Volume 3- Issue 9 - September 2016 |
01 | Design of an IoT Multi device for smart homes -Anh-Tuan Nguyen, Tung Hoang, Anh-Tuan Do, Quang-Vinh Thai |  |
02 | Design and Construction of a Hand Operated Mixer Machine for Food Fortification -Richard Okwabi |  |
03 | Calorific Value Improvement of Biomethane Produced From Co-Digestion of Cow Dung and Vegetable Wastes at Ambient Conditions -Alutu Ngozi.C , Igbokwe Phil.K , Chime Harriet.I |  |
04 | Elements Affecting Windflaw in Urban Residential Areas -Grradh Fadlallah Kateik, Saud Sadig Hassan |  |
05 | Image Inpainting Using Modified Exemplar- Based Method -S.C. Bhangale, P. R. Thorat |  |
06 | Smart Blind Stick For Visually Impaired People With Live Monitoring -Shruti Desai , Mrunali Bichukale , Shraddha Kamthe , Archana Borate , A.G.Nadaph . |  |
07 | Predicting the waiting time of patients in hospital by using RF algorithm and Design of HQR system. -Chetan Shelake, Soham Patwardhan, Sourabh Teli, Krantikumar Mhetar |  |
08 | Retrieving Secure Enhanced Aes Based Watermarking Data Coloring in Cloud Computing Atmosphere -Mansoorahamad R, B.Kkaruppusamy |  |
09 | A Critical Review on Digital Manufacturing -Jeripotula Sandeep kumar, Samatham Madhukar , Takalapally Sunil, Sumith Kumar |  |
10 | Effect of Process Parameters on Material Removal Rate in µ-EDM of Magnesium Nano-Composite -Skandesh B.L, K.M Mathew, R Oyyaravelu, P Kuppan |  |
11 | Experimental Investigation on Soil Reinforced with Bitumen coated Bamboo -Simi Sara Chacko, Shyla Joseph A |  |
12 | Peak-to-Average power reduction in OFCDM system to enhance the spectral efficiency -Sajeed khan, Neeraj jain |  |
13 | Experimental Performance Analysis of Vortex Tube for Various Parameters -S.A. Mule, Yogesh Bhosale, Shivraj Bhoi |  |
14 | Hybrid Reference Frame Control of AC-DC Converter -C.Praveen Kumar Reddy ,A.Anbarasan |  |
15 | An Approach for Agricultural Field Monitoring and Control Using IoT -Shruti , Rekha Patil |  |
16 | Logo Detection and Recognition using ContextDependency for Image -Smita A. Patil , T. B. Mohite-Patil |  |
17 | Experimental Study on Bonding Strength of High Strength Concrete Subjected to Elevated Temperatures -Dileep Kumar U, Mohammadzuber |  |
18 | The Effect of Centralized technique to detect HELLO FLOOD Attack in WSN -Prabhjot kaur, Jasmeet Singh Gurm |  |
19 | Homomorphic Encryption Approach For Cloud Data Security -Suraj Sheshrao Gaikwad, Amar R. Buchade |  |
20 | The Impact of Hybrid Fibres on Fresh and Hardened State Properties of Foam Concrete -Deepak Mudalagi, Nikhil Jambhale, Kishor S. Kulkarni |  |
21 | Review paper for Grid Integration of Hybrid Generation -Rupesh S.Patil, Ashok Jhala , Manish Prajapati |  |
22 | Survey on Computational Intelligence Based Routing Protocols in WSN -Hemant Munot, P.H. Kulkarni |  |
23 | Experimental Investigation on the Strength Properties of High Performance Concrete using M-sand and Metakaolin -H. M. Somasekharaiah , Basavalingappa, Ashwin Alal |  |
24 | Load Carrying Capacity Of Corrugated Web Beam -Raiza Ashrawi M.A., Sunitha Rani C.M., Smitha K.K. |  |
25 | Performance, Combustion & Emission Analysis of the Single Cylinder CI Engine using Karanja Oil Methyl Ester Blends -Mohammadshakir M Attar,G. B. Deshpande |  |
26 | A Single Ended SRAM cell with reduced Average Power and Delay -Kritika Dalal, Rajni |  |
27 | Data Storage enhancement in NFC Chip Using URL -Manjusha Abhijit Sanke |  |
28 | ANOVA-based Clustering Approach For Similarity Aggregation In Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks Using An Enhanced K-means Algorithm -Namrata R Mire, S D Patil |  |
29 | Effect of AlTiN PVD Coating Thickness on 316L Austenitic Stainless Steel Wear Resistance -P.Giridhar, Ram.Subbiah |  |
30 | Frequent Pattern Mining On Un-rooted Unordered Tree Using FRESTM -Dhananjay G. Telavekar, Hemant A. Tirmare |  |
31 | A Greedy Approach for Optimizing the Problems of Task Scheduling and Allocation of Cloud Resources in Cloud Environment -Asif Mohammad, Ashish Kumar, Lal Shri Vratt Singh |  |
32 | Effects of Application of magnetic field on efficiency of petrol engine Mr.Sameer chavan, Priyanka jhavar |  |
33 | Object Segregation by an Autonomous Robot using Microsoft Kinect -Shantanu Ingle, Madhuri Phute |  |
34 | Analysis of E-manufacturing capabilities and characteristics -A.Ramarao |  |
35 | Modelling and Analysis of Single Circular Grooves Made On Dry Friction Clutches -Namrata Ashok Narkhede, Dheeraj Varma |  |
36 | Skew Effect on the Design of Composite Super Structures in Bridges -Manjunath K, H. R. Prabhakara, Mahadev M Achar |  |
37 | FEA based selection of Connecting Rod using ANSYS -Abhilash. R. Reddy, Dr. G. V. Shah |  |
