Volume 6- Issue 9 - September 2019 |
01 | Determining the Actual Positions of the Lost State Border Points -Shah Wali Sargand |  |
02 | Analysis of Groundwater Quality of Usilampatti Region in Tamilnadu -S. Manimegalai |  |
03 | Slope Stability by Live Staking Method of Soil BioEngineering -Ishwarkumar N Bhandari |  |
04 | RFID based Shop Billing Machine using Raspberry Pi -Disha Dilip Ved, P.B. Ghewari |  |
05 | Conversational Assistant based on Sentiment Analysis -Suraj D M, Varun A Prasad, Shirsa Mitra, Rohan A R, Vimuktha Evangeleen Salis |  |
06 | Performance Analysis of Converging Diverging Nozzle -Mohini, Kriti Srivastava, Shweta Mishra, Akhil Vikram Yadav |  |
07 | STATCOM based Control Scheme for Power Quality Improvement in Grid-Connected Wind Energy System with Non-Linear Load -K. Jaya Shankar, G.V. Siva Krishna Rao |  |
08 | Design, Analysis and Performance Testing of a Diesel Engine as a Portable Electrical Generator -Joshi B.M |  |
09 | Research and Development of Advanced Matrix Materials Composites and Properties -Dilip Kumar |  |
10 | Research and Development of Advanced Fibers Composite Materials and Properties -Dilip Kumar |  |
11 | Analytical Validation of Improvised Designs of a Busbar for Optimized Mass and Decreased Maximum Temperature During Operation -Neel Sanghvi, Jui Kamble, Saurabh Rasal, Monil Shah |  |
12 | Detection and Recognition of Hypertexts in Imagery using Text Recognition Technique -Rajath C S, Rakesh C S, Sumathi M |  |
13 | A Pragmatic Supervised Learning Methodology of Hate Speech Detection in Social Media -G. Priyadharshini |  |
14 | Implementation of 7500 Watt Asynchronous Three-Phase Induction Motor for Different Load Conditions using MATLAB Simulink -Sandeep Kumar, Manoj Mishra |  |
15 | Stress Analysis of a Leaf Spring Suspension System with the Combination of Helical Springs -Jayesh Sanjay Patil |  |
16 | Characteristics and Mood Prediction of Human by Signature and Facial Expression Analysis -Neha Punetha, A. K. Pal, Govind Singh Kushwaha |  |
17 | Parametric Study on Behaviour of RCC Box Culvert for Dynamic Loading -Prema S Bangari, Guruprasad T N, T V Mallesh, S R Ramesh |  |
18 | Peak to Average Power Ratio Reduction Technique using LPC Coding in OFDM System -Sachin Verma, Amit Kumar. Ashish Kumar Rao |  |
19 | Intelligent Prediction of Lung Cancer Via MRI Images using Morphological Neural Network Analysis -T. Shravya, T. Rajesh |  |
20 | Harmonic Mitigation for Power Quality Improvement using Active Power Filter with Current Control Strategy Under Non-Linear Loads -Ch. Shanmukha Rao, G.V. Siva Krishna Rao |  |
21 | Maximum Power Point Tracking of PV System by Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm -T. Diana, K. Rama Sudha |  |
22 | Cloud based Intelligent Plant Monitoring Device -Gunjan Chauhan, Yash Sharma |  |
23 | A Review on Hybrid AC/DC Microgrid System and its Coordination Control -Jayaprakash Karsh, Vijay Gupta |  |
24 | Data Mining and Cluster based Machine Learning in Mobile Online Social Networks using Spice -Sushma Sri Enapanuri, Jayashree S Patil |  |
25 | Production of Biodiesel from Cannabis Sativa (Hemp) Seed Oil and its Performance and Emission Characteristics on DI Engine Fueled with Biodiesel Blends -Mohammed Kinan Afif, C. H. Biradar |  |
26 | Sustainable Waste Management by Composting in NIT Warangal -Guntakala Venkatanaga Chandra |  |
27 | A Survey on Prediction of Heart Disease Presence using Data Mining and Machine Learning Technique -S. Sathya |  |
28 | Optimal Shipboard Power Management by Classical and Differential Evolution Methods -B. Manasa, K. Vaisakh |  |
29 | Analysis and Optimization of Weld Distortion in Automobile Chassis -Harshavardhan Mane, Santosh Wankhade |  |
30 | Studies on Strengthenhancement of Concrete by Coir Fibre -P. Murthi, Md. Saqlain Musthaq, M. Bhavani, Md. Osman Jauhar, V. Rama Devi |  |
31 | CFD Analysis and Optimization of Heat Transfer Basket Element Profiles of Ljungstrom Air Preheater (APH) -Srikanth, M.C. Navindgi |  |
32 | Improving Performance of Data Analytical Queries using In-Memory Database Systems -Syed Ateeq Ahmed |  |
33 | Study of Ammoniacal Nitrogen Removal from Leachate of Sanitary Landfills in Hilly Terrain -Atul Sharma, Surjit Singh Katoch |  |
34 | PC Controlled Wireless Robot for Detecting Human Presence -Anchal Gupta |  |
35 | Level Loop Measurement using IoT -Krishna Saboo |  |
36 | Survey Paper on Automatic Cart Movement Trailer -Husain Bohra, Megha Akare, Dolly Chouhan, Nikita Guhe, Shailesh Kurzadkar |  |
37 | Comparative Study on Rebar Tying Tools with Different Parameters -Vaibhav Badgujar, Himanshu Divekar, Sagar Chaudhari, Nilesh Lende |  |
38 | Review Paper Hybrid Energy Storage System Micro Grid Integration with Four Leg Three Level NPC Inverter -Dhiraj Kashide, S.D. Jawale |  |
39 | Energy Saving in Governmental Educational Buildings: Case Study -Mohamed Gomaa Abd Allah, Hilmy Awad, Ahmed M. Atallah |  |
40 | Computing Electricity Consumption Profiles for the Appliances in a House -J. Vaishnavi, B.S.E. Zoraida |  |
41 | Study on Soft Storey Effect of Plan Regular and Irregular RC Framed Structures under Different Seismic Zones using Response Spectrum Method of Analysis -Aradhya B M S, B Shivakumara Swamy |  |
42 | Password based Circuit Breaker using DTMF -Mithilesh Padhen, P.V. Sontakke |  |
43 | Solar Roadways: A Significant Infrastructural Reform -Ankit Singh, Kaustubh Sachin Kulkarni, Vikas Namdev Chavan |  |
44 | Comparative Study on the Structural Behavior of RCC and Steel Twisted Building -Sanjay R, B. Shivakumaraswamy |  |
