Volume 3- Issue 12 - December 2016 |
01 | Pretreatment of Reactive Dye from Textile Wastewater by Coagulation Technology -Siti Norsita Mohd Rawi, Zularisam Ab Wahid, Mohd Nasrullah, Nor Wahidatul Azura Zainon Najib |  |
02 | Taguchi optimization for AA2024 / Al2O3 surface composite hardness fabricating by Friction stir processing -Essam B. Moustafa, Samah Mohammed, Sayed Abdel-Wanis, M.S. Abd-Elwahed,Tamer Mahmoud, El-Sayed El-Kady |  |
03 | Speedup Video Segmentation via Dual Shot Boundary Detection (S-DSBD) -Adel A. Sewisy, Khaled F. Hussain, Amjad D. Suleiman |  |
04 | Synthesis and Characterization of Sodium (Na) Doped Magnesium Aluminate (MgAl2O4) Nanoparticle by Solution Combustion Method -Abdullah Al Mahmood, Mintu Ali, Mamunur Rahman, Musfikur Islam, Abdul Kaiyum |  |
05 | A Proposed Human Computer Interaction (HCI) Model Through The Use of Computerized Speech Laboratory (CSL) -Rolou Lyn R. Maata, Severa Pagcaliwagan |  |
06 | An Empirical Analysis on Assistive Technologies Supporting Special Education Curriculum and Individualized Educational Programs (IEPs) -Rolou Lyn R. Maata |  |
07 | Development of Portable Rocket Stove and Performance Evaluation -Sabrina Khan, Tania Hossain, Mominur Rahman |  |
08 | Spoof Detection for Preventing DoS Attacks against DNS Servers -T.Pandikumar, Yehenew Mekonen |  |
09 | Security Frame Work against Denial of Service Attacks in Wireless Mesh Networks -T.Pandikumar, Zeleke Wondimu |  |
10 | Secure Remote Desktop Access Using SSHX and ECC on a PKI -T.Pandikumar, Abedella Mussema |  |
11 | Analyzing Information Flow in Java based Browser Extensions -T.Pandikumar, Teklish Girma |  |
12 | Effectiveness Evaluation for VHF Radar Jammer -T.Pandikumar, Tsegay Tesfay |  |
13 | Digital Smart System For Restaurants Using Wireless Technology -Kunal P. Gundle, Anuja A. Harshe, Kajol B. Kinage, Niraj L. Ghanawat |  |
14 | Forest Management and Automated Irrigation System By Using Wireless Sensor Network -Prajakta Laxman Aher |  |
15 | Enhancing the Performance of Flexible Manufacturing Systems -B. Satish Kumar, N. Gopikrishna |  |
16 | Experimental Studies of Geopolymer Mortar With Fine Aggregate Partially Replaced by Crushed Laterite -K.Siddharth, P.T.Ayswariya Lakshmi, R.Abhinaya Vishnu |  |
17 | Design and Working of Adjustable Manually Push Operated Pesticide Spraying Machine -Akhilesh K. Bhatkar,P.B.Khope, P. S. Chaudhari |  |
18 | Internet based Smart Poultry Farm using LabVIEW -Sneha. M, T. N. Raghavendra, H. Prasanna Kumar |  |
19 | Automatic Identification Of Criminal Faces In Public Area -Snehal Patil, Ashwini Garje, Shanil Pawar ,Diksha Gaikwad, Sayali Shivarkar |  |
22 | Comparitive Study on Durability Properties of Bacterial Concrete -K.Keerthana |  |
23 | Experimental Study on Strength properties of pervious concrete -A.N.Swaminathen, N.Saravana Kumar |  |
24 | Design and Development of Automated Weed Seeker and Tracker -Sourabh Savadatti, Soumya S Tuppad, Ankit A Ullikashi, Sachin Arakeri, Harsh Karjigi, Mahabaleshwar S Hegde |  |
25 | Design and Implementation of an Electronic System for Identification of Rebars in Reinforced Concrete. -Vinayak Suhas kumbhar, Pallavi Suhas Kumbhar,Vinod B. Kumbhar ,Prashant P. Zirmite |  |
26 | Effect of substrate temperature on the structural properties of SnO2 thin films -S.Maheswari, M.Karunakaran |  |
27 | IoT Based Smart Garbage Detection System -Abhishek Dev, Maneesh Jasrotia, Muzammil Nadaf, Rushabh Shah |  |
28 | Software Security Metrics -Prajakta J. Jadhav, Prof. Torana N. Kamble |  |
29 | Advance Wind Mill -Ashwin.V.Chandrashekhar, Akash.N.Deshmukh, Kasturi.A.Thorat , Prajwal.A.Mahajan, Shubham.S.Barhate, Sudhanva.W. Khedkar |  |
30 | Adhaar Based Online Polling System using Visual Cryptography -Swati Yogesh Shinde, Amrit Priyadarshi |  |
31 | Human Face Action Recognition System Wireless Sensor Network -Londhe Nitin R. , More Daulatrao M., Kulkarni Yogesh N. , Gawade Tejashree, Bandgar S.B. |  |
32 | A Survey on Internal Intrusion Detection and Protection System Using Data Mining and Forensics Techniques -Dipali Vijay Karche, Amrit Priydarshi |  |
33 | Automatic Speed Control System for Line Following Robot -Gaurav Patil, Suchet Pawar, Rushali Pote, Vedashri Kumbhare |  |
34 | Firebase in App Development -Shashank Gupta, Bhaskar Kapoor |  |
35 | Comparison between Analog and Digital Implementation of Maximum Power Point Tracking Techniques in Solar Photovoltaic Applications -B. Kailash Krishna Prasad, K. Prahlada Reddy |  |
36 | Bitter Guard Employee Monitoring System Using Android Mobile Application -Gangurde Madhuri, Garud Suvarna, Pawale Yogita, Thakur Pradnya |  |
37 | Colour Removal of Textile Industry Effluent Using Waste Pea Pods as Adsorbent -Sudevi Basu |  |
38 | Detail Design and Analysis of A Free Standing I Beam Jib Crane -M.Dhanoosha, V.Gowtham Reddy |  |
39 | Methodology of Managing Power Quality -Sayeeda Farzana, L Jayasree, K Ravi Sankar |  |
40 | Smart Traffic Management System for Effective Handling of Congestion Control, Emergency Service Control and Identify the Stolen Vehicle -Gautam Hoshing, Siddharth Gothankar, Jayant Jirage, Abhishek Gupta |  |
41 | Unwanted object Removal From Video using Removal Base In-Painting -Waman Priyanka, Awari Roshan, Khilari Rajashri, Taware Laxmi |  |
42 | Behavior of Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Beam With Partial Replacement of Demolition Waste as a Coarse Aggregate -Khaja Mohiuddin, R Sankar |  |
43 | Development of vibration control for chatter suppression in Application of boring bar -Kulkarni M.D. ,R.S.Jamgekar |  |
44 | Three Wheeler Vehicle with Multifuel Si Engine -K.Veeraswamy, R.Laxman, K.Praveen Kumar |  |