38 | Study of Material Property of Concrete Filled Steel Tubular Columns -Lemya Musthafa, Sunitha Rani C.M, Smitha.K.K |  |
39 | Preparation of heterogeneous catalyst derived from natural resources for the transesterification of biofuel. -Shubham N. Raut, Aniket P. Jadhav, Rashmi P.Nimbalkar |  |
40 | Nonlinear Buckling Analysis of Axially Loaded Composite Cylindrical Shells with Cutouts -Suhara C. A., Soni Syed, Smitha K. K. |  |
41 | Design Modification and Analysis of Engine Exhaust Manifold -S.B.Borole, Dr. G.V.Shah |  |
42 | Gesture Recognition Using a Touchless Sensor to Reduce Driver Distraction S. Prakasam, M. Venkatachalam , M. Saroja, N. Pradheep |  |
43 | Hardware Implementation Of Three Phase To Two Phase Matrix Converter -Meghana Kanunje, Sunil Patil |  |
44 | A comprehensive and heuristic approach for Personalized Web Search using Greedy Algorithm -K.Saranya |  |
45 | Energy Efficient Load Diversion Strategy for Green WLANs -Ravneet Kaur, Jyotsna Sengupta |  |
46 | Analytical study on strengthening of waffle slab with opening using CFRP sheets and stiffening ribs -Jeenu Mary Victor, Soni syed |  |
47 | A Comparative Study of Knee Braced Steel Frame -Sara Raphael, Soni Syed |  |
48 | Effect and Behaviour of Light Weight Concrete using Fly Ash Aggregate -S.Azzaruddin, K.Tanuja, N.Vasu Deva Naidu |  |
49 | Use of Copper Slag in Concrete and Cement Mortar as Replacement of Sand -K.Bhanu Prakash Reddy, K.Tanuja, N.Vasu Deva Naidu | |
50 | Experimental Study & Strength of Concrete by Using Steel & Glass Fibers -M.C.Guru Prasad, K.Tanuja, N.Vasu Deva Naidu |  |
51 | Design and Fabrication of Gutters -M.Rajendraprasad, K.Tanuja, N.Vasu Deva Naidu |  |
52 | Improvised Security for EAV data model using Negative Shuffled database -Pooja Pandurang Varatk, Amarja Adgaonkar, Neha Jain |  |
53 | Comparative study on CFRP strengthened deep beam by finite element method -Sreeja K S, Soni Syed |  |
54 | Harpadon Nehereus:An Easily Accessible Yet Untapped Cardiac Remedy in West Bengal -Upasana Sen |  |
55 | Analysis of Service Reservoir Based On the Variation of Alignment of Side Wall with Base Slab -Lakshmi V., Divya K.K., Nithin V. Sabu |  |
56 | Recognizing Face Images with Age and Weight Variations -T.Vijay Kanth, Dr.S.V.Jagadeesh Chandra, A.NarendraBabu, G.Srinivasa Rao |  |
57 | A Single pot Green synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles using aqueous gum exudates of Azadirachta indica and its antifungal activity -A. Geetha, R. Sakthivel ,J. Mallika |  |
58 | Degradation of Colour and COD from distillery spent wash by aluminium and zinc-titania composite electrodes -Pooja, Shanmuka N T, Chandrappa K G, Lokeshappa B |  |
59 | Defect Detection in PCB using K-Mean Clustering and Neutroscopy -Gagandeep Kaur, Rupinder Kaur |  |
60 | Evaluation and Comparison of Behaviour of Trapezoidally Corrugated Steel Plate Shear Walls -Amrutha Rajeev , Boby Jacob, Sibin Muhamed |  |
61 | A Survey on Web Personalization Approaches -Beenish Siddiqui, Nidhi Tyagi |  |
62 | Refined Pattern Discovery Model for Text Mining -RaviKiran.M, RamaDevi.P |  |
63 | Implementation of UART with BIST Technique -S.N.Shettennavar, B.N.Sachidanand, D.K.Gupta, V.M.Metigoudar |  |
64 | Advanced Encryption Then Compression System For Grayscale Images And Color Images -Deepa R. Bendale, Rahul Chinchore |  |
65 | Strength and Ductility in unreinforced masonry walls with two openings retrofitted by Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers -Amala Mohan, Boby Jacob |  |
66 | Encryption And Decryption Techniques: A Review -Swati Kumari |  |
67 | A Two Symmetric Keys Technique to Encrypt/Decrypt Digital Colored Image to Minimize Loss -Swati Kuamri |  |
68 | Effect of Circular and Elliptical Nozzle Ends in the Analysis of Thermal Striping Phenomenon Occurring in Liquid Metal Cooled Fast Breeder Thermal Reactors -C.Jeevan Kumar, B.Veerabhadra Reddy |  |
69 | Tesla Autopilot : Semi Autonomous Driving, an Uptick for Future Autonomy -Shantanu Ingle, Madhuri Phute |  |
70 | Intelligent System for Improving Emergency Services -Swathi P, Surya Kumari S |  |
71 | A New Approach for a Car Navigation System -Pranay Kumar Baghel, Anil Kumar Mishra |  |
72 | A Novel Snubberless DC-DC Converter Based Inverter -Soumya Beegam.A, Asha M.A |  |
73 | Simulation Of Welding Pool Of Metal Matrix Nanocomposites -Sasmita Kar |  |
74 | Study on the Development of Mozzarella Cheese Adding Lipase Enzyme and Its Quality Evaluation -Vaibhav, Dorcus Masih ,Sanjeet Kumar |  |
75 | Sesmic Analysis of Rc Multi Storied Building using Lead Plug Bearing -Yamanandan Havalagi, Vijayakumar D |  |
76 | A Study on Various Strength Parameters of Recycled Coarse Aggregate Blended with GGBS -Karthik H C, Vijay Kumar D, Punith H C |  |