45 | An Data Sharing in Group Member with High Security using Symmetric Balanced Incomplete Block Design (SBIBD) in Cloud Computing -Anil. Kulkarni, Bhagyashri. N. Ghatke |  |
46 | Recipe Recommendation System using Machine Learning Models -Suyash Maheshwari, Manas Chourey |  |
47 | Optimization of Distributed Generation using Genetics Algorithm and Improvement in Multiobjective Function -Preeti Bala Sukhwal, Pushpendra Singh |  |
48 | Utilization of Waste Plastic as Partial Replacement of Fine and Coarse Aggregates in Concrete Blocks -M Lokeshwari, Nikunj Ostwal, Nipun K H, Prakhar Saxena, Pracheer Pranay |  |
49 | Earthquake Early Warning System (EEWS) -R.C. Prasad, Rupali Mahajan, Rashmi Priyadarshini |  |
50 | Computational Marketing Model and Heuristics for Mobile Adverts -Namatirai Dziva Marabada |  |
51 | Power Quality Improvement of Grid Connected Renewable System using STATCOM Controller at Distribution Level -P. Krishna Prasad, K. Padma |  |
52 | Channel Allocation Strategy for Multiuser Cognitive and Location Aware Spectrum Access -A. Mallikarjuna Prasad, A. Bhavan |  |
53 | Why Python Rocks for Research....??? -Kapish Kumar |  |
54 | Analysis & Design of Reinforced Concrete Building (G+4) using ETABS -Danish Irfan, Manoj M.C, S. Varadhrajan |  |
55 | Implementation of Green HR Practices for Environmental Performance -C. Sathya, Jothi Jayakrishnan |  |
56 | Effect of Vedic Chanting on Plant Growth Parameters (Vigna Radiata) -Mohan. S, Geetha Viswanathan |  |
57 | Audio Data Summarization System using Natural Language Processing -Pravin Khandare, Sanket Gaikwad, Aditya Kukade, Rohit Panicker, Swaraj Thamke |  |
58 | Vehicle Cyber Security -Mamta Pednekar, Sarita Sapkal |  |
59 | A Comprehensive Review on Air Pollution Detection using Data Minging Techniques -Pawandeep Kaur |  |
60 | Land Cover Index Classification using Satellite Images with Different Enhancement Methods -Su Wit Yi Aung, Hnin Aye Thant |  |
61 | Agricultural Data Modeling and Yield Forecasting using Data Mining Techniques -Rithesh Pakkala P, Akhila Thejaswi R |  |
62 | Neural Extended Kalman Filter based Angle-Only Target Tracking with Different Observer Maneuver Types -Gorkem Essiz, Ali Turker Kutay |  |
63 | AODV and DSR Routing Protocol Performance Comparison in MANET using Network Simulator (NS2) -Vaibhavkumar Savkare, N. M. Kazi |  |
64 | Investigation on Ferrock based Mortar an Environment Friendly Concrete -Mouli Prashanth P, Gokul V, Shanmugasundaram M |  |
65 | Meliorate Strength of Concrete by using Fly Ash -Rahul Kumar Raj |  |
66 | Automatic Power Factor Correction -Aaiman S Shaikh, Laxman S Patil |  |
67 | Parameter Design for Optimum Percentage Yield for Bio-Diesel from Linseedseed using DOE (Taguchi Technique) -Balendra V.S. Chauhan, Vivek Shrivastaw, Shailendra Nath Tiwari, P.K. Chaudhary |  |
68 | Automated Medical Diagnosis for Colon Cancer & Chronic Kidney Disease -P. Ooha, Nara Kalyani |  |
69 | Electricity Load Analytics for Light Energyconsumption in a House using Machine Learning Algorithm -M. Jona Fark, B.S.E. Zoraida |  |
70 | A Performance Study of High Raise Building with Flat Slab System under Lateral Loads -Srinivasa Rao J, B. Shivakumara Swamy |  |
71 | Color and Texture based Feature Extraction for Classifying Skin Cancer using Support Vector Machine and Convolutional Neural Network -V. Ruthra, P. Sumathy |  |
72 | Secured Mind Uploading Method in Wireless Body Area Network -N. Sinthuja |  |
73 | Message Security using Armstrong Numbers and Authentication using Colors -G.V. Sowmya |  |
74 | Road Mishap (Accident Detector) -Samiksha Lade, Disha Kalambe, Ritika Jisnani, Annaji M. Kuthe |  |
75 | Design of a Student Formula Racing Car with Computations and Analysis -Arindam Ghosh, Pritam Pain, Arighna De, Alok Kumar Dubey, Aritra Dutta |  |
76 | A Reviw on Different Geometrical Fins and their Effect on Heat Transfer Rates -Shyam Kumar, Purushottam Kumar Sahu, Jagdeesh Saini, Bhawarlal Kumawat |  |
77 | Review Paper Optimizationof MachiningParametersbyusing of Taguchi'sRobustDesignfor AA-6063 Alloy Steel Metal -Nakul Kurmi, Purushottam Kumar Sahu |  |
78 | Strength Properties of Hybrid Fiber Reinforced SCC for Different Ratio -Latha, Ravichandra S |  |
79 | Design to Secure Data by using DNA Cryptography in Cloud Computing -Anup Bhange, Swati Kannake, Mrunalini Katekhaye, Ayushi Mundwaik, Sanghamitra Dekate |  |
80 | Survey on Virtual Assistants -Aniket Rode, Aditya Dudhakawar, Aniketa Maharana, V. R. Surjuse |  |
81 | Use of Digital Technology in Teaching Native Language: A Case Study of Shona -Namatirai Dziva Marabada |  |
82 | Experimental Analysis of Fracture Toughness and Microstructure Analysis of Aluminium6061 Reinforced with Rock Dust Particulates -Syed Ahamed, Shilpa P C, Roshan J D |  |
83 | Enhancement of Security in Cloud Storage of Electronic Health Records based on Secret Sharing -Mohith Gowda HR, Adithya MV |  |
84 | CAM Operated Punching Machine -Akshay Kailas Kharat, Sonal Vijay Vaidya, Hemant Suresh Yeole, Nikhil Vilas Desale |  |
85 | Attitude of Library Professionals Towards Social Media Applications -Jyudith A Bhatera, Nileshkumar M Kantaria |  |
86 | Analysis of Long Span Suspension Bridge under Wind Load and Moving Load -Nagaraj K, B. Shivakumara Swamy |  |
87 | Understanding the Soil Pollution Surrounding Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Site in Southwest Ahmedabad Mansi Patel, Umangi Mehta |  |
88 | Analysis of Fractional PID Controller Parameters on Time Domain Specifications using Nelder-Mead Algorithm & Interior Point Algorithm -D. Shanmukha Chandra Kumar, B.T. Krishna |  |
