Conditions -C. Rajaravi , P.R. Lakshminarayanan |  |
147 | Analysis of two wheeler suspension Spring by Using FEA for Different Materials -Sagar Namdev Khurd, Prasad P Kulkarni, Samir D Katekar ,Arvind M Chavan |  |
148 | A Comparative Study on Antibacterial Activity of Herbs with its Nanoparticle -Preethy.B, Savitha.C |  |
149 | CFD Analysis of Fluid Film Journal Bearing: A Review -Kirtee L.Chidle, R. N. Baxi |  |
150 | Digital Image Inpainting: A Review -Kedar Supriya Amasidha, Anupama Sanjay Awati,S P Deshpande, Meenakshi R. Patil |  |
151 | Comprehensive Study of the Work Done In Image Processing and Compression Techniques for Redundancy -Suman kumari , Sona khanna , Taqdir |  |
152 | Survey Paper on Big Data and Hadoop -Varsha B.Bobade |  |
153 | Detection of Brain Tumor below 3mm Using NIR Sensor -S.Lakshmi, B.Jegajothi |  |
154 | Design a Low Power Flip-Flop Based on a Signal Feed-Through Scheme -Mayur D. Ghatole , M. A. Gaikwad |  |
155 | In insight into QAC2(1) : Dynkin diagrams and properties of roots -A.Uma Maheswari |  |
156 | Batch Studies Of Adsorptive Removal of Arsenite from Water Using Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) Fiber -A.L. Nashine , A.R. Tembhurkar |  |
157 | A Survey on routing protocols for mobile sink based WSN -Meera G S, Priya Sekhar S |  |
158 | An Analytical and Experimental Investigation of Ultimate Load Carrying capacity of Self Compacting Concrete Columns Containing Furnace Slag -S.Shanmugapriya,R.Venkatasubramani, R.Elangovan |  |
159 | Analytical Investigation of Flexural Behaviour of SCC Beam Using Eco Sand -M.Dharshna Devi, R.Venkatasubramani, R.Elangovan |  |
160 | Numerical Study on Retrofitting Of Beam Column Joint Strengthened With CFRP -N.Naveeena, M.Ranjitham |  |
161 | Design of Mechanical Crushing Machine -Senthil Kannan.N, Naveen Prasad.D, Nirmal Kumar.R, Premvishnu.R.S |  |
162 | Detection of Distinct URL and Removing DUST Using Multiple Alignments of Sequences -Sandhya Shinde, Rutuja Bidkar , Nisha Deore , Nikita Salunke , Neelay Shivsharan |  |
163 | Reliable Metrics for Wireless Mesh Network -Maya Chaugule , Anuradha Desai |  |
164 | IDSaaS: Intrusion Detection System as a Service in Cloud -Pranali Mandaokar, Deepak Sharma |  |
165 | -Abdul Rahman Ahmad Dahlan, Nur Amirah Mohd Yusof , Siti Fatimah Alwani , Noor Dina Ahmad |  |
166 | Neural Network Implementation Control Mobile Robot S. Parameshwara, Manjunath A. C., Vishnu Bhat Yalakki, Madhu S., Amaresh Hiremath |  |
167 | Power Windows Using Touch Screen -S. Parameshwara, Manu. s, Manjunath, Suren Sharan Navalgi, Vinay Mahadev Hunachyal |  |
168 | CFD Analysis Of Savonius Vertical Axis Wind Turbine: A Review -Laxmikant N.Dhoble, A.K.Mahalle |  |
169 | Review paper on operation and maintenance of effluent treatment plant of paper industry -Amita Deokate , G.S.Kulkani |  |
170 | An Advanced Automatic Wireless Monitoring & Controlling for Digital Door Lock System -Vaibhav V. Deshmukh , Amit V. Raut |  |
171 | NIR in Leaf Chlorophyll Concentration Estimation -Manjushree Mashal , Nirmala Sajjan |  |
172 | Security Protocols for USB Mass Storage Devices -R Tulasi , K Ravi kiran |  |
173 | Comparative Performance Analysis of Teen Sep Leach EAMMH and PEGASIS Routing Protocols -Neha Jain , Manasvi Mannan |  |
174 | Mitigation of Voltage Sags & Swells in LV Distribution System Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer -Anil kumar , Shri Bhagwan , J. S. Soni |  |
175 | Performance and Emission Improvement through Optimization of Venturi Type Gas Mixer for CNG Engines -M. R. Dahake, S. E. Patil , S. D. Patil |  |
176 | Design, CFD Analysis and Fabrication of Solar Flat Plate Collector -Kumavat Mukesh Manilal |  |
177 | Survey on Arbitration Techniques Used in On-Chip Router Architecture -Pranita S. Muley , Sanghapal D. Kamble |  |
178 | Photoreactors for Heterogeneous Photocatalysis for Wastewater Treatment Leena V. Bora, Rajubhai K. Mewada |  |
179 | Design and Implementation of Secured Wireless Communication Using Raspberry Pi -Senthilkumar.S, Lakshmi Rekha. R, Ramachandran. L , Dhivya. S |  |