45 | A Real-Time Approach for Home Security and Alert System using CAN Protocol -Praveena K S, Bhargavi K |  |
46 | Effect of Certain Parameters on Load Enhancement of Simply Supported Rectangular HSSCC Slabs -V Harish, C G Puttappa, K U Muthu |  |
47 | Image Steganography Using Lsb Bit-Plane Substitution -Tanmay Sinha Roy |  |
48 | Material management by using SAP in real estate construction sector -Ganesh Ashok Patare, Pravin Minde |  |
49 | A Study on the Use of Ict Tools in Academic Institutions -Joyce Georgina John, Sam Edward Roy |  |
50 | Investigation and feasibility of fly ash and rise husk ash and quarry sand in M-25 concrete. -Abhijeet Nardey, A.R Gajbhiye |  |
51 | An approach of automation between development and operation by using DevOps -Gaurav kumar, Mukesh kumar |  |
52 | Effect Of Coconut Shell Ash On Properties Of Expansive Soils -Rashmi Bade, Syed Sohailuddin, Tasneem Khan, Er. Imran Sheikh |  |
53 | Online Real Time Health Monitoring of Patient Using Intrabody Communication -Kirti Thosar, Geetha Narayanan |  |
54 | Experimental investigation and effect of welding speed on the tensile properties of friction stir welding AA7075 AL. Alloy. -I.Justinantony raj , R.Narayanasamy , M.Durai selvam, P.Purushothaman |  |
55 | Smart control of Electronic Appliances and Digital Notice Board using GSM and Bluetooth -Sivaranjini.T, Srimanikandan.B, Thenmozhi.S |  |
56 | Investigation of Geomagnetic Induced Current Effects on Power Transformer -Roshni.R.Jethani, Harikumar Naidu |  |
57 | Analysis of Elevated Service Reservoir by using Commercial Software -Sandip L Gongale, Mayur K Ghumde |  |
58 | Digital Image Compression using Block Truncation Coding and Discrete cosine Transform, Hybrid Technique -Akhand Pratap Singh, Anjali Potnis, Abhineet Kumar |  |
59 | Study of Characterization and Energy Transfer Mechanism in NaCe(PO3)4dopedwith Rare Earth ions(Dy3+,Tb3+,Yb3+andNd3+) -SUBhonsule, SPWankhede |  |
60 | Literature survey on the various methods of object detection in video surveillance systems -Poonam Khare |  |
61 | Data security at hard disk level -Poonam Khare |  |
62 | Multi focus image fusion based on spatial frequency -Latha.P, Shalini.A, Maithili.Ananda kumari.A |  |
63 | Enhancing the Target Coverage and Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Network -U.Nilabar Nisha, K.Sathyaseelan, A.N.Karthikeyan |  |
64 | Causes of the Time Delay in Construction Housing Projects in Gwalior Division -Pawan Hari, Mukesh Pandey |  |
65 | Effect of Polypropylene/Glass Fiber on the Mechanical Properties of Polymer Composites -Manjunatha G, Vishnu Kumar K L |  |
66 | Enhancement of Stable Methods In Unstructured Network For Routing Queries -Kale Vishwajeet D., Tamboli Nilofar S., Jadhav Suvarna H., Khade Sonali S. , Prof. S.B. Bandgar |  |
67 | An Implementation Converging On Mischievous Apps In Social Media -V.Harikrishna, CH .Sandeep |  |
68 | Effect of Sequential Construction on Girder Subject to Floating Column -Rupali Bhuasaheb Tamnar, R S Talikoti |  |
69 | Design of Floating Point For High Speed Multiplier -R.B.Kalyani |  |
70 | Heat Transfer Analysis of Helical Coil Heat Exchanger With Al2o3 Nano Fluid -Vinita sisodiya, Ankur geete |  |
71 | Performance Analysis of Catalytic Degradation of Waste Plastic into Fuel Oil -R.Vigithra,K.Rajakarthikeyan,G. Senthil Kumar,V.Vinodkumar |  |
72 | Implementation of ODMRP Based QoS Multicast Routing in MANET -B.Savisooriyaja, P.Josephin , D.Narmatha |  |
73 | By Using Hybrid System to Improve Efficiency of Power System -Vrushali V. Chaudhari, Ajit P. Chaudhari, Girish k. Mahajan, Gaurav P. Tembhurnikar |  |
74 | Optimal Solution for Distribution of Segregated Wastes of Garbage Disposal Unit Using Goal Programming -Jyothi.P, Vatsala GA, Radha Gupta |  |
75 | A Survey on Methodology for Extracting Standing Human Bodies From Images -Zubaida khan, Vaishali Bodade |  |
76 | FIR filter bank design for Audiogram Matching -Shobhit Kumar Nema, Amit Pathak |  |
77 | Automatic Recognition of Fake Indian Currency Note -Sonali R. Darade, G.R.Gidveer |  |
78 | Safeguarding and Protecting contents related to Client’s Location Server Data -Shweta Amrutkar, M. M. Naoghare |  |
79 | Do We need Budgeting? -Anita Mendiratta |  |
80 | A Comprehensive Review on Low Cost Building Systems -K.Jaiganesh, S.Dinesh , R.Preetha |  |
82 | Optimum value Analysis of threshold level in Directional weighted Median filter for various density of impulse noise -Anju Rajput, Umesh Barahdia |  |
83 | Implementation of Three Phase Ups System Using Spwm and Fuzzy Logic Controllers for Linear and Non-Linear Loads -Titti Naga Santhosh Gautham, K.Vaisakh |  |
84 | Modeling and Analysis of Hybrid Dstatcom for Non Linear Loads -G. Meena, N.Narasimhulu, R.Ramachandra |  |
85 | Circular Patch Antenna with CPW fed and circular slots in ground plane. -Kangan Saxena |  |
86 | Study of Tunnel Formwork versus Aluminium Formwork -Amol S. Deshmukh, Manas A. Shalgar |  |
87 | Performance Evaluation of Energy Efficient Systems Based OFDM Technique and LEACH Protocols Using Various Wireless Channels -Hemang Shah, Rajesh Bansode |  |
88 | An effective Estimation scheme based curvelet de-noising algorithm for wireless optical communications. -K.Dhana Lakshmi,Y.V. AdiSatyanarayana |  |
89 | Smart (scalable medical alert response technique) Health Monitoring System Using Raspberry Pi -Altaf Mulla, Tushar Mote |  |
90 | A Review on Analysis and Classification of Sentiments using Dual Sentiment Filtration -Pooja J. Biradar, K. V. Metre |  |
91 | A Review on Mining Top-K High Utility Itemsets without Generating Candidates -Lekha I. Surana, Vijay B. More |  |