77 | An Interleaved High Step-Up Boost Converter With Voltage Multiplier Module for Renewable Energy System -Vahida Humayoun, Divya Subramanian |  |
78 | A Seven Level Inverter using a Solar Power Generation System -Nisha Xavier, Sabeena Salam, Remna Radhakrihnan |  |
79 | Design and Analysis of fuzzy PID Controllers using Genetic Algorithm -Darshan V. Bhoyar, Bhawna J. Chilke, Shailesh S. Kemekar |  |
80 | Destructive and Non-Destructive Tests on Steel Fiber Reinforced Self Compacting Concrete Exposed to Elevated temperature -Anil Kumar H. S, V. D. Gundakalle |  |
81 | Maximize Execution Performance Analysis of Parallel Algorithm over Sequential using OpenMP -S.N Sheshappa |  |
82 | How to Design and Test Safety Critical Software System -Anjaly Joy, Nadiya Abdul Kalam, Aswathy M |  |
83 | Eco-friendly dyeing of Wool fabric using natural dye extracted from onion’s outer shell by using water and organic solvents. -Mohammad Raza MIAH, Felix Y Telegin, Md. Saifur Rahman |  |
84 | Generalized Schemes of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing with Index Modulation -M.J.Deepika, C.Subhas |  |
85 | Design of Efficient Mobile Femtocell by Compression and Aggregation Technology in Cellular Network -Virendra Uppalwar, Shailesh Sakhare, Akshay Nanote |  |
86 | Collapsible Behavior of Pond ash -Jyotirmayee Mallick, Deepika P. Palai |  |
87 | Privacy Preserving Classification over Semantically Secure Encrypted Relational Data in Cloud Environment -Gaikwad Vijayendra Sanjay, Khan Rahat Afreen |  |
88 | Efficient Recommender System using Collaborative Filtering Technique and Distributed Framework -Sonali B. Ghodake, Ratnamala S. Paswan |  |
89 | Structural Performance Of Rigid And Semi rigid RC and Lightweight Floor System For Multistoreyed Buildings -Fayaique Baig, Syed Ahamed Raza |  |
90 | Power quality improvement and ripple cancellation in zeta converters -Mariamma John, Jois.K.George |  |
91 | Biodiesel production from Millettia pinnata oil and its characterization -S.Raj Prakash, R.Aravindhkumar, R.Madhav, B.Vinoth |  |
92 | An Empirical based Object Oriented Coverage Analysis Using XML -Sasanko Sekhar Gantayat, Srinivas Prasad, K. Koteswar Rao |  |
93 | Collaboration of Object Oriented Programming and Software Development -Shrilaxmi Deshpande |  |
94 | Improved k-means Clustering for Document Categorization -Amandeep Kaur, Tarun Kumar |  |
95 | An Overview on the Development and the Research Work on Self Compacting Concrete -Kaustav Das, Subhojit Chattaraj, Biman Mukherjee |  |
96 | Enhance Routing in HWMP for Congestion Avoidance Mechanism in the Wireless Mesh Network -Dipak D.Upadhye, VijayKumar V.Patil |  |
97 | A Comparative Study on Power Quality Improvement in a Hybrid System Using DVR and STATCOM vs. Distributed Power Flow Controller (DPFC) -Anju Antony, Geevarghese Kurian Mathew |  |
98 | A Circuit to Increase High Throughput of DM -Banoth Revathic, H.Ramesh Babu |  |
99 | The Effect of Time to detect and prevent the Vampire Attacks in WSN -Harpreet Kaur, Jasmeet Singh Gurm |  |
100 | Time Based Detection and Prevention of Vampire Attacks in Wireless Sensor Network -Harpreet Kaur, Jasmeet Singh Gurm |  |
101 | Finite Element Analysis of Engine Mounting Bracket -Rahul S Kadolkar, Anand C Mattikalli |  |
102 | Load Frequency Control in Three Areas System by using Fuzzy Logic Controller And Fuel Cell -Reena Goyal, Gagandeep Yadav |  |
103 | Load Frequency Control In Conventional And Distributed generation Power System: A Literature Survey -Reena Goyal, Gagandeep Yadav |  |
104 | Fabrication and Performance Analysis of a Vortex Tube Refrigeration system -M.Ramu, A.Sobhanadhri, CH.Naveenkumar |  |
105 | A Novel Technique to Secure Cloud Data using Steganography -Ganavi M, Suma N Dilliwala |  |
106 | Linear Static Analysis of Masonry Infilled Soft Storey Rc Buildings with and without Opening for Earthquake Resistant Design -Nusfa Karuvattil, Priyanka Dilip P |  |
107 | Computational Analysis of Impact of the Air-Conditioner Location on Temperature and Velocity Distribution in an Office-Room -Sudhangshu Sarma, O. P. Jakhar |  |
108 | Design and Development of Bullock Cart in Pesticides Sprayers Pump -Manoj Kharche, Anurag A. Nema, Anantharma |  |
109 | Parametric Study of Beam to Column Bolted Connection with Cellular Beams -Anju Mohan, K. A Abubaker, Lakshmi G Das |  |
110 | Study the Microstructure and Impact Strength of Lm 25 Aluminium Alloy Reinforced with Steel Wire -Siddanna Awarasang, N.S. Devoor |  |
111 | Comparison of Analytical & Fea of Contact Analysis of Spur Gear Drive -Sachin Almelkar, I.G.Bhavi |  |
112 | Detecting Text in Natural Scenes with Connected Component Clustering and Nontext Filtering Mule S. S., Holambe S. N. |  |