180 | Optimization the Performance of Single Basin Solar Still with Corrugated Wick Surface at High Places -Talal K. Kassem |  |
181 | Multi Pulse Rectifier Using Different Phase Shifting Transformers and its THD Comparison for Power Quality Issues -Komal Gamit, Khushbu Chaudhari |  |
182 | Leveraging on MyTransporter Mobile Apps to Enhance the Quality of Life: A Conceptual Solution -Abdul Rahman Ahmad Dahlan, Nur Fadhilah bt Mohd Azhar Lee, Siti Nur Syamimi bt Zailan, Nur Syafiqah bt Azhar, Noor Fasila bt Anuar |  |
183 | Optimization of Antimony Leaching From Food Packaging Covers Made Of Low Density Polyethylene Using Response Surface Methodology -K. Ramarajan, S. Anbazhagi , P. Selvendiran, P. Hariprasad, M. Muthukumar |  |
184 | Real Time Character Recognition on FPGA for Braille Devices -C. Anjanappa , Akash.S.Athreya , Gikku Stephen Geephilip , sumukh H.R , Lungshim M.K |  |
185 | Numerical Simulation of Lake Tap Flow -Jagtap R. N , Patil B. M, BhosekarV. V. , Sohoni V. S |  |
186 | -Jaya Sree.Lavydya , Farzana Sayeeda |  |
187 | Hi-Tech Hospital -Kalyanee Sharma, Hemendra Singh, Divya Verma, Deepti Modi |  |
188 | Security Issues & Challenging Attributes in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANET) -S.Nithya , S.Prema , G.Sindhu |  |
189 | Clustering of Big Data Using Different Data-Mining Techniques -Manisha R. Thakare, S. W. Mohod, A. N. Thakare |  |
190 | Pipeline Monitoring Using Vibroacoustic Sensing – A Review -S.Ravi , S.KarthikRaj , D.Sabareesan ,R.Kishore |  |
191 | Automatic License Plate Recognition [ALPR]-A Review Paper -Pradnya Randive, Shruti Ahivale, Sonam Bansod, Sonal Mohite, Sneha Patil |  |
192 | Digital Image Sharing Using NVSS -Rajeshree Kale, Sneha Walke, Pooja Meshram, Triveni Dongre |  |
193 | -Snehal P. Chavhan , D. W. Wajgi |  |
194 | Using capacitive switch cum sensor made of reclaimed materials for preventing overloading and conserving energy in a modern driverless public transport -Rupal Jain |  |
195 | A Survey on Secured Routing In AD HOC Networks for Various Attacks -R.Mythily , L.Raja |  |
197 | Securing AODV Routing Protocol in MANET to Detect Wormhole Attack Using NMAC and HBKS Technique -Neha Kulkarni , Vinod. S. Wadne |  |
198 | Analysis of different multiplication algorithm and FPGA implementation of recursive barrel shifter method for multiplication -Manoj M Kamble , Sunita P Ugale |  |
199 | Improving Annotations in Digital Documents using Document Features and Fuzzy Logic -Priyanka C. Ghegade , Vinod S. Wadne |  |
200 | Extending Agricultural Advancements to Rural Bengal: Tools and Techniques -Utpal Sen , S. B Roy , Sujai Das , L.K. Nayak |  |
201 | Information hiding based on optimization technique for Encrypted Images -Durfi Ashraf, Sayiema Amin |  |
202 | Intelligent Navigation System for Fishing Boats Using GPS -R.Raja Nandhini, S.Malarvizhi , A.Praveen , C.Mohanraj , R.Srinivasan |  |
203 | RII & IMPI: Effective Techniques for Finding Delay in Construction Project -Mamata Rajgor , Chauhan Paresh , Patel Dhruv , Panchal chirag , Bhavsar Dhrmesh |  |
204 | An Enhanced Performance Pipelined Bus Invert Coding For Power Optimization Of Data Bus -Anukriti Kulshrestha , Ghanshyam Jangid |  |
205 | EaZSearch -Aayesha Mullani , Deepali Patil , Ishrat Tamboli , Aishwarya Chougule , Kiran Gavade , R. V. Chavan |  |
206 | Multiclass Support Vector Machine with New Kernel for EEG Classification -A.S.Muthanantha Murugavel , D. Akshaya, S. Anitha, M. Manjureka , T. Mohanapriya |  |
207 | Development and Evaluation of an Employee Performance Appraisal Insight Report Generator -Mary Jane Magno-Tan , Claudine Almonte , Julie Flor Angad , Patricia Matignas , Ana Rose Trajano |  |
208 | Diagnosis of Cancer using Fuzzy Rough Set Theory -L.Meenachi , S.Ramakrishnan , M.Arunithi , R.Karthiga , S.Karthika5, P.Nandhini |  |
209 | Electricity Price Forecasting Using ELM-Tree Approach -Vrushab Gosalia , Pradip Andhare , Prajwal Patil , Arunoday Chorage , Renuka Gound |  |
210 | Energy Efficient Change Management in a Cloud Computing Environment -Anusuya G , Gopi R , Raja G , Nandhini S |  |