89 | Structural Analysis and Design of Pump House -Makani Alleiah, Y. Sreekanth |  |
90 | Retrofit Electrostatic Precipitator for Automobiles -Ashutosh Kulkarni, Vinay Melavanki, Vineet Pavate, Zuber Riyazahmed Abbunavar |  |
91 | Mechanical Characterization of Coir and Bagasis Reinforced Hybrid Natural Polymer Composite -Sagar, Sandeep Mashetty |  |
92 | Shape based Image Classification using Geometric –Properties -M. Ilamathi, P. Sumathy |  |
93 | Analysis of Student Performance using Machine Learning Techniques -G. Umadevi |  |
94 | A Comprehensive Outline of the Types of Simulation -Sadayapillai Kameswaran Sachin |  |
95 | UART Testing under Built-In-Self-Test(BIST) using Verilog on FPGA -Dhwanit Arunkumar Juneja |  |
96 | An Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties of M25 Grade Self Curing Concrete with Flyash as Partial Replacement of Cement -V Chaitanya, K Deepthi |  |
97 | EOG based Human Machine Interface to Control Electric Devices using Eye Movement -Shivaprasad B K, Vishwanath Muddi |  |
98 | Comparative Study on CFST and Steel Diagrid Structural System for High Rise Building -Prakyath UD, M.R. Suresh, N. Shashikanth |  |
99 | Conclusive Bike Selector System(CBS2) -Danish Jainuddin Desai, Amit Appasaheb Waghmare |  |
100 | Design and Analysis of Waste Plastic Pyrolysis Reactor -Dhruvkumar. P. Patel, Pranav. S. Patel |  |
101 | Seismic Analysis of RCC Building Resting on Sloping Ground Adjacent to Deep Excavation -Sushritha M J, Manjunath N Hegde |  |
102 | Harmonic Analysis of Cantilever Beam with and without Cracks -Sushmitha N, Manjunath N Hegde |  |
103 | Numerical Investigation of the Forced Convection using Nano Fluid -Vishawanath, Pravin V Honguntikar |  |
104 | Numerical Investigation of Heat Transfer Enhancement in Circular Pipe using various RIB Geometries -Chetankumar, Pravin V Honguntikar |  |
105 | Tensile and Shear Strength Approximate Prediction of Friction Surfaced Tool Steel through ANN -V. Pitchi Raju |  |
106 | A Conceptual Framework to Predict Academic Performance of Students using Classification Algorithm -Sujith Jayaprakash, Jaiganesh V |  |
107 | Design of Modular Housing -Abhijeet. S. Hodbe, Richard Sober |  |
108 | Hand Movement Recognition for a Speech Impaired Person -Abhinav Padmawar |  |
109 | Detecting and Preventing Black Hole Attack in Manet using RSA Algorithm -M. Lalli, S. Arul Jothi |  |
110 | To Study Effects on the Mechanical Properties of Concrete After Partially Replacing Cement by Silica Fume -Laxmi Kant Saini, Jyoti Rashmi Nayak |  |
111 | Slope Stability Evaluations by Limit Equilibrium and Finite Element Method -Vineet R. Desai, Maulik R. Joshi |  |
112 | Design and Implementation of Closed Loop Boost Converter with IMC Controller -Madhumati N. Narule, M.C. Butale |  |
113 | Strengthening of Black Cotton Soil using Egg Shell Powder and Coconut Shell Powder -Mallikarjun Yammy Kotresh, Sharanakumar |  |
114 | Stabilization of Black Cotton Soil using Chicken Fur as an Admixture -Vageesha S Mathad, Sharanakumar, Kavana N |  |
115 | Analysis of Hard Chrome Plating Process to Reduce Rejections using PDCA Cycle -Saurabh Tatyaso Nikam |  |
116 | Solar Powered Ground Driller for Agricultural Purpose -D. Hariprasad, K. Prahlada Rao |  |
117 | Study of Generating Power from Speed Breakers using Rack and Pinion Mechanism -Gurudath T V, Hemanth Raju Sundar, Bhagyalaxmi S Patil, Pavan Kumar R |  |
118 | A Review on Smart Energy Meter for Power Consumption Monitoring with Over Power Detection for Household Applications -Shivani Singh, Gulhasan Ahmad, Pawan Kumar Tiwari, C.K. Dwivedi |  |
119 | A Review On-Automatic Excitation of Synchronous Motor using Single Phase Full Wave Controlled Rectifier -Ramadevi Rudra, Sudhir Bhuvad, Digambar Humbare, Sonali More, Poojan Tisulkar |  |
120 | Development and Integration of GUI Application with the PCI Express IP-Core VHDL Application -Kavya S, J.C Narayana Swamy |  |
121 | Comparatively Analysis on K-Means++ and Mini Batch K-Means Clustering Algorithm in Cloud Computing with Map Reduce -Virendra Tiwari, Akhilesh A. Waoo |  |
122 | Diesel Particulate Filter by using Copper Oxide as a Filter Medium -Saurabh Vilas Gawali, Yogesh Shrikant Channa |  |
123 | Comparative Study on Embedded Feature Selection Techniques for Internet Traffic Classification -M. Anitha |  |
124 | Freight and Margin Optimisation in Building Material Industry using Data Analytics and Network Optimisation Technique (Case Study: Indian Ceramic Product Manufacturing Company) -Sanjeeva, Akash Kumar |  |
125 | Artificial Algorithms Comparative Study -Kaushik Indranil Patil, Simran Sachin Sura |  |
126 | Design and Finite Element Analysis(FEA) of Formula Student Chassis -Antim Gupta |  |
127 | Comparative Study of Usage of Outrigger and B-ELT Truss System for High-Rise Concrete Buildings -B Putlaiah, P Hanuma |  |
128 | A Comprehensive Study in Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) using Artificial Bee Colony (ABC) Algorithms -Mirza Samiulla Beg, Akhilesh A. Waoo |  |
129 | Improved Real-Time Twitter Sentiment Analysis using ML & Word2Vec -Ankita Pal, Mr. Neelesh Shrivastava, Pradeep Tripathi |  |
130 | Vehicle Theft Information and Tracking using IoT -Venkata Kiran Sanipini, Aruna Jyothi Chamanthula |  |
131 | Synthesis and Characterization of AL 1100-CU Alloy Reinforced with AL 203 Particulate Metal Matrix Composites Sangamesh Biradar, Sandeep Mashetty |  |
132 | Machine Learning: Introduction, Algorithms and Implementation -Shubham Kumar, Himanshu Pundir |  |
133 | A Research Paper on Design and Experimentation on Continuous Loop Demulsifier -Divij Gupta, Ketan Singhvi |  |