92 | Review paper on friction stir welding -Ankur S Vasava, Hemant B Patel, Bhavik Desai, Vishal Naik |  |
93 | Iris recognition and feature extraction in iris recognition System by employing 2D DCT -Abhineet Kumar, Anjali Potnis , Akhand Pratap Singh |  |
94 | Biodiesel from Thumba Oil Characterization and Performance Testing In Internal Combustion Engine -Akash Sase, P. M. Ardhapurkar, Supriya N Bobade |  |
95 | Biodiesel From Citrullus Colosynthis Oil: Performance Testing and Combustion Characteristics In I.C. Engine -Akash Sase, P. M. Ardhapurkar, Supriya N Bobade |  |
96 | Use of waste tyres in road construction -S. B. Patil , A. A. Lole, N. U. Bavane, S. S. Shinde |  |
97 | QRcode based Universal and Customizable Online Ticket Booking System -Nandale Suraj, Mahale Mohit, Vishwasrao Aniket, Swapnali Dive |  |
98 | Thermo-Physical Properties of Ferro Nano Particle Dispersed in Engine Oil -Anitha Terli, SriHarsha Dorapudi |  |
99 | Genetic Algorithm using Speech and Signature of Biometrics -Rajnish Rani , Rajan Sachdeva |  |
100 | Cuckoo Search Optimization for Feature Selection in Face & Fingerprint -Nishu Rani, Rajan Sachdeva |  |
101 | A Novel Concept of Image Enhancement Using Scalable DCT and Color Mapping -D.Tejaswi, P.S. Rosaline, M. Jyothipoorna |  |
102 | Size Reduction of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna for Gsm Application -Ankita Ambh, P.K.Singhal |  |
103 | Webpage Code Generator -Himanshu Gupta, Ankur Jain, Prateek Kumar, Vedant Dhakad |  |
104 | Performance Analysis and Designing 16 Bit Sram Memory Chip Using Xilinx Tool -Monika Solanki |  |
105 | Experimental and Analytical Analysis of Concrete Filled Square and Circular Tubes -Prathamesh S. Padwal, S. R. Parekar |  |
106 | Pipelined programmable MBIST design -Hamsa J, Siva Yellampalli |  |
107 | Weight Optimization of Steering Knuckle Joint using Fea -Gondi PrabhuCharan Teja, K.V.P.P.Chandu, Ch. Rama Krishna, K. Yasoda Sreeram |  |
108 | Effect of moderate temperature (1000C for 5 hours) exposure on compressive strength and density of Geo-polymer Concrete -K V Vijaya Kumarraju, P Markandeya Raju |  |
109 | A Comparative Study on Flexural Strength of High Strength Concrete using Silica Fume -A.P.Aroumugame, V.S.Sethuraman, A.Vallavan ,L.K.Rex |  |
110 | Dedicated to Crr/Ministry of Railways/Indian Railways/Rdso/Iit Kharagpur Creep and Warping (Including Gauge Widening) Analyses of Hot-Running Loco Wheel and Track Towards Development of Design Guidelines Against Gauge Widening -Shripad Shashikant Chopade |  |
111 | Experimental Investigation of the effect of Compression Ratio on the performance of a dedicated CNG engine -Anand Ramachandran, A.V Waghmare |  |
112 | Essentiality of UNIX -Varshitha D N |  |
113 | Detecting Abnormal Events for Intelligent Video Surveillance System -Vinashri V Dhokate, Y. R. Kalshetty |  |
114 | Design and implementation of combined effect of modified DES and Hamming (224,128) Code data security techniques on the transmission of 128-bit digital data from one base station to another base station written in VHDL -Paresh Kumar Pasayat, Rajashree Nath, Bipasha Pradhan, Anil Kumar Dakua, Swadhyaya Mohanty, Abhinav Das |  |
115 | A Comparative Study of Selection Sort and Insertion Sort Algorithms -Fahriye Gemci Furat |  |
116 | Octaband Microstrip Patch Antenna Using Dgs for S-Band,C-Band & X-Band Applications -K. Pradeep Rajashekar |  |
117 | Review on Research for Desulphurization of Diesel by Adsorption -Pratibha Gawande, Jayant Kaware |  |
118 | Design of a Pid Auto Tuning Controller using Labview -Sankalpa kumar, Jishnu Bhattacharyya, Mainak Bhattacharyya |  |
119 | Military Secured Network Data Transmission -Shubham Jain, Umesh Dusane, Smita Lokhande , Vinod Kadam , Neha Jamdar |  |
120 | Optimization of Ss316l Weldments Using Smaw by Varying Filler Electrode -Nikhil V Nair |  |
121 | Separation of Deleterious Materials in Waste Water using Conventional and Recent Method through Adsorption Process: A Review -Norul Wahida Kamaruzaman, A.W. Zularisam |  |
122 | Strength studies on silica fume based geopolymer mortar with coir fibre -K.Siddharth, D.Dinakar, V.Suresh, C.Balaji, M. Dinesh Kumar |  |
123 | Scalar control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous motor -Yashvi Parmar, Priyanka Patel, Nitiksha Pancholi, Chand Thakor, Unnati Mali |  |
124 | Detection of Bundle Branch Block using Firefly Algorithm -Padmavathi Kora |  |
125 | PAPR Reduction techniques in OFDM System Using Clipping & Filtering and Selective Mapping Methods -Okello Kenneth, Usha Neelakanta |  |
126 | Power Quality Improvement Using Ac- Dc Boost Converter -Ankita A. Yeotikar, Swapnil B. Mohod |  |
127 | Convection Heat Transfer within Enclosures – An Analysis Review -Ashutosh Kumar Verma, Anand Swaroop Verma, Ankur Dwivedi |  |
128 | A comparative study of Smart Phone Emergency Applications for Disaster Management -S.Mythil, E.Shalini |  |
129 | A Survey on Wireless Security -Surjit Paul, Sanjay Kumar |  |
130 | A Case Study on Reducing the Lead Time and Increasing Throughput by using Value Stream Mapping -Gokulraju R, Vigneshwar K, Vignesh V |  |
131 | Decentralised Sliding Mode Load Frequency Control for an Interconnected Power System with Uncertainties and Nonlinearities -M. Meena shiva kumari, G.Sarawasthi |  |
132 | Modelling of Bed Roughness with variations in Flow Parameters -Meenu Das, Mimi Das Saikia |  |
133 | Analytical and Numerical Study of Composite Plates -Pallavi kokitakar, C. S. Wadageri, Yogesh Patil, Ratan Patil |  |
134 | IOT Robot: With Bomb Diffusing Application -Devendra R Bodkhe, Pravin F Rane, Mahesh C. Waghmare, Yashpal Gogia |  |