113 | Content Based Image Retrieval and Classification Using Image Features and Deep Neural Network -Sandeep Kaur, Gaganpreet Kaur |  |
114 | An Accessible Prediction System for Complex Statistics: A Survey -Akash Sharma,Nikita Jain |  |
115 | Energy Attentive Steering Algorithms in WSN: A Survey -Shruti Aggarwal |  |
116 | A Comparative Study of Retrofitting of Beam Column Joint Using Concrete jacketing, Steel Plate Jacketing, Glass Fiber wrapping -Chinchu Mohanan, K A Abubaker , Ahsana Fathima |  |
117 | Vectorization of Eigen Solver on Intel MIC Architecture -Niraj Tiwari, P.S.Vidap, Pallavi Gavali |  |
118 | Human Activity Recognition Using Temporal Frame Decision Rule Extraction -Amol Patwardhan |  |
119 | Low Morale, Depressed and Sad State Recognition in Confined Spaces -Amol S Patwardhan |  |
120 | Depth and Movement Data Analysis for Fight Detection -Amol S Patwardhan |  |
121 | Walking, Lifting, Standing Activity Recognition using Probabilistic Networks -Amol S Patwardhan |  |
122 | Development of cracks in concrete, preventive measures and treatment methods: A review -Rajveer Singh Narwaria, Archana Tiwari |  |
123 | Personal Identification Using Left and Right Palmprint Images by Steerable Filters -M. Hema, A. Narendra Babu, S. V. Jagadeesh Chandra, G. Srinivasa Rao |  |
124 | Dual Tree Complex Wavelet Transform for Medical Image Fusion -Y. Padma, Dr.k.Nagaprakash , P.Rakesh kumar |  |
125 | Effect of Ggbfs on Corrosion Potential of Steel in Concrete -Minu P R, George Mathew |  |
126 | A Comparision of Synthesized Zeolite from Fly Ash Using Fusion And Hydrothermal Method for Removal of Cod And Colour Removal from Textile Mill Wastewater – Adsorption Isotherm And Kinetics -Pooja H M, Thanushree M S, Lokesh K S |  |
127 | A Comparision of Synthesized Zeolite From Fly Ash Using Fusion and Hydrothermal Method for Removal Of Cod and Colour Removal from Textile Mill Wastewater – Column Study -Pooja H M, Thanushree M S , Lokesh K S |  |
128 | Lateral load analysis of Post tensioned and RCC building using Pushover analysis -Amalu Paul, Yedu Krishnan.M |  |
129 | An Experimental Study on Microbial Bio-cementation in Enhancing the Performance of Rice Husk Ash Concrete -Rayma Naseer , Mathews M. Paul |  |
130 | Soil Structure Interaction of Rc Frame Structure Using Dynamic Analysis -Suresh G P, V S Jagadeesh |  |
131 | Texture Classification Using Prominent Non Uniform Local Binary Patterns -P Kiran Kumar Reddy |  |
132 | Construction of control charts based on six sigma initiatives for the number of defectives with varying sample size -Radhakrishnan. R , Balamurugan. P |  |
133 | Modeling and Analysis of Series-Parallel Switched-Capacitor Voltage Equalizer for Battery/Supercapacitor Strings -Dasaripalli Sailaja, P.P.Kiran Kumar Reddy |  |
134 | Effective Multicasting using Trajectory in Sparse Vehicular Networks -Stalin David D, A.Jayachandran |  |
135 | The Stress Concentration Effect of Stress Raiser Present in a Tensioned Plate with Elliptical Hole by FEM and Photo Elasticity -P.D. Dongarwar, S. D. Khamankar |  |
136 | Effect of grit blasting and intermediate layer of MoSi2 on Life time of thermal barrier coating -Mujeebulla Khan Guttal,Abdul Sharief |  |
137 | Assessment of Risk Factors in Construction Project Using PI Method -Greeshma R Krishnan, Minu Anna Johny |  |
138 | Performance Analysis of Winglet at Different Angle of Attack -Alekhya N, N Prabhu Kishore, Sahithi Ravi |  |
139 | Non Uniform Blur and Illumination Variance Face Recognition Using Local Binary Pattern -Sravya konakala, Suman maloji |  |
140 | Collocation Method for Ninth Order Boundary Value Problems by Using Sextic B-splines -S.M.Reddy |  |
141 | Bluetooth Cum Pc Controlled Solar Lawn Mower with Real Time Monitoring Mechanism -B. HariKishor Rao, Khyati Varma, Sneha Jainwar, Honey Tamrakar |  |
142 | Design of PID controller for DC Motor Speed Control Using Arduino Microcontroller -Thirupathi Allam, Matla Raju, S.Sundeep Kumar |  |
143 | Effect of Floating Columns on Seismic Response of Multistory Building -Sampath kumar M.P , V.S.Jagadeesh |  |
144 | An Experimental Study on the Mechanical Properties of Steel Fibered Sand Replaced Foamed Concrete -Fayas C. Subair, Mathews M. Paul |  |
145 | Effect of Heat Flux and Pressure on Heat Transfer Coeffcient During the Boiling of Distilled Water and Benzene -Tarun Kumar, C. H. Tyagi, Varun Tyagi |  |
146 | FEA and Optimization of Tie Rod of motor vehicle Pranav S. Kankarej, Anurag A. Nema,Anantharma |  |
147 | A Survey on Seismic Evaluation of Existing Rc Building -Sonu S. Yadav, Ranjana Ghate |  |
148 | Seismic Analysis of Steel Plate Shear Walls with Holes -Aswin Sasidharan |  |
149 | Seismic Analysis of Rcc Building with Mass Irregularity -Sudeepthi.B, M.S.Sruthi, Shaik Yajdhani |  |