134 | Vibro Acoustic Analysis of Laminated Composite Plate Roof of Car Body -Karri Naresh, K Sarath Chandra |  |
135 | Survey on Web Application Vulnerabilities -Yogesh Kumari |  |
136 | Experimental Investigation on Development of Self Healing Mortar using Different Bacteria -Akash V. Kotwal, Aniket D. Patil, Kishore Ravande |  |
137 | Simulation of Sand Bath Heater -Ganesh Ugale, Pranav Bairagi, Mangesh Mehtre |  |
138 | PAPR Reduction in OFDM by using a Companding on CSS Scheme -M. Vishnuvardan Reddy, K. Raja Sekhar |  |
139 | Numerical Analysis of Natural Convection of Nano Fluids on Square Enclosures -Nidhin P C |  |
140 | Study of Square Concrete Column Behavior Confined with CFRP Sheets -V Hema Sumana Sri, P Hanuma |  |
141 | Reliability Analysis of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Fibers by Using Weibull Distribution -Hariome Sharan Gupta, Saureng Kumar |  |
142 | Design and Frontal Crash Analysis of FSAE BAJA Roll Cage -Jayesh Sanjay Patil |  |
143 | Current Reduction for Power Assisted Steering Control in Electric Vehicle using Soft Computing Techniques -Patnala Sesha Sai, B.T. Krishna |  |
144 | Energy Efficient Technique to Reduce Energy Consumption in IoT -M. Lalli, N. Anjali |  |
145 | Bidirectional Control of Resonant Converter in Power Electronic Traction Transformer -Aishwarya S, Ashok Kusagur |  |
146 | Human Fall Detection using Co-Saliency-Enhanced Deep Recurrent Convolutional Neural Networks -Chenjie Ge, Irene Yu-Hua Gu, Jie Yang |  |
147 | An Efficient Vehicle Authentication using Block Authentication Code for Vanet -M. Lalli, Rasika. R |  |
148 | A Review Paper on Experimental Investigation of Crumb Rubber Concrete -Adarsh R Patil, K S Patil |  |
149 | Internet of Things for Industries and Enterprises -Mithilesh Padhen |  |
150 | Recycling and Testing of Waste Cigarette Butts -Sriram S Vasan, Thejas Gowda YS, K Bindu Pallavi, Lakshith KS |  |
151 | Comparative Analysis of Dual Axis Automated Solar Tracking System -Abhishek Shivdeo, Pavan Dumbre, Nimish Ladkat, M. V. Walame |  |
152 | Medical Database Mining for Heart Disease Precautions and Early Call Up -Mahima Choudhary |  |
153 | Parametric Stress Analysis of Helical Gear using Fea -Bapi Biswas, Mr. Pankaj Sidar |  |
154 | Design and Development of Library Management Robot: Part 1 Development of Travelling Robot with Omni Directional Wheel -Pranav Bairagi, Rushikesh Ghate, Swarant Patil |  |
155 | Design and Development of Library Management Robot: Part 2 Development of Stationary Shelve Robot -Pranav Bairagi, Rushikesh Ghate, Swarant Patil |  |
156 | Behaviour of Concrete Columns by using Biaxial Geogrid Encasement -Y Narasimharao, B Sirisha |  |
157 | A Comparative Analysis and Design of G + 5 Multistoried Building using Different Methods -R. Raj Kumar, M. Manoj Pravali |  |
158 | Experimental Analysis of Boring Tool’s by using Viscous Oil -S. M. Jadhav, Nikhil. N. Nangare |  |
159 | Sobel Edge Detection on ZYNQ based Architecture with Vivado -Neol Solanki, Neel Tailor |  |
160 | CFD Simulation and Analysis of Fluid Flow through Concentric Reducer Pipe Fitting -Ganeshprasad Jivani, Kishan Naik |  |
161 | Predicting Academic Course Preference using Inspired Mapreduce -Nandini Patil, Nageshwari |  |
162 | Survey on Students Fees Management Vedant Banait, Vishal Murarkar, Prof. K. S. Chandwani |  |
163 | Design and Analysis of Microstrip Patch Antenna with Enhanced Bandwidth and Harmonic Suppression for WLAN Applications -Thorat Sunita, D.G. Bhalke, D.S. Bormane |  |
164 | Multicast Device-to-Device Communication underlaying WPCNs -Allu Sai Kumar, A. Mallikarjuna Prasad |  |
165 | Design of a Prestressed Concrete Bridge and Analysis by CSiBridge -Viqar Nazir, Sameer Malhotra |  |
166 | Power Allocation Methods for NOMA based Visible Light Communication -Bevara Siva Prasad, E.V. Narayana |  |
167 | Phishing Website Detection based on Machine Learning -Nandini Patil, Priyanka Kathare |  |
168 | Review on Lie Detection System -Gajal S. Agrawal, Dipali R. Koche, Himani D. Nagrale, V. R. Surjuse |  |
169 | Influence of Poly Phenolic Organic Compound on the Cationic Dye Ability of Regenerated Cellulose Fibres -Sananda Nag, Shweta Tandyekkal, Alkesh Darji, Vishvajit Juikar |  |
170 | Pneumatic and Electric Energy Generation using Spring Back Mechanism -Pranav Bairagi, Rushikesh Ghate, Swarant Patil |  |
171 | Study of Acoustic Problem in SDPS Women’s College Classrooms and its Viable Solutions -Aish Sethiya, Er. Utkarsh Jain, Ketan Jain |  |
172 | Vehicle Monitoring System using Internet of Things -Binod Chandra Shrestha, Prakash Parajuli, Sachin Kafle, Prakash Bist, Ram Kumar Puri |  |
173 | Analysis of Branch Line Coupler with Arbitrary Gains and Phase Shifts -Diksha Thakur, Salman Raju Talluri, Nafis Uddin Khan |  |
174 | Survey on Face Recognition using Biometrics -Nikesh Sable, Nihal Jugel, Saurabh Gathade, S.M. Malode |  |
175 | Estimation of Surface Runoff using Curve Number Method- A Geospatial Approach -Anjana S.R, Jinu A |  |
176 | Intelligent Vehicle Safety Technology: Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) and its Advancements -Dhaval Viramgama |  |
177 | Recognition of Handwritten Characters based on Deep Learning with Tensorflow -Jemimah K |  |
178 | Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles by Leaf Extract and its Antibacterial Activity -V. Suman, N.M. Yugandhar |  |
179 | Assessment of CFRP Strengthening Method for R.C. Column in Marine Environment -Mrs. Ramatai Somwanshi, Manoj Gadge, Saurab Borvadkar, Rahul Dumbre, Shripad Palkar |  |