135 | An Adaptive Pattern Generation in Sequential Classification using Firefly Algorithm -P. Radha, M. Thilakavathi |  |
136 | A CloudKeyBank: Privacy and Owner Authorization Enforced Key Management Framework -Darshan Chavan, P. M. Yawalkar |  |
137 | DWT Based Image Super Resolution Performance Analysis -Upendra Bhatt, Shail Ratna Bhatt, Ashish Semwal |  |
138 | Study On Autonomous Vehicle Transportation System -S. M. Bharambe , M. Z. Shaikh
|  |
139 | An Improved Design of Micro-Hydro Electric Power Plant -D.Vimalakeerthy , Humaid Abdullah Fadhil Al-Hinai , Hamood Salim Mohamed Al-Bimani |  |
140 | Design and Analysis of mini disruptor used for bomb disarmament -Avinash K. Bankar, Sachin K. Dahake, Nachiket U. Phadke |  |
141 | Experimental Study of Electrochemically Prepared Porous Silicon as Antireflective Material in Solar Cells -P. Sunil Kumar, R. S. Dubey |  |
142 | Optimization of Surface Roughness in cylindrical grinding -Rajani Sharma, Promise Mittal, Kuldeep Kaushik, Pavan Agrawal |  |
143 | Management of Construction Materials on Project Site -Rakesh nayak, Mukesh pandey |  |
144 | Design and Fabrication of Pneumatic Mirror Holing Machine -Tharoon T |  |
145 | Investigation Of Nd: Yag Laser Welding Efficiencies For Inconel 625 Plates -Aby Kurian, P.Nandhini |  |
146 | Optimization of Process parameters of Friction Stir Welding of Dissimilar Aluminium Alloys (AA6063-AA5052) -Aby Kurian, V.Sritharan, Danesh G Mohan |  |
147 | Effects of minimum quantity lubrication on turning of En8 alloy steel using combination of solid and liquid lubricants -Deepak Sidlambe, Rhushikesh Tupe, Abhijeet Tupe |  |
148 | Feature Selection Using Binary Artificial Bee Colony For Sentiment Classification -SP.Rajamohana , K.Umamaheswari
|  |
149 | Grid Connected Photovoltaic System with SVPWM Inverter Base on Voltage-Oriented Control at the Distribution System -Kundum Pavan Kumar, G.T.P.Naidu, D.B.Chowdary |  |
150 | Comparative Study of Catalytic Converter on Single Cylinder CNG Engine -Rushad Kulkarni, D.Y.Dhande |  |
151 | Mitigation of Current Harmonics in A Solar Hybrid System by Using Hybrid Filter -K.B S S Anil Kumar, Laxman Dasari |  |
152 | An Eye for a Blind : Assistive Technology -Sonal Mali1, Srushti Padade, Swapnali Mote, Revati Omkar |  |
154 | Troubleshooting In Dry Fly Ash Conveying Systems -N.Sri Jyothirmai,B.Jogarao,T. Jayananda Kumar |  |
155 | Survey on feed and feeding practices of fish farmers in Edo State, Nigeria. -ALIU Bayo Samuel, AFADAMA Ometere Beatrice, ESUME Ambrose Chukwualasu |  |
156 | CFD Analysis of an Aircraft delta wing -Karansinghdangi, Neha mathur
|  |
157 | Design Analysis and Testing of Diverter mechanism based noise suppressor for single piston pump system for minimum quantity lubrication application. -Pooja S. Patel, S. P. Mogal |  |
158 | Comparative Study On Dynamic Analysis Of Medium And High Rise RC Structure With And Without Base Isolation -Garipally Prashanth Kumar |  |
159 | Rational exploration of Flexible manufacturing systems -P. NagaBharam, N. Gopikrishna |  |
160 | Certain Investigations on Testing Tools for Regressing Testing -M. Prasanna, M. Iyapparaja, Dhenesh V Subramanian |  |
161 | Optimistic Investigation on Open Source Testing Tools for Testing Applications -M. Prasanna, M. Iyapparaja |  |
162 | Design and Operation of Dual/Triple and Ultra band Microstrip antenna for WLAN, WiMAX Wireless Applications -Abhishek Gupta, Rama Pandole |  |
163 | A- ATM: Aadhaar based security in ATM -Abdul Rahaman Shaik,Vemuri Kusuma Priya |  |
164 | Experimental investigation of GMAW process on SA387 pressure vessel material -I.Justinantony raj , R.Narayanasamy , M.Durai selvam, N.Santhosh kumar |  |
165 | Experimental investigation of weld characteristics of single pass semi automatic TIG welding with dissimilar stainless steels -I.Justin antony raj, R.Narayana samy ,M.Durai selvam, M.Sebastin charle |  |
166 | Reduction of acrylamide formation in bread by lactic acid bacteria and Nigella sativa oil -Imen Ben Taher, Mnasser Hassouna |  |
167 | Implementation On FPGA Of Reliable Network-On-Chip -G.Elanagai |  |
168 | A Case Study On Labor Productivity -Himanshu Agarwal, Sohit Agrawal,Mukesh Pandey |  |
170 | Mechanical Run Test Of Steam Turbine -K. Sravanthi, M. Susmitha |  |
171 | Experimental Investigations of Friction Welding using Aluminum With Mild Steel -P. Venkat Koushik , D. Avinash |  |
172 | Optimization of Industrial Gear box Casing -Balasaheb Sahebrao Vikhe |  |
173 | Low Carbon Building -Nitish M. Patil, M. B. Kumthekar |  |
174 | Mitigation Of Voltage Sag With PEMFC Supported IDVR -Penukuduru Rajesh,Uradala Rajarao |  |
175 | Analysis of Natural Frequency of Prestressed Steel Beam with Triangular Tendon Profile -Aditi S. Vibhute, Poonam Kotulkar, Trupti Kshirsagar,Prachity Janrao |  |
176 | An Averge Based Orientation Field Estimation Method for Latent Finger Print Matching -B.Raja Rao, E.V.Krishna Rao |  |
177 | Power Quality Improvement in Distribution System Using STATCOM Fed With IRP Control -Saibaba mantri, Laxman Dasari |  |
178 | Experimental Study of Compressive Strength of Concrete with Partial Replacement of Natural Sand with Manufactured Sand -Swastik S. Shinde, Swanand R. Kadam, Avinash A. Waychal |  |
179 | A Novel Approach to Prevent Data Loss in Radiation Affected Area -Shaiqua S. Sayed, Archana A. Nikose |  |
180 | A Survey on Malware Propagation In Large Scale Network -Ankita Suresh Mane, Sayyad G.G. |  |
181 | An Experimental Study on Partial Replacement of Cement by SBCA for M-30 concrete -Arshee Khan, A.K. Saxena |  |
182 | Fuzzy Logic Controller for Quasi-Z-Source Cascade Multilevel Inverter Used in Grid-Tie Photovoltaic Powersystem -N. Raveena Sowmya, C. Prashanth Sai, M. Vijaya Kumar |  |