150 | Optimal Diagrid Angle of High-Rise Buildings Subjected to Lateral Loads -Jayesh Venkolath, Rahul Krishnan K |  |
151 | AES algorithm using advance key implementation in MATLAB -Chaudhary Saifurrab, Saqlain Mirza |  |
152 | A Study of Different Methods for Liver Tumor Segmentation -Vishwajit B. Mohite, P. P. Belagali |  |
153 | Secrecy Maintenance Public Auditing towards Regenerating-Code supported Cloud Storage -Reshma S P |  |
154 | Effect of Fly Ash on Corrosion Potential of Steel in Concrete -Nithya P.S, George Mathew |  |
155 | Featureless Classification Model Training Algorithm Based On Similarity Measure -Pavan V H, P V Kumar |  |
156 | Labour Productivity Analysis Using Multi-variable Linear Regression Technique -Jisha Chakkappan, Lakshmi G Das |  |
157 | Finite Element Analysis of Funicular Shells with Rectangular plan ratio 1:0.7 under Concentrated Load using SAP2000 -Siddesh T M, Harish B A, K Manjunatha |  |
158 | Analysis and Comparison of Diagrid and Conventional Structural System -Rinju Jose |  |
159 | Performance Enhancement of Multi-cell Multiuser MIMO -Rahul N Solanki, Vinay Soni, Kajal Rathod |  |
160 | Experimental and theoretical study of an agro sprayer operated by using photovoltaic solar panel -Laxmana Rao K, D. RamaJoginaidu |  |
161 | Design Of Test Rig For Motorcycle Seat For Human Comfort -Swapnil R. Mathurkar |  |
162 | A Study on the Properties of Aerated concrete using Eps beads and Vermiculite as filler material Akhila K M, Indu Susan Raj, Josina Thomas |  |
163 | Seismic Analysis of Circular Elevated Tank -Urmila Ronad , Raghu K.S, Guruprasad T.N |  |
164 | Optimization of Process parameter in Resistance spot welding for unequal thickness sheet using the Grey Relational Analysis -Prasad S. Salke, Kailash C. Bhosale |  |
165 | Performance evaluation on optimizing headway distance for connectivity in VANETS -Parul Sharma, Simranjit Kau, Sourabh Mahajan |  |
166 | Experimental Analysis for Determining Thermal Enhancement and Fluid Flow Behavior of Roughened Solar Air Heater -Mahendra Singh Rajput , M.K. Chopra |  |
167 | Fresh and Hardened Properties of SCC with Different Types of Fine Aggregates -Varna K Thankappan, Binu P, AhsanaFathima KM |  |
168 | An investigation on the effect of offshore islands along the coastal belt of Bangladesh during a storm period -M. Mizanur Rahman |  |
169 | Harmonics Distortion, Improvement of Active Power And Voltage Sag Mitigation In Distribution System With DVR -Sayais Sachin Y., Tanuj Manglani |  |
170 | A Review Paper On “Particle Swarm Optimization and Genetic Algorithm Techniques For System Stability” -Harsha Yadu , Doordarshi Yadu ,Chaman Yadav |  |
171 | Automatic Detection of Whitefly Pest using Statistical Feature Extraction and Image Classification Methods -Abhishek Dey, Debasmita Bhoumik, Kashi Nath Dey |  |
172 | Light weight characteristics of self compacting concrete using aluminium powder and fine pumice powder -Revathy.S, Josina Thomas |  |
173 | Numerical Analysis of House with Trombe Wall -Shashikant, Kishan Naik |  |
174 | Design, analysis and manufacturing of a grinding attachment on a center lathe machine -Abhishek M. Kawade, Shreyansh S. Chougule, Shantanu R. Shinde, Pratik P. Kharmale |  |
175 | Influence of Organic Inhibitor on the Corrosion Potential of Steel in Concrete -Nismiya Ayoob, George Mathew |  |
176 | Design and Estimation of Wind Machine for standalone Application -Nitin Jadhav, Mahendra Sable |  |
177 | A Review Paper on “ MULTIPURPOSE FARM MACHINE” -C.N.Sakhale, Prof. S.N.Waghmare, Rashmi S.Chimote |  |
178 | Medi-Ring for Senior Citizen -Ishwar Malapur , Siva Yellampalli, C. Kanagasabapathi |  |
179 | Mechanical Characteristics of Poly (Vinyl Chloride) PVC and Poly (Methyl Methacrylate) PMMA and Their Blends Investigated by Microhardness and DSC Studies -Rashmi Sharma Jha, Rakesh Bajpai, J.M. Keller |  |
180 | Voltage Controlled Oscillator Design for PLL -Nitin Kumar, Kamal Kumar |  |
181 | The Forge Steel Crankshaft Analysis using Finite Element Method -Prashant.A.Patil, Mahesh Kamkar, Ashok.M.Hulagabali, J.Shivakumar |  |
182 | Design and Implementation of Efficient Solar Powered Dc-Dc Boost Converter for Loads -S. Yasaswini Shirisha , V.Uttej , Y. Lakshmi Pravallika |  |
183 | AutoSensing Electrical DataLogger for Measuring Voltage,Current and Speed -S.NaliniChandra, R SaiNagaSirishaDevi, G V S Chaitanya ,K V R Sudhir |  |
184 | Design of two stage transmission system for one-wheeled motorcycle -K. K. Dhande, Vipul A. Mhaske |  |
185 | Comparison of Two Planes and Three Planes Cable Configuration Of Cable Stayed Bridge -Guruprasad D |  |
186 | Seismic Analysis of Expansion Gap for Multistoried Buildings -Anjana C Jain, Ananya John |  |