180 | Comprehensive Geometric and Pavement Design of Kabaya Road, Rwanda -Vincent Harelimana, Pierre Gapfizi, Patrick Nteziryayo, Fabien Bizabarimana, Albert Salomon Kibugenza Umuhuza |  |
181 | BER Reduction of Distributed Spatial Modulation in Cooperative Relay Network based Cellular System -Manisha Chouksey, Gurpreet Singh |  |
182 | BER Performance of NLMS Adaptive Channel Estimation Technique for MIMO-OFDM Systems -Meena Sawle, Gurpreet Singh |  |
183 | Implementation of Reversible Radix-2 FFT VLSI Architecture using Programmable Reversible Gate -Sourabh Sharma, Gurpreet Singh |  |
184 | Image Enhancement using Various Discrete Wavelet Transformation Filtration Methods -Kangan Sardar Singh, Harpreet Kaur |  |
185 | Smart Agriculture System based on IoT -Ranjan Kumar Sapkota, Anup Thapa |  |
186 | Distance Algorithm for Transmission Line with Mid-Point Connected STATCOM -Bhupendra Dewangan, Neelesh Kumar |  |
187 | The Utilization of E-Health in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia -Adeeb Noor |  |
188 | Sentiment Analysis using Natural Language Processing (NLP) -Neha Hasanmiya Surve |  |
189 | An Expermental Study on Self Compacting Concrete by Replacing by Marble Sludge Powder and Quarry Rock Dust -G Chandra Sainatha Reddy, B Sirisha |  |
190 | Non Linear Static Analysis of Frame with and without Infills -B Suresh, P Hima Bindu |  |
191 | Treatment of Dairy Industry Wastewater by Hybrid Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor -Prajwal. S. Gundkal, Samreen. A. Bagawan, Manjunath. J. Hogarti, Omkar. V. Patil, Rahul. R. Bannur |  |
192 | Multimedia Chatbot using Classification -Priya Sharma, Shivani Sabnis, Yash Mane, Abhinay Chauhan |  |
193 | Feasibility of Superficial Small and Micro-Hydro Power Plants in Egypt -Ahmed M. Atallah, Mohammed S. Abd-Albary, Hilmy Awad |  |
194 | Hybrid Active Power Filter Topologies for Power Quality Improvement: A Review -Richa Sahu, Abhivyakti Jha, Vishnu Kumar Sahu |  |
195 | Design of Bioreactor for Production of Methane by Rhodospirillum -Thamaraiselvan Arumugham |  |
196 | Assessment of Sedimentation in Krishanaraja Sagar Reservoir of Karnataka, India using Remote Sensing Technique -H J Ningaraju, Madhusudhan M S, Usha K |  |
197 | Identification of Critical Factors Affecting Infrastructure Project Performance in India -Rajat Bansal, Er. Nasir Ali, Er. Abhishek Sharma |  |
198 | Renewable Energy Hybrid Power System with Improvement of Power Quality in Grid by using DVSI -N. Bhupesh Kumar, K. Kotaiah Chowdary, V. Subrahmanyam |  |
199 | Compressed Air Powered Engine for the Design and Development of Single Cylinder Engine -Gopi Chand Boosa, P. Chandra Bhushan, M. Dhanunjaya |  |
200 | Design and Specification of Internal Combustion Engine -Pritam Pain, Deep Dewan |  |
201 | Robust Edge Detection using Moore’s Algorithm with Median Filter -V. Sai Mani Teja, K. Durga Ganga Rao |  |
202 | Image Compression Technique for Quantized Encrypted Images using SVD -Chalapaka Veerendra Bharghav Kumar, K Durga Ganga Rao |  |
203 | A Survey of Working on Virtual Private Networks -Komalpreet Kaur, Arshdeep Kaur |  |
204 | Survey of Improving Congestion Control in WSN using Grid based Algorithm -Komalpreet Kaur, Shivani Sharma |  |
205 | Design and Implementation of Gesture Controlled Robot with a Robotic ARM -Chinmay Patil, Shivani Sharma, Sneha Singh |  |
206 | Automated Irrigation System -Chinmay Patil, Divit Shetty, Piyush Roy |  |
207 | Progress in the Proton Exchange Membrane Development and Application of Fuel Cells -Vivek Raina, Ajay Pal, Neeraj Kumar |  |
208 | Recognition of Human Blood Disease on Sample Microscopic Images -T. Arumuga Maria Devi, Aravind V.S, Saji K S |  |
209 | An Introduction to Blockchain based E-Voting System -Adarsh Vernekar |  |
210 | Performance Enhancement of Cutting Tools by using Cryogenic Treatments -Saurabh Vilas Gawali, Vishal Vishnu Kagade, Anuja Pradip Wagh, Aditya Babasaheb Andhare |  |
211 | Non Linear Quasi-Static Analysis of Rear Under-Run Protection Device -Harshal Deshpande, Anirudh Senger, Anil Lashkari, Sagar Verma |  |
212 | Cross-Domain Sentiment Encoding through Stochastic Word Embedding -Swapna Mohan. M, J. Umarani |  |
213 | Soil Water Forecasting System using Deep Neural Network Regression Model -Ayisha Jamsheera P, S. Yuvarani |  |
214 | Upcoming Longest Elevated Flyover Carridor of the State of Madhya Pradesh in the City of Jabalpur is Control the Noise Pollution -Anjana Vanshkar, R.K. Bhatia |  |
215 | Numerical Study on Behaviour of Non-Tower Building Attached with Tower -Md Taqiuddin, V. Lakshmi Shireen Banu |  |
216 | Design and Analysis of Progressive Tool for U-Bracket of Power Meter Cabinet -Narayan Chouhan, N Manjunath Gowda, Satish Kumar S |  |
217 | A Fully Digital Front-End Architecture for ECG Acquisition System with Low Voltage Supply -D Brindha |  |
218 | Seismic Analysis of G+12 Residential Building in Lucknow (Zone 3) Region and Study of RC Jacketing Technique for Retrofitting -Daljeet Pal Singh |  |
219 | Study of Effect of Dumpyard Sites on Soil Properties of Embankment -Anand Kumar, Anupam Verma |  |
220 | A Bar Code based Library Control Authentication -Amogh Babu K A, Harshith K S, Raghavendra Babu T M |  |
221 | Comparison of Different Structural Analysis Method using Continues Beam -Prajapati Viraj Rakeshkumar, Patel Dhruv Rajendrakumar, Oza Dhavalkumar Kanubhai, Gadhavi Abhisek Sureshbhai, Modi Dhrumil Dineshbhai, Jaykumar Mansukhlal Ratanpara |  |
222 | A Study on Some Repairable Systems -U. Rizwan, B. Krishnan |  |