183 | A Review on health care examination records using data mining -Manoranjani A. Kulkarni, Chaitanya S. Kulkarni |  |
184 | Production of Biofuel (Ethanol) from Corn and co product evolution: A Review -Ashok Sharma, Sarita Sharma, Sanjay Verma, Rahul Bhargava |  |
185 | Distributed Energy Efficient Clone Detection Protocol In Star Topology -Rupnawar Varsharani S. , Sudake Prajakta B., Takmoge Lata B., Yadav Pradip M., Sirdeshpande S. A. |  |
186 | Determination of Plantinum in Rocks by Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry After Separation on Sorbent -Samgain Odonchimeg, Jamba Oyun, Namsrai Javkhlantugs |  |
187 | Mechanical Properties of Concrete Incorporating Used Foundry Sand and Waste Ceramic Tiles -Er. Rahul |  |
188 | Design and Fabrication of Manually Operated Weeder with Pesticides Sprayer -M.G.Jadhav, J.K.Sawale |  |
189 | Study of Torsional Effect Under Seismic Condition on Building with Irregularities -Sandhya R. Ghuse, Mayur K Ghumde |  |
190 | Authenticated Document Transfer based on Digital Signature and a Survey of its existing techniques -Aishwarya Mali, Chinmay Mahalle, Mihir Kulkarni, Tejas Nangude, Geeta Navale |  |
191 | Hidden pattern analysis for heart disease classification -Chavan Krushna D,Kale Abhijeet A ,Kulkarni Swapnil P, Sayyed Ajmeer D. |  |
192 | Migration of chloride ion in the pore solution of reinforced concrete steel bar -Anjani Kumar Singh, G. S. Das |  |
193 | PSD based primary user detection in Cognitive Radio systems operating in impulsive noise environment -Anjali Mishra, Amit Mishra |  |
194 | Exploration of e-Leaning Information Systems for Advanced Support Accessibility -Ehab F. Amer |  |
195 | Multi Light Exposure Image Fusion for High Dynamic Range Imaging -Pravin F. Rane, Devendra R. Bodkhe, Jaypraksh singh Yadav, Laxman C |  |
196 | Greenhouse Monitoring Using IOT Technology -Devendra R. Bodkhe, Pravin F. Rane, Yashpal Gogia, Warsha Kandlikar |  |
197 | A Network Lifetime and Sink Load Minimization for Np- Lower Energy Adaptive Sink Relocation (Leasr) In Wireless Sensor Networks -Shweta, Upasana Upadhyay, Rajendra K. Sharma |  |
198 | An Enhanced Apriori And Improved Algorithm For Association Rules -Mohit Ohri, Komal Thakur |  |
199 | Twin-Charger Stratification Injection (TSI) -Pranav Dake, Akshay Ghorpade |  |
200 | Preference Recommendation System for DTE-CAP -Shaikh Qawwam, Gadiya Yash, Ugale Akshay , Alhat Madhukar |  |
201 | Design Calculation of Theoretical Torque at Slurry Tank Agitator Gear Box for Slurry Density of 2.4 Gm/Cc -Deshmukh J., Nayak N., M.Ravindram., Patil Namdev T. |  |
202 | A Concept of Notional Frequency of an Aperiodic Forcing Function to Facilitate Discernment of Resonance Caused by Modal Coincidence with the Driven System -I. R. Rao, K. N. Shubhanga |  |
203 | A Review of Discrete Wavelet Transformation Implementation in GPU through Register Based Strategy -Hemkant B. Gangurde, M. U. Kharat |  |
204 | An Efficient Face Photo Clustering from User Feedback through Query Generation -Shaikh Mohammed Shahazad, M. U. Kharat |  |
205 | Pedestrian Detection by Video Processing using Thermal and Night Vision System -Ankit Dilip Yawale, V. B. Raskar |  |
206 | Design and Analysis of Wheel Rim by Using Catia &Ansys -G.Ashok kumar, M.Uma Mahesh, S.Madhu Sudhan, T.Cholai Raj |  |
207 | Smart Waste Management System for Smart Cities using IoT -P. P. Kale, S. R. Salunkhe, S. B. Dhole, V. V. Bansode |  |
208 | Study on Concrete Mix Design for Ultra Thin Whitetopping -Satish D |  |
209 | Contactless Speed Monitoring and Displaying -Soumya Das, Pratyusha Biswas Deb, Sreeja Chakraborty, Nilkantha Nag, Molay Laha, P.S.Majumdar |  |
210 | Generating Secret Key for Multi-Keyword Ranked Search Over Encrypted Cloud Data -P. Anitha, D.Vijayalakshmi |  |
211 | Recurrence Capture of Liver Disease Using Support Vector Machine With Improved Particle Swarm Optimization -P. Laura juliet, T. Shanmugapriya |  |
212 | Improved Outlier Detection using Classic KNN Algorithm -K.T.Divya, N.Senthil Kumaran |  |
213 | Survey on Outlier Detection Techniques Using Categorical Data -K.T.Divya, N.Senthil Kumaran |  |
214 | An Efficient Hybrid Comparative Study Based on ACO, PSO, K-Means With K-Medoids for Cluster Analysis -S.Keerthana, S. Akila |  |
215 | Semi-Supervised Nonlinear Distance Metric Learning Via Random Forest and Relative Similarity Algorithm -N. Saranya, C. Usha Nandhini |  |
216 | Study of Power Electronics Devices -Sandhya Shinde, Amruta Nikam |  |
217 | Design And Implementation of FM0/Manchester coding for DSRC Applications -Supriya Shivaji Garade, P.R.Badadapure |  |
218 | Discovery of Weighted Continual Itemsets from Transactional Databases using Frequent Utility Pattern Algorithm -Hanegaonkar Mohammed Awais, Kamlesh Amravatkar |  |
219 | An Eficient Technique To Control Images On Content Sharing Sites -Tejasvini S. Baviskar,Neha L. Jain,Gauri A. Bhosale,Sneha M. Chaudhari , U. R. Patole |  |
220 | Study and Implementation of Virtual Design Concept and Building Information Modeling in Residential Project -D.Lingaeswar, Krishnaraj.L, Veena.P.Kaimal , B.Vignesh |  |
221 | Internet of Things (IoT): A Literature Review -Pritpal singh |  |
222 | Performance comparison analysis between Multi-FFT detection techniques in OFDM signal using 16-QAM Modulation for compensation of large Doppler shift -Surya Bazal ,Pankaj Sahu , Shailesh Khaparkar |  |
223 | Forecasting Student Academic Performance by Decision Tree Learning Using Artificial Neural Networks -R.Ruhin kouser, J.Daphney Joann, K.Suganya |  |