187 | Text-Dependent Multilingual Speaker Identification using Learning Vector Quantization and PSO-GA Hybrid Model -Priyatosh Mishra, Pankaj Kumar Mishra |  |
188 | Effect of Stiffener Sizes on Natural Frequencies of Plate -Avinash J. Bhat, Deepak V. Bhope |  |
189 | Effect of Stiffeners on Natural Frequencies of Plate -Avinash J. Bhat, Deepak V. Bhope |  |
190 | Despeckling of Medical Ultrasound Images Using Suitable Denoising Algorithms -Pradeep K K, Prabhu S, Premkumar R |  |
191 | Implementation of Water Level Filling Strategy by Using Pwm Technique -Achanta Ram Naveen, Chundru Venkatesh, Kalaga Konda Raja , Vendurthi Konda Babu |  |
192 | Design, Analysis and Experimental Investigation of Double Wishbone Independent Suspension System for Agriculture Trolley -Trushar Bhope, Anurag Nema , Anantharma |  |
193 | Strength and Durability of Concrete Using Dredged Sea Sand as Partial Replacement of M-sand -Athira SS, Neethu S |  |
194 | Prophecy of 28 days Strength of Fresh Concrete with in Few Minutes -B.G.S.S.Rajesh, S.Jayaram |  |
195 | Iris Classification using ANN on 8 bit Microcontroller -Sanket Nartam, Anant More |  |
196 | Big data for managing human resources: The haves and the have nots. -Tanaya Acharekar, Avinash Palghadmal |  |
197 | Wireless speed control of DC drives from MATLAB GUI using PWM Technology -Debasis Parida |  |
198 | Zigbee Wireless Communication for MonitoringStreet Light System -V.Sruthi Sharma ,M.Naveen, K.Davis Lazarus, Advita Manjari |  |
199 | Grid Connected Pv Systems by Transformer Less Eleven Level Cascaded Converter Topology -V.Sireesha, M.Suman |  |
200 | Pushover Analysis of 2d Rc Building Frame -Sneha Meshram, S. B. Sohoni, Mayur Ghumde |  |
201 | Performance of Different Outrigger Structural Systems -Abeena Mol N M, Rose Mol K George |  |
202 | Mobile Application For Shopping Mall Directory -Rohit Divekar, Pravin Chavan, Sushant Rajhans, Sonikumari Singh, Vandana Navale |  |
203 | Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Different Aerodynamic Properties of Circular Cylinder -Kartik Chandra Bhagat, Subrato Kumar Soren, Sunil Kumar Chaudhary |  |
204 | Low Gwp Refrigerant R407f Alternative for 404a -More Mayuri Manoharrao , Peravali Swaminadhan |  |
205 | Effect of anti- corrosive chemicals on the performance of SCC mixed with sea water -Seethu Joseph, Ananya John, Kavitha P E |  |
206 | Study on Durability Parameters of High Strength Concrete Using Slag Sand and Quarry Sand -Kalyan B.N, Sridhar R, Shivraj M.Kalhal |  |
207 | Detection of Lung Cancer using Breath Analyzer -Sri Harsha Modali ,K Sandilya ,V Venkata Ramana Raju , Soumith Reddy P |  |
208 | Experimental Investigations of Double Pipe Heat Exchanger with Triangular Baffles -Madhav Mishra, U. K Nayak |  |
209 | Performance and Speed Control of Cycloconverter Fed Split Phase Induction Motor -Y. Prudvi Sai Krishna Gowda , Guttula Hema , Seepana Durga Prasad, Vattikuti Vilasitha |  |
210 | Harmonic Analysis of Fuel Cell System Connected to Grid and Harmonic Elimination by using Passive Filter -Satbir Singh, Neha Sharma, Kuldeep Singh Bedi |  |
211 | A Survey on Categorization of Steganography -Smitha.G.L, E.Baburaj |  |
212 | Closed Loop Analysis of Space Vector Modulated Matrix Converter Using Pi and Fuzzy Logic Controllers -Smitha M, H.V.Govindaraju |  |
213 | Aircraft De-Icing During Flight Using Pyrolytic Graphite Sheets Heated by Turbine Bleed and Exhaust Heat -Nishant Shirodkar |  |
214 | An emotion recognition system based on autistic facial expression using SIFT descriptor with Genetic Algorithm -Rupinder kaur |  |
215 | NewsReader Application for Blind People Using Text to speech Synthesis -Neha Bhavani, Twinkle Patel, Pranjal Chaudhari, Mukti Patel, Abhay Gaidhani |  |
216 | GeoGuide: Smart System for Interactive Navigation -Ashok Kori, Priyanka Shejwal, Manjusha Shirsath, Surabhi Pawar |  |
217 | Modelling and Simulation of DSTACOM for Power Quality Improvement -Adil Nabi, Gagan Deep Yadav, Narender Sharma |  |
218 | A Review on Architecture, Topologies and Control Techniques of DSTACOM -Adil Nabi, Gagan Deep Yadav, Narender Sharma |  |
219 | Standalone Power Generation System using Renewable Energy Sources: A Review -Zaid Bin Siddique, Gagan Deep Yadav |  |
220 | Modelling and Control of a Wind-PV-Battery Hybrid Power System -Zaid Bin Siddique, Gagan Deep Yadav |  |
221 | Big Data in Health Care Revolution – A Survey -V. Mageshwari, I. Laurence Aroquiaraj, T. Dharani |  |
222 | Nature Magnificent technique in Wireless Sensor Network to overcome the Energy Utilization -Manpreet kaur, Ruchika Markan |  |
223 | Green Engine (Turbo Combustion Green Engine) -Tamboli Mubashir |  |