223 | A Study on Burn-In and Maintenance Policies -U. Rizwan, M. Sudhakaran |  |
224 | Low Voltage High Speed 8T SRAM Cell for Ultra-Low Power Applications -T. Pradeep Pal, K. Anji Babu |  |
225 | A Digital Down Converter on Zynq SoC -P Sai Hanisha, M Sailaja |  |
226 | Research and Development of Advanced Polymer Matrix Composite Materials and Properties -Dilip Kumar |  |
227 | Manufacturing Processes and Applications of Composites Materials -Dilip Kumar |  |
228 | Hybridization of in Composite Materials -Dilip Kumar |  |
229 | An Experimental Study on Partial Replacement of Fly Ash and Silica Fume on Self Compacting Concrete -V. Satyannarayana, B. Sudheer Kumar |  |
230 | A Review on Removal of Fluoride in Water -K. Gayatri Jyotsna, M. Vinuthna, M.V.V. Chandanalakshmi |  |
231 | Smart Medical Assistant using Wearable Device -E. Jayanthi, Vinit V. Korade, Neha P. Durgude, Samiksha S. Mohite, Jesse Viren H. Mehta |  |
232 | Force Measurement using Strain Gauge -Abhishek Mehendale, Siddhesh Mehta |  |
233 | Low Cost Personal Digital Assistant with IoT and WSN Capabilities -N Sri Amulya, U.V. Ratna Kumari |  |
234 | Features Extraction OCR Algorithm in Indian License Plates -Priya Sahu, Silky Pareyani |  |
235 | Realization of Decimal Multiplication using Radix-16 Modified Booth Encoding Algorithm -N. Jagadeesh Chandra Murthy, E.V. Naryana |  |
236 | An Hybrid Approach for Enhancement of Energy and Network Life Time in WSN with PEGASIS and Artificial Neural Networks -Navreet Kaur, Jyoti Rani |  |
237 | Overview of Construction and Demolition Waste and Challenges Identified to Tackle the Issue -Ar. Gaurav, Amit Varma, Uzair Khan |  |
238 | Design and Analysis of Vertical Axis Wind Turbine -Nabin Sapkota, Ranjan Kumar Sapkota |  |
239 | Stock Market Cost Forecasting by Recurrent Neural Network on Long Short-Term Memory Model -Srikanth Tammina |  |
240 | An Efficient Technique for Finding SQL Injection using Reverse Proxy Server -Raj Agarwal, Sumedha Sirsikar |  |
241 | Design Automation of Cam Lobe Modeling in Creo using C# -Harish Reddy M, P. Srinivasa Rao |  |
242 | An Experimental Study on Compressive Stength of Composite Fiber Reinforced Concrete with Metakaolin as Admixture -Swati Dhiman, Shubham Gairola, Rajdeep Singh Chauhan |  |
243 | Temperature Effect on Concrete Bridge -Swati Dhiman, Shubham Gairola, Rajdeep Singh Chauhan |  |
244 | Optimization of 1-Bit ALU using Ternary Logic -A. Swetha Priya, A. Sathish Kumar |  |
245 | Design of a Compact Go Kart Vehicle -R. Santosh Kumar, R. Rohith, S. Srinivas |  |
246 | Pedestrian Walk Exposure System through Multiple Classifiers -Bindushree V |  |
247 | Enhancement of Heat Transfer in Solar Evacuated Water Heater using Al2O3 Nanofluid -Dhanraj G. B, C.S. Venkatesha |  |
248 | Secure Data Access on Distributed Database using Skyline Queries -Sumayya CK, M. Natarajan |  |
249 | Hashxplorer-A Distributed System for Hash Matching -Md. Amdadul Bari, Rabeya Sultana, Silvy Rahman Urmi, AKM Bahalul Haque |  |
250 | Effect of Different Soil Conditions on Seismic Response of Multi-Storey Irregular Model using STAAD Pro. V8i -Barkha Verma, Anurag Wahane |  |
251 | Chronic Kidney Disease Prediction based on Naive Bayes Technique -Amogh Babu K A, Priyanka K, Raghavendra Babu T M |  |
252 | Performance and Characteristics of Bacterial Concrete -G. Jayarajan, S. Arivalagan |  |
253 | Development of a Modified Tesla Turbine -Palle Anirudh, Shashank D. L |  |
254 | Image Fusion using Lifting Wavelet Transform with Neural Networks for Tumor Detection -T. Prabhakara Rao, B. Rama Rao |  |
255 | Performance Evaluation of Irrigation Projects -Reeta Joshi, Dr Rohit Bhati, Jagdish Kandpal |  |
256 | Seismic Analysis and Design of Multistorey Building in Different Seismic Zones by using ETABS -P. Rajeswari, A. Koti Neelakantam |  |
257 | Study of Effects of Design of the Montessori Space on Child’s Cognitive Development -Muskan Matani, Ekta Purandare |  |
258 | Study of Backpacker Hostel and their Basic Requirements -Jasmeet Kaur Tuteja, Ruchika Sharma |  |
259 | Voice Assistant for Visually Impaired People -Nishank M. Tembhurne, Sumedh V. Vaidya, Afrin Shiekh, Swapnil Dravyakar |  |
260 | Design, Analysis and Comparison between the Conventional Materials with Composite Material of the Leaf Springs -Girish H C, K M Purushotama |  |
261 | Application of Information Technology and Serious Games in Education -Galya Georgieva-Tsaneva |  |
262 | Dual Speed Control of Underwater Auxiliary Propulsion using BLDC Motor -G. Narresh, N Prema Kumar |  |
263 | Laboratory Investigation on the Strength Property of Field Collected Coal Samples -Abhishek Kumar Tripathi, Satyajeet Parida |  |
264 | Kids Learning Zone a 3D Android Application -Shivkumar Hegonde, Sanket Walke, Sai Shivaram Marapalli, Chandan Prasad, Pallavi Zutshi |  |
265 | Static and Modal Analysis of Jeffcott Rotor under Low Volume Conditions -Veeresha Kallamat, K M Purushothama |  |
266 | Solid Waste Management Plan for an Academic Institution: A Case Study -Akshay Mishra, A.K. Saxena |  |
267 | Literature Review on Energy Storage Materials -N Vinaykumar |  |
268 | Design and Development of Cost Effective Real Time Soil Moisture based Automatic Irrigation System with GSM -S. S. Mane, M. S. Mane, U. S. Kadam, S. T. Patil |  |
269 | Finite Element Analysis Comparison of Spur Gears between Standard Tooth Profile and Modified Profile -Ajinkya Mali, Rahul Marne |  |
270 | Study of Forced Convection Evacuatedtube Solar Grape Dryer -Shantnu, Somvir Arya |  |
271 | Development of Portable Device for Measurement of Blood Glucose, Temperature and Pulse-Oximeter using Arduino -Varsha Apar, R.M. Autee |  |