224 | Synthesis and Magnetic Properties Investigations of Hematite- Activated Carbon with TiO2 -Anatase Nanoparticles Composite for Application of Wastewater Treatment at Belbis Drainage-Egypt -Yasser A.M. Abdulhady |  |
225 | Review of Achieving Multiple Language Translation for Enhanced Question-Answer Pair Retrieval in CQA Using NMF -Priyanka sanvatsarkar, Sulochana Sonkamble |  |
226 | Experiment Investigations on CNG Injection System Performance in Single Cylinder Four Stroke SI Engine – Review Paper -Rakesh K. Chotalia, Parikshit K.Patel, Vikash Patel, Keval I. Patel |  |
227 | Prediction of Turbulence Behavior over a 2D Double Wedge comparing K-Epsilon & K-Omega Model at Mach-4.2 -Vamsi Krishna Chowduru, Yashas C R, Indraniil Roy |  |
228 | Searching and Distributing the Data for Analysing Health issues in Society -Gauravjeet Singh, Rohan Choundiye, Rupesh Chavhan, Prashant Chopade |  |
229 | Efficient Recharging for Energy Consumption in WSN -J.Antony Daniel Rex , S.Jensy Mary |  |
230 | Design And Analysis Of Conical Curved Agitator For Medium Density Fiber Processing-Review -Akash Shriram Hiwrale, S. J. Parihar |  |
231 | The Role of Social Networking in Knowledge Management Process: A Review -Osamah A.M. Ghaleb , Mohammed A.S. Mosleh, Hasib Daowd Esmail Al-ariki |  |
232 | Gradient Histogram Estimation and Preservation for Image Denoising Using DWT -Muralidharan.K, Karthika P.S , Sowmiya .J, Sohail Akbar |  |
233 | Survey on collaborative filtering for Digital Libraries -Nandini Patil, Aaisha Shekh, Gitanjali Kadlag |  |
234 | An Improve Energy –Efficient Distributed Unequal Clustering Protocol For Wireless Sensor Network -Kiran Bhute, Shalini Sahay |  |
235 | Design and Fabrication of Mini Air Cooler -Vignesh Ravi, A.Sathishkumar, N.Siva , R.Ravikumar |  |
236 | Valuation Models: An Analysis -Anita Mendiratta |  |
237 | Time Synchronization Strategies for Wsn: An Appraisal for Synchronization Errors, Algorithm -Shiwani Jasuja, Rahul Malhotra, Kulbhushan Rassewatt |  |
238 | A survey of Super resolution Techniques -Krupali Ramavat, Prof. Mahasweta Joshi, Prof. Prashant B. Swadas |  |
239 | IoT and its Connectivity Challenges in Smart Home -S.Pradeep, T.Kousalya, K.M.Aarsha Suresh, Jebin Edwin |  |
240 | Outline of Modified Menezes Vanstone Elliptic Curve Cryptography Algorithm -Kavyashree B, Girijamba D L, Kavya A P |  |
241 | An Analysis on Implementation of various Deblurring Techniques in Image Processing -M.Kalpana Devi, R.Ashwini |  |
242 | Performance Evaluation of Differential Bio-Potential Amplifier -Prerna Mittal, Padma Batra |  |
243 | Analysis and implementation of Reed Salomon codes for Forward Error Correction using LabVIEW -Satyanarayana Reddy K, Neethu S |  |
244 | Design and Manufacturing of Battery Operated Drive System for a Three Wheeled Vehicle for Disabled -Sanket C. Naik Nimbalkar, Nikhil Baldwa, Sumesh Navale, Devansh Khandelwal |  |
245 | Modeling of a Cracked Pipe into a Beam and Prediction of Fatigue Crack Propagation -K. Srinivasa Rao, G .Sai Meghana ,Sk.Umar , K.Mounika Chowdary ,N.Krishna Reetika ,T. Phaneendra |  |
246 | Mathematical Functions C Code Generator -Vishal Limgire, Mahesh Nikam, Diksha Jadhav, Pooja Pawar |  |
247 | Crash Analysis of Vehicle -Akshay P. Lokhande, Abhijeet G. Darekar, Sanket C. Naik Nimbalkar, Abhishek P. Patil |  |
248 | Design and Manufacturing of Part Transfer Mechanism on Alfing Machine -Pratik S. Kolhe, Sudeep D. Bhavake, Abhijeet G. Darekar, Akshay P. Lokhande |  |
249 | Low Power Comparator Using Double Tail Gate Technique -Sagar. S. Pathak, Swapnil. S. Patil,Kumud. G. Ingale, Prof. D. S. Patil |  |
250 | Impact of the dimensions of national culture on the relational integration of Supply Chains: an exploratory study on the specificities of Moroccan culture -Mohammed Hicham HAMRI, Ouafae ZEROUALI OUARITI, Hafsa LECHHEB |  |
251 | Analysıs of Plane Frame Structure Wıth Matlab and Sap2000 Programs -Abdul Ahad FAIZAN |  |
252 | Hierarchical Approach Based on Color Image Segmentation Using Homogeneity -S. S Beulah Benslet |  |
253 | An Efficient Nearest Keyword Set Search in Multidimensional Dataset -Ruksar I. Attar, Shraddha S. Hon, Ruchita M. Agrawal, Deepali R. Borse, R. B. Bhosale |  |
254 | Mining High Utility Patterns in One Phase for Big Data -Priti Deshmukh, A. S. More |  |
255 | Performance Analysis of Medical Image Using Gray Level Co-Occurrence -Muneer Ahamad |  |
256 | Educational Data Mining: Clustering Proficient Students Based on KSA -Ashok.M.V, Apoorva.A, Dr.G.Suganthi |  |
257 | Efficient and optimized use of data - Shrimp Browser -Ankit Saha, Anurag Singh, Ashok Kumar, Pankaj Kanjani |  |
258 | Investigation of Machining Parameters in Abrasive Jet Machining On Ti-6Al-4V USING GRA AND PCA -D.Johnbasha, N. Amara Nageswararao, K.Nagendra Prasad, Sk.Mahaboob johny |  |
259 | Effect of Rectifier Stages and Load Resistance on RF Energy Harvester Circuit -Deepti Kushwah,Anshul Agarwal |  |
260 | Design of Energy Efficicent CMOS Current Comparator -Rajesh Kumar, Prof. Sanjay Tembhurne |  |
261 | Structural Analysis of Bulkhead -Vikram Kulkarni, Santosh Kumar Bawage, Sachin Marjapure |  |
262 | Investigation on Conversion of Municipal Plastic Wastes into Liquid Fuel Compounds, Evaluation of Engine Performance and Emission Characteristics -Sachin Marjapure, Vikram Kulkarni, Santosh Kumar Bawage |  |
263 | A Review Paper on Intelligence Transportation System -Priyadarshini Panda , Sangeeta Santara |  |
264 | Survey of Logical Gates Family -Jiger Prakashchandra Acharya |  |
265 | Processor Design: An Optimization Approach -Jiger Prakashchandra Acharya |  |
266 | Generic User Event Analysis and Prediction -Shreyas Kulkarni, Kiran Mokashi, Shivam Bawane, Shailesh Bagade |  |