224 | Implementation of Cascaded H-Bridge Five Level Inveter With R Load -T.Jagadeeswari, K.SriKrishnasatya, G.Rajkumar , U.S.S.Santhoshkumar |  |
225 | A study on encryption algorithm for pilot signal transmission -Senthil Kumar M , Suganya S |  |
226 | Modelling And Analysis of DVR With SEPIC Converter And Supercapacitor -Mugitha E, Raji Krishna |  |
227 | Traffic Enforcement System -Angel mariya T.P., Aishwarya M.J., Freny Varghese, Livya George |  |
228 | Study on influence of floor number on block masonry work labour productivity in high rise buildings -Abiniyath P P |  |
229 | An Artificial Intelligence Based Route Adjustment For VGDRA In Mobile Sink WSN -Insha Ashraf, Er Ashish Gagneja |  |
230 | Reactive Dye Printing on Wool with Natural and Synthetic Thickeners -Chintan R Madhu , Mukesh C Patel |  |
231 | Estimation of Deflection of a Chasis Frame Under Moving Conditions by Using Abaqus Software -Md. Abdul Fazal, B.T. Naik , Doneti Gopi Krishna, A. Sai Kumar |  |
232 | An Approach to Hand Gesture Recognition for Devanagari Sign Language using Image Processing Tool Box -Abhijit V. Warhade , Pranali K. Misal |  |
233 | Efficient Catalytic Oxidative Desulfurization (CODS) of model fuel with H2O2 Catalyzed by HPA/SiO2 under mild conditions -Gulam Gaush Zeelani, Dr. Sundar Lal Pal |  |
234 | Performance Analysis of Solar Air Heater in Rectangular Channel With Double Inclined Ribs with Gap -Mahesh Kumar Jharbade, Ravindra Mohan |  |
235 | Cost Modeling of a Rcc Residential Building With & Without Soft Storey in Zone-Iv (India) -Virendra Kumar Paul, Salman Khursheed, Siddhant Jain |  |
236 | A Review On Energy Efficient Transmission Approach For WBAN Based on Threshold distance -Anup Kumar, Parminder Singh |  |
237 | Design And Analysis Of Internal Expanding Jaw Gripper System By Using Mating Worm System -S. B. Hankare, D. P. Kamble |  |
238 | Automation of Bottle Filling System in Industries using PLC AND SCADA -Tarun Pratap Singh, Shivam Singh, Vipul Maurya, Asst. Prof. P.Suresh |  |
239 | Study of Wind Power in Different Parts of Bangladesh -Md. Robiul Islam, Md. Nazibur Rahman, Md. Abdul Mannan |  |
240 | Artificial Intelligence Based Power Quality Disturbance Analysis for Power Quality Improvement -Trupti .V. Isasare,D.D.Majumdar |  |
241 | Expiremental Study on Bamboo Reinforced Beam -Rahul padagannavar, K Arjun |  |
242 | Optimizing the Material Removal Rate and Surface Finish in Wedm Using Response Surface Methodology -P.Ganapathi, T.NaveenKumar |  |
243 | A Survey On Detection Of Unhealthy Region Of Plant Leaves By Using Image Processing -Shubham I. Chaudhari, Mayuri S. Pathare, Snehal Haral, Yogeshwari Mule, Namrata Katti |  |
244 | Life Saving and Security Alert Human Friend Robot -Bethsheba David, Tushar Vispute, Aishwarya Patil, Diksha Kalbhor |  |
245 | Review: Bridge Type Fault Current Limiter for Fixed Speed Wind Turbine to Improving Grid Stability & Capability -Ruchi V. Astonkar, M. R. Salodkar |  |
246 | Ambulance Assistance for Emergency Services Using GPS Navigation -Shantanu Sarkar |  |
247 | Study of Seismic Behaviour of Buildings with Flat Slab -M Rame Gowda, Techi Tata |  |
248 | Seismic Analysis of R.C. Dual Frame Systems with and Without Floating Columns -Mamatha L, Vijaya G S, Er. Kirankumar K L |  |
249 | Challenging Issues of Software Defined Network -Shikha Arya |  |
250 | Control Strategy for a cross phase connected and a conventional UPQC -Anupam Ojha, Amit Solanki, Rakesh Singh Lodhi , Prinkesh Soni |  |
251 | Effect of Different Colors of Nail Polish on Pulse Oximeter’s Readings in Ventilated Patients -Vijay Pal Singh, Shahanaz Ayub |  |
252 | Planning and Design of Ring Road -Leni Stephen, Anjana Anna Sunny, Aravind S , Dipesh P Nath, Marva T A, Sarath Raj P |  |
253 | Customized NFC enabled ID card for Attendance and Transaction using Face Recognition -Pratik Sayanekar, Adib Rajiwate, Labeeq Qazi , Ankita Kulkarni |  |
254 | MQTT – Messaging Queue Telemetry Transport IOT based Messaging Protocol -Suvam Mohanty, Sagar Sharma, Vaibhav Vishal |  |
255 | A Details Survey on Black-hole and Denial of Service Attack over MANET Environment -Kamlesh Patel, Abhishek Thoke |  |
256 | Effect of External Prestressing on Steel Arches -Chowdari Vijaya Bharathi, Chintada Vinodh Kumar |  |
257 | Effect of Fiber Reinforced Concrete on Strength Parameters of M30 Concrete -K. Bhanuji Rao, Chintada Vinodh Kumar |  |
258 | Experimental Investigations on Structural Lightweight Concrete Columns obtained by Blending of Light Weight Aggregates -Anilkumar, Anil Kumar R |  |
259 | Experimental investigations on structural light weight concrete beams by blending light weight aggregates -Umesh N G, Anilkumar ,Anil Kumar R |  |