272 | Design &Analysis of Parabolic Trough Collector on Effect on Nano-Fluids -Deepak Dhull, Somvir Arya |  |
273 | Experimental Investigation of Performance and Emission Characteristics of Single Cylinder Diesel Engine using Jojoba Biodiesel and their Blends with Diesel -Manjunatha, C.H. Biradar |  |
274 | Effectiveness of Different Crack Depth at Various Locations of Steel Frame Structure -Vivek, Manjunath N Hegde |  |
275 | Treatment of Sugar Industry Wastewater by Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor -Saba Mohammad Ayub, Rachana M Madiwalar, Rohit I Gaddikerimath, Soumya S Shingennavar, Rahul. R. Bannur |  |
276 | Effect of Addition of Crumb Rubber on Physical and Mechanical Properties of M-40 Grade Concrete -Nayeem Ahmad Reshi, Sameer Malhotra, Sohan Singh |  |
277 | Analysis and Design of Regular and Irregular Buildings -Srishti Bhomaj, Parikshit Ghodake, J.P. Patankar |  |
278 | Assessment of Slope Stability in Opencast Coal Mines using Software -Tavitinaidu. P, Anupam Bhatnagar |  |
279 | Effect on Compressive Strength of Concrete by Addition of Polypropylene Fiber in M20 Grade of Concrete -Gursharan Singh, Harish Kumar, Geetinder Kaur, Jaspreet Singh |  |
280 | Enhanced Image Encryption System using Blowfish and Randomization Methods -Vincent, Tamaramiebi D, Njoku, Celestine N, Zuokemefa, Enebraye P |  |
281 | A Comparative Forecasting Analysis of ARIMA Model Vs Random Forest Algorithm for a Case Study of Small-Scale Industrial Load -Subrina Noureen, Sharif Atique, Vishwajit Roy, Stephen Bayne |  |
282 | Assessment of Coal Through Analysis of Various Properties of Coal Sample and Prognosis of Calorific Value by Artificial Neural Network -B. Rakesh, S.C Jain |  |
283 | An Experimental Study on Effect of Curing Temperature on Geopolymer Concrete using Foundary Sand -Mehmood Ahmad Beig, Sameer Malhotra, Arpan Chabba |  |
284 | Review Paper on Belleville Spring through Numerical and Simulation Approach -Ritika Bhamore, Purushottam Kumar Sahu |  |
285 | A Review of Power Control Strategies for DFIG based Wind Energy Conversion System -Saba Hussain, Shilpi Sahu, Vishnu Kumar Sahu |  |
286 | Use of Recycled Poly Lactic Acid (PLA) Polymer in 3D Printing: A Review -Claytan Peter Fernandes |  |
287 | Free & Generic Facial Attendance System using Android -Vaishnavi Hava, Seema Kale, Arun Bairagi, Chandan Prasad, Sagar Chatterjee, Anish Varghese |  |
288 | Mindfulness in Smart Way with SMRTI an Android Application -Shani Sahu, Sneha Mule, Shubhangi Katariya, Anish Varghese, Chandan Prasad, Pallavi Zutshi |  |
289 | An Evaluation of Hybrid Machine Learning Classifier Models for Identification of Terrorist Groups in the Aftermath of an Attack -Peter Opiyo Oketch, Muhambe Titus Mukisa, Makiya Cyprian Ratemo |  |
290 | Design and Implementation of IoT based Greenhouse Environment Monitoring and Controlling System using Arduino Platform -Devanath S, Hemanth Kumar A.R, Rachita Shettar |  |
291 | Smart Ship Detection using Transfer Learning with ResNet -Richa, Richa Joshi |  |
292 | Utilization of Bottom Ash in Hydraulic Stowing for Replacement of Sand and Fly Ash -V. Vinod Kumar, Anupam Bhatnagar |  |
293 | Estimating Crushing Force of Cone Crusher using Analytical Method -Prashant P. Deshpande, K. K. Dhande |  |
294 | A Review - Optimization of Castellated Beam with Stiffener -Chetan Thakur, Ashwin Hardiya |  |
295 | Nutrient and Pest Management through Nanotechnology -Reeta Joshi, Rohit Bhati, Jagdish Kandpal |  |
296 | Dynamic Emotion Recognition and Emoji Generation -Pradnya Bhor, Ashwini Raut, Sachin Kate, Anurag Salve, Chandan Prasad |  |
297 | Literature Review on Smart Flower and Agricultural System -Ekeshwari A. Rangari, Akash S. Rathod, Swati P. Unhale, Swarangini S. Sapat, Abhijeet D. Madeshwar |  |
298 | Design for Navigation of Underwater Remotely Operated Vehicle -Yashas Shetty, Saurabh Shetty, Arnav Wayade, Ekta Akadkar |  |
299 | Review of Power Quality Problem Improvement by Integration of Solar PV Panel and DFIG Wind Farm System with UPQC -Priyanka H. Kadam |  |
300 | Design of Border Alert System for Fishermen using GPS -Dedeepya Nelluru |  |
301 | Effectiveness of Residual Disinfectant in Distribution System for Belagavi City South-A Case Study -Ashwini. B. Hubballi, Arjun. S. Virupakshi |  |
302 | Effective Technique for Optimizing Timestamp Ordering in Read-Write/Write-Write Operations -Obi, Uchenna M, Nwokorie, Euphemia C, Enwerem, Udochukwu C, Iwuchukwu, Vitalis C |  |
303 | Digitization not a Choice but a Necessity for the Indian Banking Industry -Pritha Chaturvedi |  |
304 | Enhanced Biodiesel Production using Eggshell as the Catalyst -Irene Wilson, Nusaif Sajith, Pranav Santhosh, Safa Ashraf |  |
305 | Soil Stabilization by using Waste Material - Brick Dust -Pooja Pardakhe, Preeti Ban |  |
306 | Epidemiology of Parkinson’s Disease in Africa -Aswath S, Vignesh K R |  |
307 | Design &Analysis of Parabolic Trough Collector on Effect on Nano-Fluids -Deepak Dhull, Somvir Arya |  |
308 | Thermal Investigation of Solid Desiccant Wheel based Dehumidification used in Air Conditioning -Bhatu Borane, V.H. Patil, Archis Phansalkar, Tushar Koli |  |
309 | Rotor Dynamic Analysis of Driving Shaft of Dry Screw Vacuum Pump -Mohd Maaz Khan, P Shailesh, M. Prasad |  |
310 | Dynamic Analysis on Vibration Grader -Mohd Zaheer Ali, P. Shailesh, M. Prasad |  |
311 | Applications of Lean Six Sigma -Swati Sabale, Santosh Thorat |  |
314 | Interactive Image Segmentation with Seed Propagation -Korupolu Narasimha Murthy, Karumuri Raja Sekhar |  |