267 | The Effects of Various Wormhole Detection Techniques -Amit Rawat, Radhika Manjusha |  |
268 | Overview on Power Efficient IoT based System -Patil Rupali, Namgawali Diksha, More Snehal, Suryawanshi Priyanka |  |
269 | HD Image Processing by Using Sketches -Kandi Jyothsna |  |
270 | A Critical Review of Detection of Privacy Violation in Online Social Network. -Grishma R. Pardeshi., Prof. Rajesh H. Kulkarni |  |
271 | To Experimental work on Concrete Properties Utilization of marble slurry and Ground-granulated blast-furnace slag by Partial Replacement of Fine Aggregate and Cement OPC (43-grade) -Arvind Singh Gaur, Sachin Kumar, Kaushal Prasad Verma |  |
272 | Development and Evaluation of Mechanical Properties of Chilled Metal Matrix Composite -Niranjan k N |  |
273 | A Review on Industrial Automation Using IOT -Amruta P Bauskar, Prof.Kanchan Pujari |  |
274 | Factors Affecting Innovation Capability of Indian Software Firms (With Special Reference to Indore City) -Sharda Haryani, Dr. V.B Gupta |  |
275 | Use of Machine Learning and Data Stream to overwhelm the security and Challenges of Data Mining -AnamikaYadava, AbhishekShivhare |  |
276 | Challenges of Implementing Student-centered Strategies In Classrooms -Manish Kishore Kumar |  |
277 | Economic Aspects Of Rainwater Harvesting,A Case Study On D.Y.Patil Knowledge City -Satyajit R. Mahajan, Ashish P. Waghmare |  |
278 | Design and Development of a Cost Effective Portable Solar Pvt Plant for Rural and Tribal Villages -Natarajan.K |  |
279 | Research Review on Earth Pipe Air Conditioning System -B. Devaraj Naik, Subba Reddy. Mundla |  |
280 | OTSA: An Optimal Task Scheduling Approach -Reena Sharma, Antima Saxena |  |
281 | An Experimental Study On Strength Properties Of Concrete At Elevated Temperatures By Partial Replacement Of Cement With Ceramicwaste -K.Divya Sree, V.V.S.Sharma, N.C.Anil |  |
282 | Design & Analysis of ANFIS Controller for Three Phase UPS System under Unbalanced Loads & Distorted grid voltages -Y. Harish Babu, M. Rama Sekhara Reddy |  |
283 | Influence Of Partial Replacement Of Cement With Nano-Silica And Rice Husk Ash On Properties Of Recycled Coarse Aggregate Concrete -D. V. Prasada Rao, D. Ashok |  |
284 | A Study & Survey on Rainfall Prediction And Production of Crops Using Data Mining Techniques -N. Sundaravalli , A.Geetha
|  |
285 | Comparative Analysis For Cancellation Of Baseline-Fluctuation In EMG Signal -Abhishek Kumar, Chandan Gupta |  |
286 | Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil using Fly Ash and Nylon Fibre -Pallavi, Pradeep Tiwari, P D Poorey |  |
287 | Critical Review of Pedestrian Safety Mechanisms for Mobile Phone Users -Shivani B. Deorukhakar, Rajesh H. Kulkarni |  |
288 | A Review on Translation of SQL Queries to Spreadsheet Formulae -Priyanka U. Wani, Professor K.V.Metre |  |
289 | Influence of Geometrical Configuration of Cantilever Structure on Sensitivity of MEMS Resonant Sensors -Georgeta Ionascu, Adriana Sandu, Elena Manea, Lucian Bogatu |  |
290 | An Explicit Transformation of Health Care System Using Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) -Jasvinder Sidhu, Sanjay Tejasvee |  |
291 | A Novel method for image enhancement by Channel division method using Discrete Shearlet Transform and Genetic Algorithm -S.Prem kumar , K.A.Parthasarathi |  |
292 | Cross language Opinion Mining Using Target Extraction from Authorized Customer Reviews. -Yogesh Dilip More, Sudarshan Sutar |  |
293 | The Effect of Ambient Air Quality on Surrounding Urban Areas in Foundry Industry -Sharayu Shital Savairam |  |
294 | Intelligent Patients Monitoring System Using IOT -Aishwarya Wagh, Akshay Upar, Aishwarya Somkuwar, Akshada Ugale,Yogita Hande
|  |
295 | A Survey on An Energy Efficient Routing Protocol based on AODV Protocol in MANET -Jalpa Kunpara, Janak Tank |  |
296 | Carbon sequestration in the agricultural soils – Case study -Dhivya K, Eunice S, Sree Lekha G |  |
297 | Content Improvisation by Spell Checking, Grammar Checking, Tone Checking and Scoring -Soumya Singh, Sayali Nalawade, Saket Gonte, Mohd. Yusuf Quadri, Sachin Godse
|  |
298 | Review on the Effect of waste ceramic Dust on the Geotechnical Properties of Expansive Soils -Rakhil Krishna R, Devi Krishnan
|  |
299 | A Review on Exhaust Gas Recirculation on CI Engine fuelled with Biodiesel Blends -Ashish Singh, Akash Tiwari, Ankit Sawant, Deepak Singh, C.Srinidhi |  |
300 | A Review on Compression Ignition Engine fuelled with Biodiesel-nanoparticles -Ashish Takawale, Shrishail Malshetti, Shirish Hire, Ashish Kulkarni C. Srinidhi |  |
301 | Image Forgery Detection Using Improved SLIC -M.Ramya, P.Sridevi
|  |
302 | Design and Evaluation of Electrical Resistance Unit(Ohmic Heating) for Food Processing -V. Perasiriyan, S. Priya, A. Mangala Gowri, D. Ramasamy, T. Sivakumar
|  |
303 | Comparative study of Various Pressure Measurement Techniques in Vacuum Interrupter Bottle -Ravi U. Magre, K. Chandra Obula Reddy |  |
304 | Reduction in Dynamic Power of Digital Circuits by Guarded Evaluation -B. H. K. Bhagath Kumar, K.H.K.Raghu Vamsi
|  |
305 | Smart Irrigation System for Agricultural Land -Nandhakumar T, Vidhya S, Jenita Shiny S. |  |
306 | Daylight and Sustainable Architecture for Warm Humid climate -C. V. Subramanian, S. Kamalesvari
|  |
307 | Solar Passive Architecture Cooling Techniques -C. V. Subramanian, M. Divya
|  |
308 | An Overview Of Clustering Algorithm In Data Mining -S.Amudha |  |
309 | Design of a Resizable Display Stand -John Prince , Justin Baby , Sreehari P S, Anand Rajagopal
|  |
310 | Elliptical Micro-strip Patch Antenna For Circular Polarization Design Using HFSS -Rishabh Kumar,Virendra, Ashish Saxena