211 | BER Performance Improvement for 4 X 4 MIMO Single Carrier FDMA System Using MMSE Equalization -Sharmila S , Shanthi T |  |
212 | Survey On: Auditing Public Clouds -Pooja C. Ahirrao, Dhanashri V. Pakhale , Payal S. Yeola , S.R.Lahane |  |
213 | Visual Product Identification For Blind Peoples -Prajakata Bhunje , Anuja Deshmukh , Dhanshree Phalake , Amruta Bandal |  |
214 | E-Foodworld -Namrata Y. Butch , Navanath V. Jadhav , Naumaan AR. Sayyed , Kiran Kuwar |  |
215 | Design of Compensators for Speed Control of DC Motor by using Bode Plot Techniques -Abhilash D. Karmankar , Poonam R. Hatti , Yogita R. Ashtekar , Dinesh L. Mute |  |
216 | Compensator Design for Speed Control of DC Motor by Root Locus Approach using MATLAB Akshay C. Mahakalkar, Gaurav R. Powale, Yogita R. Ashtekar, Dinesh L. Mute |  |
217 | Reed Bed System an Efficient Treatment Removal of Sewage Wastewater Parameters -Amol B. Mankoskar, Sagar M. Gawande |  |
218 | Designing a suitable robotic arm for loading and unloading of material on lathe machine using workspace simulation software -Milind R. Shinde , V. N. Bhaiswar , B. G. Achmare |  |
219 | Improvement in Accuracy, Through Turning Operation by Using SPKN 1203 EDR Tool Bit For Different Steel Materials -Doneti Gopi krishna, Dipak Rajan Jana, Sravan Sashank |  |
220 | Defend Software Puzzle against Denial of Services Attacks using a Countermeasure. -Saif A. Shaikh, Akash R. Deokar, Priti Joshi |  |
221 | Computing Ratings and Rankings by Mining Feedback Comments -Jadhav Bhausaheb Ramdas , Jaybhaye Pawan Madhukar , Madke Nilesh Bajirao |  |
222 | A Review Paper on PLC Based Automatic Fly Ash Brick Machine -Bhupendra Singh , Arun Kumar |  |
223 | Efficient Broadcast Authentication with Highest Life Span in Wireless Sensor Networks -Jesintha , G.Thiraviya Suyambu , T.Azhagesvaran , K.Priya |  |
224 | Extraction of Carbon Black from the Coconut Shell -Rahul G.Karmankar |  |
225 | Removing Fog from the Image Using Median Filter and Redundancy Removal Strategy -Simmy, Sharanjit Singh |  |
226 | QoS Aware Redundant Free Web Services Composition S.Manimala, S.Selvapriya |  |
227 | Consistent Access of Internet in Vehicular Networks -T.Sumathi , B.Gayathri , K.Gowthama Priya , C. Kokilavani |  |
228 | Event Detection Using Background Subtraction For Surveillance Systems -Komal Rahangdale, Mahadev Kokate |  |
229 | Improved Development of Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm for Privacy Preservation of Sink in WSN -Pallavi Saxena , Kanika Sharma |  |
230 | Analysis of Variable Displacement Engine by Introduction of Hydraulic Crankshaft -Utkarsh b Suthar , Vipul Sudhakar , Priyesh Soni , Charmil Parikh , Akshay Patel ,Ankit Sindha |  |
231 | Extraction Of Mercury From Compact Fluoroscent Lamp(CFL) Waste Haridasan.KP , Aswin.R , Bharat.KB , Bipindas.KK ,Jayadev.K , Prashob.MA |  |
232 | Cost Optimization of Roof Top Swimming Pool -Amol Jadhav , N. G. Gore |  |
233 | Design of Hybrid Cryptography Algorithm for Secure Communication -Arpit Agrawal , Gunjan Patankar |  |
234 | A Survey Paper on Removal of Data Duplication in a Hybrid Cloud -Prakash Gapat ,Snehal Khillare , Akshay Khiste , Rohini Pise |  |
235 | Power Generation Using Rumblers -Santosh Gandhamwar, Sufia Sukhyani, Saurabh Ukkali, Vikrant Verukhia, Swapnil U. Deokar |  |
236 | Perceptions of the Project Participants on the Technical and Managerial Factors Affecting Performance of Indian Construction Projects -K.Divakar |  |
237 | Intelligent Learning Control Strategies for Position Tracking of AC Servomotor -M.Vijayakarthick |  |
238 | Recent Advances in Solving Economic Dispatch Problem using Soft Computing Techniques – A Review -M. Vanithasri |  |
239 | A Study on Internal Revenue Generation in polytechnics -K. Vinoth kumar |  |
240 | Coherent Signal Processing for Loosely Coupled Biostatic Radar -Uma G. Kartha |  |
241 | Accelerating ETL Efficiency: A Cutting-Edge Data Integration Framework for Real-Time Business Insights -Robin Verma |  |
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