260 | On the Quasi-Hyperbolic Kac-Moody Algebra QHA7(2) -Uma Maheswari. A, Krishnaveni. S |  |
261 | Physico-mechanical properties of hen egg-gelatin-glutaraldehyde composite -U. Venkateswarlu |  |
262 | De-Convolution of Camera Blur From a Single Image Using Fourier Transform -Neha B. Humbe, Supriya O. Rajankar |  |
263 | Refining Software Reliability through Software Engineering Methodologies -Surabhi Maheshwari , Abhishek Yadav |  |
264 | Review on Increase of transmission capability of transmission line -N.S.Deshpande, Prof.M.R.Salodkar |  |
265 | Power System Stability Using Unified Power Flow Controller -Sonal M. Adhau, Dinesh D.Majumdar |  |
266 | Analysis of Performance Parameters of Double E-Shaped Microstrip Antenna Using Artificial Neural Network -Upasana Chhari, Vandana Vikas Thakare |  |
267 | Feasibility Study on Cement Treated Base and Sub Base layers of Service Roads - A Case Study on Khed Sinnar NH 50 Project -Saket Prasad |  |
268 | A Survey on Various Cluster Based Certificate Revocation Schemes -Rakhi Bhardwaj, Satish Jarang, Priya Tupe, Priyanka Sulaskar, Dnyaneshwar Rathod |  |
269 | Design of a optical network for improve network efficiency using WDM -Mohammad Amin Sultan , Hina Malik, Mohammad Nasiruddin |  |
270 | Performance Evaluation of a Water Treatment Plant at Davangere- (Karnataka) -Madhu K.M , Soumyashree S.H |  |
271 | Analysis of Powered Roller Conveyor -Shital bhosale, A.V.Gaur |  |
272 | Fault Response and Load Flow Analysis using MATLAB -Ajay, Devender Goyat, Ruchi |  |
273 | Design Development and Analysis of Viscous Damper for Vibration Reduction in Hand Held Power Tool -Pramod Kavitke, Rohan Jamgekar |  |
274 | E-Hospital: A Single Window Hospital -Akshay D. Prabhu, Poonam Ojha, Ashwin Pathak |  |
275 | Modification and Design of Cultivator Blade for Minimum Load -Pavan Kundagol, S.S.Chappar, Soujanya Kulkarni |  |
276 | A Novel Resource Allocation Methodology to Improve Overall Network Efficiency in Lte Heterogeneous Femtocell Networks -Meghana Adusumilli |  |
277 | Finite element analysis of pick and place robotic structure -Shruti Udameeshi, Gayatri S Patil, Vinaay Patil |  |
278 | PAPR Reduction for MIMO-OFDM Systems using SLM without SI -P.Srutha Keerthi |  |
279 | A Call admission Control Algorithm to Enhance the Network Management in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks -E.V.S.S.Vyshnavi, T.Sunitha |  |
280 | Development ,Testing and Verification of Ip Core For Synchronous Serial Port (S-Port) Interface Using Ovm -Bonum Sherley Phebe , J Anusha |  |
281 | A Novel Technique for Efficient Power Management in IEEE 802.11WLAN’S -Boyini Manisha |  |
282 | Optimization of Piping System for Nozzle Loads -Suyash Chougule, Kiran Patil |  |
283 | Design and Implementation of Real time location system using RFID and Xbee wireless Technology using ARM-7 -B. S. Sonawane Sir, Mayur sonawane |  |
284 | PAPR Reduction in MIMO-OFDM System using LDPC Codes -Samboju Alekya |  |
285 | Analysis of a Sponge Rubber using FEA Method -Sukrut A. Deshmukh , Swapnil S. Chavan ,Ojas S. Badgujar ,Bhoomish D. Gandhi |  |
286 | Representation of Numerical Solution Proposal for Initial Value Problems. -Shyam Vir Singh |  |
287 | Modifiability Analysis at Architecture Level through Scenario Elicitation (MAASE) -P. Ashok Reddy, K. Rajasekhara Rao, M. Babu Reddy |  |
288 | Online Recommendation of Electronic Goods -Patil Abhijit, Pawar Niraj, Marne Avdhut, Wagh Swaroop |  |
289 | Dynamic Vision-Based Approach in Web Data Extraction -Jayant Belekar, Tejas Deshmukh, Abhishek Dhamane, Aniket Shinde |  |
290 | An Android Based Health Monitoring System using Machine Learning -Avinash Palve,Snehal More, Shivani Chaudhari, Akshay Katke, Kartike Kampassi |  |
291 | High-Entropy Alloys, A Review -Sumit Kumar , Sujit Kumar , Vikash Singh , J. Jagadesh Kumar |  |
292 | A Review On Heat Transfer Enhancement By Passive Methods -Tejas Sonawane, Prafulla Patil, Abhay Chavhan, B.M.Dusane |  |
293 | Cuk Converter for Photovoltaic Energy System: A Review -Prinkesh Soni, Rakesh Singh Lodhi, Amit Solanki, Ankush Yadav |  |
294 | Computing the Impact of Security Attack on Network Using Fuzzy Logic -Mohammad Mudassar, A.P.Kankale, P.S.Gawande |  |
295 | Design of New Positive Output Super-Lift Luo Converter For Solar Input in Comparison with Different Dc-Dc Converters -M.Pradeep Chand, G.Ramesh |  |
296 | Effect of Gamma Irradiation on Polyvinyl Chloride, Polymethyl Methacrylate and Their Polymer Blends -Rashmi Sharma Jha, Rakesh Bajpai |  |
297 | Fabrication of Pneumatic Multi Purpose Machine -Poovendran C |  |
298 | Durability Studies on Coal Residue and Sugarcane Residue Based Geopolymer Bricks -G.Saravanan |  |
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