315 | Experimental Investigation of Flow through Perforated Plate in Conical Diffuser and Analysis of its Pressure Distribution -Shahul Hameed N, Stefaniya M |  |
316 | Study of the Strength Characteristics of the Soil Processed with Fly Ash and Recron 3S -Rajender Kumar, Nasir Ali, Abhishek Sharma |  |
317 | A Novel Technique for the Transmission of Digital Data through Bandlimited Channel using Multi-Antenna Approach in the Presence of Channel Fading -Debolina Dey, Shrestha Roy, Medha Saha, Kalyan Chatterjee |  |
318 | Data Visualization and Stock Market and Prediction -Ashutosh Sharma, Sanket Modak, Eashwaran Sridhar |  |
319 | Tailoring Management System using AR and 3D Modeling -Sushant Bansode, Jitendra Sulgekar, Vaibhav Khandagale, Chandan Prasad, Anish Varghese |  |
320 | Scandroid: A Machine Learning Approach for Understanding Handwritten Notes -Mukund Kulkarni, Swapnil Vhaile, Niranjan Doiphode, Chandan Prasad, Anish Varghese |  |
321 | A Review on Design and Fabrication of a Solar Roadways -Kohak P. G, Kandake R. A, Patekar V. P, Ghorpade D. S |  |
322 | Comparison Review on Autonomous Vehicles Vs Connected Vehicles -Arun Kumar. N |  |
323 | Adsorption Air Conditioning for Automobiles using Waste Heat Recovered from Exhaust Gases -Nazia Jasmine |  |
324 | SMART GRID: The Internet of Electrical Energy System -Shubham A. Shriwas, Vaishnavi G. Dhole |  |
325 | The Digital Art of Story Telling -Swati Sah, Piyush Biswas, Pooja Bachhewar, Pooja Pawar, Sagar Sawant, Chandan Prasad |  |
326 | A Review Article on Study Analysis of T-Beam Bridges by Finite Element Method and Courbon’s Method -Preeti Ban; Pooja Pardakhe |  |
327 | Design & Experimental Investigation of Flue Gas and Combustion Control System for Single Pass Evaporator for Generating Steam from Multiple Solid Fuels -V. Bhogeseara Rao, Peesari Srikanth |  |
328 | Influence of Coal Tar Epoxy Paint on Concrete Exposed to Sulfate Exposure -Abdullah Ahmed Laskar, Parth Ghosh |  |
329 | An Introduction to Wireless Sensor Networks, its Challenges and Security -Neha Barthwal, Shashank Barthwal |  |
330 | Photo Restoration using Multiresolution Texture Synthesis and Convolutional Networks -Gunturu Pradeep Chandra, K. Rajasekhar |  |
331 | Comparative Study of Effect of Varying Span Length on Major Elements of Metro Bridge -Nilesh Shadunkey, Rashmi Sakalle |  |
332 | Wearable AI Device for Blind -Mugesh Yadav. R, Dhivakar. G, Mohamed Rizwan. T, Aravindh. J, Vishnupriyanka. R |  |
333 | Wide Angle View for Visually Impaired -Abirami. B, Muhamed Arif. M, Pavithra. K, Ramya. B, Balasundaram. B |  |
334 | Crop Pest Detection and Classification by K-Means and EM Clustering -Madhuri Devi Chodey, Humera Tamkeen |  |
335 | Deep Dive into Augmented Reality -Nishita Panchal, Seema Shah |  |
336 | Role of Different Data Mining Techniques for Predicting Heart Disease -Jyoti Thakur, Munish Katoch |  |
337 | Improvement of Clayey Soil Performance using Stone Column Reinforced with Circular Geogrid Discs -K.M. Girija, Hamza Sohail, Ayyaz Ahmed Sagri, Mohammed Abrar Ahmed, Md Zubair Khan |  |
338 | A Review Paper on Improving Durability of Self Healing Concrete -Vitthal Ahirkar, Manish Bhatkar |  |
339 | Modeling and Control of Three Phase BLDC Motor using PID and Fuzzy Logic Controller -Manjusha D. Hedau, Harish D. Mude, P.V. Pullawar |  |
340 | A Review Paper on Application of Bacillus Subtilis Bacteria for Improving Properties and Healing of Cracks in Concrete -Shrikant Rajendra Muramkar, Manish Bhatkar |  |
341 | Study of Floods Risks using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems: Case Study Omdurman, Sudan -Abdelrahim Elhag, Badria Ali, Aboalbashar Ali |  |
342 | Improved Identity-based Anonymous Broadcast Encryption with Chosen Ciphertext Security -Iwuchukwu, Vitalis C, Nwokorie, Euphemia C, Okolie, Stanley A, Obi, Uchenna M |  |
343 | Experimental Analysis of Durability of Pervious Concrete by using Crushed Seashells -V. Jithendra Sai, M. Praveen Kumar |  |
344 | Decentralized Freelancing System - Trust and Transparency -Mihir Gandhi, Priyam Shah, Devansh Solanki, Mihir Shah |  |
345 | A Comparative Research of Rule based Classification on Dataset using WEKA TOOL -Daman Preet Kaur, Parminder Singh |  |
346 | Review Paper on of Single Point Cutting Tool with Taguchi Robust Approach -Vipin Khore, Purushottam Kumar Sahu |  |
347 | Improvement of Voltage Stability by Placing UPFC using Fuzzy Logic -G. Sudeep, V. Suryanarayanareddy |  |
348 | Three Phase Line Fault Detection using Artificial Neural Network -Pallavi V. Pullawar, V.G. Neve |  |
349 | Transmission Line Congestion Management using Hybrid Fish-Bee Algorithm with IPFC -Chandana Doddala, Vemireddy Suryanarayanareddy |  |
350 | Fatigue and Static Thermal Analysis of Brake Disc for SAE based Cars -Mahadevaswamy, H S Manjunath, Sathish S, Sharath Kumar S N |  |
351 | Effect of Lateral Load on Moment Resisting Frame and Shear Wall in Multi-Storey Regular Frame Structure -Muhammad Abul Kalam Azad, Sajedur Rahman, S.M. Khalid Chowdhury |  |
352 | A Smart Car: Synergetic Combination of Low Cost Multiple Sensors for Safety and Accident Prevention -Ankur S Mahajan, Krishnamurthy Bhat |  |
353 | Study about the Elements of Bathroom Design -Ruchika Sharma |  |
354 | Multiple Project Execution System for a Construction Contracting Organization -Ekta Purandare |  |
355 | An Efficient Cross-Layer Cooperative Diversity Optimization Scheme Together with Del-Cmac for Lifetime Maximization and Energy Efficiency in Manets -M. Lakshmi Priya, K. Saravanan |  |
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