|  |
311 | Classification of Mass calcification based on Wave Atom Transform and comparing outcomes with Wavelet Transform -Rajesh.A |  |
312 | Numerical Simulation of Fluid flow and Heat Transfer Around Turbine Blades -Shashidhara B J, Arunkumar G L |  |
313 | A Review of Image Retrieval Using Different types of Interpolation Techniques -Minakshi R. Singh, A. S. Bhide
|  |
314 | Pushover Analysis of High Rise Reinforced Concrete Building with and without Infill walls -Phadnis P.P, Kulkarni D.K
|  |
315 | A Survey Paper On Drowsiness Detection & Alarm System for Drivers -Prakash Choudhary, Rahul Sharma, Gautam Singh, Smarjeet Das |  |
316 | Heat source/sink and thermal conductivity effects on micropolar nanofluid flow over a MHD radiative stretching surface -Srinivas Maripala, Kishan Naikoti
|  |
317 | Mandatory Usage of Helmets in Two-Wheelers -S. Prabhu | |
318 | Automatic Welding Machine For Pipeline Using MIG Welding Process -Faiz F. Mustafa, Mustafa I. Rao’f |  |
319 | Ethical dimension and performance of public organizations: Effect of the institutionalization of ethical practices on the Moroccan public sector -Mohamed AKHLAFFOU, Youssef EL WAZANI, Malika SOUAF, Otman BOUCHOUAR |  |
320 | Assessment of Water Quality Index of Nambul River, Imphal, Manipur, India -Raj Kumar Bronson Singh, Thounaojam Clinton Singh, Thounaojam Roshan Singh,Mimi Das Saikia |  |
321 | Optimization and thermal analysis of Friction Drilling on Aluminium and Mild Steel by using Tungsten Carbide Tool -Sushant Sunil Patil, Vinayak Bembrekar |  |
322 | Failure investigation of Indigenized Boat under Carriage and Improvement in Frame Design -Anil Kumar, Shivkumarappa |  |
323 | Securing Hadoop using Real Time Algorithm -Shrikant Rangrao Kadam, Chilli Bhramha Naydu |  |
324 | Performance Comparison of Sensor Deployment Techniques Used in WSN -R.S.Kittur, A.N.Jadhav |  |
325 | An Improvement in Outlier Detection Using Spectral Clustering Algorithm for Data Mining -Upasana Upadhyay, Shweta ,Prateek Saxena |  |
326 | A Network Lifetime and Sink Load Minimization for Np- Lower Energy Adaptive Sink Relocation (Leasr) in Wireless Sensor Networks -Shweta, Upasana Upadhyay ,DR. Rajendra K. Sharma |  |
327 | Design Procedure of an Airport Layout According to International Standard Codes -Kale Sahil Rammohan, Kurulekar Maya Mahesh |  |
328 | Feasibility of Plastic Coat Road with respect to Cost and their performance -Dinesh M. Sutar, Shreedhar Patil, Ashish P. Waghmare |  |
329 | Security Analysis on Cloud Data Search by using one-to-many Order Preserving Encryption -Karishma Pathan, Krushna Phad, Nisha Waikar, Sonal Yenpure |  |
330 | A Study on Subgrade Characteristics of Black Cotton Soil Treated With Lime and Phosphogypsum -P.Sudhakar, V.Ramesh Babu , B.Ramesh Babu |  |
331 | Disquisition on Green Impact of Lean Six Sigma: A Review -Kanishkaa Chhabra |  |
332 | Study and analysis in making of bricks using construction debris -R.Sumathi |  |
333 | Web Mining Overview, Techniques, Tools and Applications: A Survey -Anurag Kumar, Ravi Kumar Singh |  |
334 | Experimental Analysis of Low Temperature Difference Stirling Engine -Mansha Kumari, Upasna Sethi, Dharini Shah |  |
335 | A Review in Design and Performance Analysis of Cooling Tower -Upasna Sethi , Mansha Kumari, Dharini Shah |  |
336 | Identification of factors influencing the success of a construction projects -Ankita U. Kalwane, Ashish P. Waghmare |  |
337 | Wireless Based Automatic Energy Meter Reading with Instant Billing Prepaid System -R.B.Tapase, Tejaswini Khot, Komal Mali, Pratiksha Kamble |  |
338 | A SURVEY : On Image Segmentation And Its Various Techniques -Ashish Semwal, Mukesh Chandra Arya, Akshay Chamoli, Upendra Bhatt |  |
339 | Efficient Cancer Clustering and Classification Using Multi-Layer Feed Forward Artificial Neural Networks -T.Mythili , V.Arulmozhi |  |
340 | Controller design for integrating processes -N.Naveen chowdary,R.Kiranmayi, T.Manohar |  |
341 | Computation Accuracy of Hierarchical and Expectation Maximization Clustering Algorithms for the Improvement of Data Mining System -M.Jayakameswaraiah, M.Veeresh Babu,S.Ramakrishna ,P.Yamuna |  |
342 | Hybrid image compression (lossy+lossless) approach in spatial and DCT domain -Ali Tariq Bhatti , Jung H. Kim |  |
343 | A Survey On: Malicious Reputation Detection Framework Through Mutual Reinforcement Model For Trustworthy Online Rating System -Abhinav Bihade, Vishal Deshpande, Harshalata Boratwar, Ruchita Biradar , Jayshree S. Mahajan |  |
344 | Implementation for GSM using GMSK Modulation in DSP -Sahana M S, Audre Arlene A
|  |
345 | Rain Water for Drinking Purposes -Marcio de Castro Fonseca, Antonio Calmon de Araujo Marinho, Ludmila Magda Varella de Azevedo Fernandes , Marcelo Fonseca Barbalho |  |
346 | Quality and Sustainability of waste water in hospital’s Air conditioners -Marcio de Castro Fonseca, Antonio Calmon de Araujo Marinho, Ludmila Magda Varella de Azevedo Fernandes, Marcelo Fonseca Barbalho |  |
347 | Recent Position and Open Problems: A Study on Protection in Pervasive Wireless Device -Sunil B Somani, Athar Ali |  |
348 | Survey on Effective & High Performance Optimized Techniques for Analysis of Echocardiographic Image in Bioinformatics -Sanjay N. Patil, Athar Ali |  |
349 | Study on the System Application Product (SAP) Development Important of ERP tool to Organization Success Goals and Performance -Atul R. Junnarkar, Ashutosh Verma |  |
350 | Hybrid Fuzzy Controller for Conical Tank Process -S.Ramesh |  |
351 | Treatment of Domestic Wastewater by Advanced Method of Electro Coagulation -M Aathavan , C Sivanesan |  |
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